U.S. Supreme Court Expected to Release Two Election Law Decisions on July 1

The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to release its last two opinions for the term on Thursday, July 1. They are both election law cases.
See this story.


U.S. Supreme Court Expected to Release Two Election Law Decisions on July 1 — 14 Comments

  1. That is a miracle. Seems when it comes to deciding election law cases the Supreme Court buries their head in the sand like an ostrich.

  2. 1965 VRA — one more communist law subverting 15th Amdt –

    which ONLY stops a DIS-qualification of being an Elector-Voter based on race, color or having been an ex-slave —

    obviously derived from 14-2 Amdt.

    NOOOO election results about candidates or issues in the 15th Amdt.

    Congress hacks too evil moron stupid, as usual, since 1870 —

    unable to have 100 years in jail and regime / officer bankruptcy for 15-1 Amdt violations —

    or even the super more drastic DEATH PENALTY.

    How vague is *race* and *color* NOW ???

    See olde moron 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, etc. race/color cases in olde pre-1870 courts —

    in other areas besides being an elector/voter – marriage, resident, etc.

  3. The thing that I have always noticed about July is that it sounds the same as “Jew lie.”

  4. Jax: That depends upon a person’s accent. I pronounce July, “Juh lie” with the emphasis on the second syllable.

    My experience is that Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, and Atheists lie at about the same rate. And when they do lie it is because of individual reasons and absolutely not because the liar belongs to a particular group. The idea that this group or that group are liars because they are members of the group is ridiculous.

  5. Stock, shouldn’t you be making coffee instead of trolling around here? No wonder your Motel 6 has so many terrible reviews.

  6. Disco Stick: There is nothing in Judaism that requires lying to non Jews. It is not part of their faith. That is a lie that you are telling.

  7. Disco Stick: One can become a Jew by conversion or from being born to a Jewish mother. There are no other methods

  8. I have put out the coffee at the hotel this morning. Several people have enjoyed it so far. In the 12 years that I have worked here only two people have told me that they did not like the coffee. They both said they preferred coffee like you get at Starbucks instead of regular coffee.

  9. Robert Suck is a satanist, which is another religion that practices lying. The Jews Talmud and Muslims Quran tell them to lie. Atheists of course can lie, because they have no morality and can do anything they want including murder, rape, rob, torture, screw little kids and animals, you name it. Just look at what happened with countries like Cambodia, the Soviet Union and the Chicoms. They murdered hundreds of millions of people, and it’s still going on. Just last year, the Chicoms stole our US election and installed their puppet as the US president. There is nothing that says it’s OK to lie in the Christian Bible. I don’t even know what book Buddhists use or what they believe really, other than that they grow they smoke a lot of pot, which they call Buddha.

  10. The Jew vaccine will definitely turn you into a Jew. Wearing masks long enough could turn you into a Chinaman or a homosexual, or both. If you smoke too much pot you could turn into a Buddhist.

  11. I would not trust satanists to put out the coffee. It could be laced with something like PCP, bath salts, or date rape drugs.

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