New Hampshire Supreme Court Strikes Down 2018 Restriction on Voter Registration

On July 2, the New Hampshire Supreme Court unanimously struck down a law passed in 2018 that makes it more difficult to register to vote. New Hampshire Democratic Party v Secretary of State, 2020-0252. Here is the 19-page opinion.


New Hampshire Supreme Court Strikes Down 2018 Restriction on Voter Registration — 18 Comments

    By James Ogle [One], volunteer vote counter

    Titanoboa [Libertarian] FL/Write-in Your Name [Libertarian/Write-in Your Party] 2024

    Espinosa 1Libertarian CA/Treibert CO [Libertarian GOO/Libertarian] 2024

    Draft Swift 1Libertarian TN/Schaefer 1Libertarian WA [Democratic/Libertarian] 2024

    James/Taylor (925) 376-9265/1Libertarian [Republican/Democratic] 2024

    Espinosa 1Libertarian CA/Ogle 1Libertarian CA [Libertarian GOO/One] 2024
    * * *

    Teleconference will include updates on Kabul IP Senator Ajmal Kahn [Independent] and Facebook Live audio video and text.

    Join the live telephone conference being broadcast in Facebook.

    For more information use the phone number on the “contact us” link,

    Paper ballots are to be marked, mailed, received and recorded for Unity Platform USA.
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    Be Positive
    By CEO Buck Rogers [Conservative]

    If you fail, never give up because F.A.I.L. means “first attempt in learning” ..end is not the end in fact E.N.D means effort never dies..if you get no as an answer remember N.O actually means next lets be positive.
    * * *

  2. Any history of REGISTRATION stuff – in Consts and laws ???

    This AIN’T 1776 when folks may have known their local folks.

  3. Courts have been brain dead a LONG tine about *facial* uncon laws.

    Specific parties [with *class action* possible stuff] – specific laws – specific times and places

    — acts or omissions.

    YES or NO violations in specific cases.

  4. Democrats do need to be labeled, so they can eventually be rounded up and punished.

  5. Sad that Darryl Perry has become a shill for the Democrat Party. Remember when he was a “southern patriot” and said he would’ve gladly voted for George Wallace (the governor, not the comedian) if given the chance?

  6. Annoying trolls are not “everyone I disagree with” and much like Darryl I am far from a Democrat.

  7. Personally, I had a good interaction with Darryl on Twitter. Fake name “Jo” an obvious cyberpig account is clearly a Democrat.

  8. Calling people pigs and Democrats without evidence shows why you deserve to be blocked. I am not anywhere close to being a Democrat, and you are the pig. BTW your name is also fake, hypocrite.

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