New York City Board of Elections Posts Unofficial but Virtually Complete Democratic Primary Election Returns

The New York city Board of Elections webpage has these election returns for the June 2021 Democratic primary for Mayor and other city office. It shows that Eric Adams has won, with 50.5% of the voters voting for him in at least one of the rounds. The counting required eight rounds.


New York City Board of Elections Posts Unofficial but Virtually Complete Democratic Primary Election Returns — 58 Comments

  1. That’s a shame. Kathryn Garcia would have been a better mayor, and maybe Will be in the future.

  2. Was it worth the wait?


    It was not. The wait simply undermined the people’s faith in Democracy. It was the same result that would’ve happened had they done it the usual way.

  3. Does it really matter? NYC is a cesspool, and electing another communist won’t change things.

  4. If New York had not used ranked choice voting, there probably would have had to be a runoff primary in six weeks, which would involve a lot more waiting than under ranked choice voting.

  5. If the results showed a runoff necessary then at least the people would find out immediately. There wouldn’t be any delay with questions about something nefarious happening. Then when the runoff occurred the people would find out who won the primary the same day they voted. No funny business.

  6. We need everyone to pray for a miracle for Curtis Sliwa to win. A lot of people thought Donald Trump could not win but through the power of God and Jesus he won two massive landslide victories but got cheated. With the Lord all things are possible and He may just send us an Angel if we all pray hard enough.

  7. Sometimes non-Ranked choice voting systems don’t allow us to know who won on election night. In November 2000 the Florida presidential race was so close, it wasn’t settled until December 12, 2000.

  8. PCTS of VALID votes –
    1+2+3+4+5 ???

    PCTS of INVALID votes ???

  9. Well, the self-proclaimed “Fact Checker” (about as right as the self-proclaimed “Forensicator”) is agin it, so you know it worked well. And, it did. And, D.u.M. Shïte, delays for military ballots etc mean that a close race in FPTP voting also isn’t decided overnight.

  10. the result may be close to the FATAL 34-33-32 RCV example —-

    34 AMZ
    33 ZMA
    16 MZA
    16 MAZ

    A / Z extremists
    M *moderate*

    NONPARTISAN execs/judics via Appv — pending Condorcet = RCV done right.

  11. Roughly 140,000 ballots were loaded onto trash barges and taken out to sea and dumped.

    Of the other 11 candidates, 46% preferred Garcia, 25% Adams, and 30% said they didn’t care, or couldn’t figure out the ballots.

    The margin between Adams and Garcia was 6.0% of the total discarded ballots. Garcia won 65.0% of the votes that did transfer to the final two.

    If the exhausted voters would have gone 53% for Garcia, she would have won.

  12. NOOOO ****partial*** returns >>> total conspiracy machinations

    Eric Adams wins NYC’s Democratic mayoral primary, a direct path to winning City Hall

    last para —

    The Adams, Garcia and Wiley campaigns have all filed legal actions seeking the right to review the ranked-choice vote tally. Any manual recount would be expected to take weeks.
    ENDLESS counting of ballots ???

    What if RCV was used for USA Prez/VP elections ???

    — still be counting from 2020 election ???

  13. Approval voting would have been quicker, if speed is what voters prefer.

  14. Jim Riley, what 140k ballots are you talking about? The test ballots? Please explain.

  15. Andrew Yang should be the mayor. Votes are unsettled, big mess. Make Yang your mayor. Then everybody gets money every month and everybody happy.

  16. The Ashgabat Penis Party demands a full investigation into the irregularities in the primary. We believe the election was stolen from the rightful winner the honorable Andrew Yang.

  17. JR —

    NOOO official regime dumping in ocean allowed any more ???

    ONLY NY mafia illegal dumping of mafia felony murder victims —
    and cover-up cop killings ???

    Floating bodies/trash shows up in Sargasso Sea gyro dump in N. Atlantic Ocean ???

  18. Yang and Eric Adams aren’t even close to communists, stop spreading outright misinformation.

    However, if leftists would like to vote for an actual socialist this November in New York City, Cathy Rojas is running as an independent, and she’s a member of the Party for Socialism and Liberation. If I was in New York, she’d get my vote.

  19. Everyone laughed at Yang about his monthly stimulus check of $1,000 when he ran for President. Now, a lot of people think its a good idea. I think he would make a terrific Mayor.

  20. Election was fubar so let’s just make Yang mayor, get money in everyone pocket, make everybody happy.

  21. Make Americans Thing Harder. That is an excellent message! A lot of Americans need help. When they get bag of money every month they get happy, their thing get harder, they get a bulge in their pocket, get girl and make bang bang. Then everybody happy.

  22. All the Democrats and half the Republicans are communist. That is a fact. Especially in an open sewer like New York City.

  23. Under capitalism if you’re not a capitalist boss, you’re a wage slave. If you have land and capital you are “free” but for the vast majority of the people we don’t have those. So we are wage and rent slaves to the 1%. The only way we can be free is through communism.

  24. UBI is not communism but it’s a good first step. Under real communism everyone gets the same rations and is assigned a job and allocated a place to live. UBI just gives people a survival minimum but lets them earn more if they want. So some people would still have more than others, for now.

  25. Go away commie. Stop spreading your lies. Ever been to North Korea, Venezuela or Cuba? People are dirt poor and miserable, while the government is rich and oppressing people.

  26. You are the one spreading lies. Capitalism, imperialism and colonialism have created plenty of poverty and misery all over the world, even in the rich countries, and especially in the poor ones. Capitalists oppress people. Have you been to the countries you mentioned yourself? How about Mexico or Haiti or any number of others. You are an ignorant lying fash.

  27. I can see from these returns that recounts in close elections using RCV can get really complicated. This is one reason that I have a preference for approval voting.

  28. First commie – evil jealous Cain killing Abel.

    Super-easy to be a commie looter of the assets and income of other folks.

    Took mere 1917-1991 to loot the olde commie Russia/USSR into econ doom.

    How many dead/slaves in W. China ??? — Islam areas.

  29. “Capitalism, imperialism and colonialism have created plenty of poverty and misery all over the world”

    The actual history of the world since about 1800 has been massively positive for the great bulk of humanity. I don’t that it’s coincidental that capitalism really got underway during this period.

    Even Karl Marx acknowledged the great increase in material wealth that has occurred under capitalism. He just had his fantasy that if the working classes took it all over, it would continue to produce such an abundance of wealth that communism would be achieved.

  30. WZ —





  31. Yes, if the working class took it over, prosperity would continue to be achieved and would go to everyone, instead of some people being poor and some rich. We still have millions of people starving to death and many more barely surviving in this new wealthier world of multibillionaires.

  32. The working class produces all this wealth. It’s the capitalists who are the real looters. They just steal on a massive scale legally. All of their wealth is stolen from those who produced it. It originates in unequal distribution of land, gangsterism, slavery, colonialism, and exploitation of workers.



  34. Looting looters isn’t looting. Move them into the Tombs and Rikers, or out to sea.

  35. @Sy,

    It was a metaphor.

    There were 937,699 ballots cast. The final result was

    Adams 403,333
    Garcia 394,907
    “Inactive” 139,459

    Adams 43.0%
    Garcia 42.1%
    “Inactive” 14.9%

  36. There is a lot of arguing here, a lot of boys not being happy. This is because they have no money in their pocket, no girl want to make bang bang with them, and their thing hangs limp like wet noodle. Give them money every month so they are happy and don’t argue, have a smile and a bulge in their pocket, get girl, take her to dinner, make bang bang, boy happy, girl happy, everyone smiling, nobody arguing. UBI and Yang is how everyone gets happy.

  37. Without the entrepeneurial class, there is no work for the working class.

  38. There’s plenty of work for the working class if they own the means of production.

  39. Wtf does that have to do with the NYC election or Ralph’s mom being Robert Stock?

  40. I think he’s trying to argue that the workers already own the means of production, which is ridiculous.

  41. Oh, yeah, that’s a nonstarter. The vast majority of corporate stock is owned by the superwealthy. That’s even more true of active voting stock when it comes to corporate governance decisions. Add privately held companies and there’s no argument to be made that workers own the means of production under capitalism.

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