New York Times Op-Ed Advocates Splitting California, Texas, Florida and New York Into Multiple States

Noah Millman has this op-ed in the New York Times, advocating that California, Texas, Florida and New York be broken up into several states. The rationale is partly for better government in those states, and partly because the idea would ameliorate the inequality caused by the Constitution’s provision that each state have two U.S. Senate seats.


New York Times Op-Ed Advocates Splitting California, Texas, Florida and New York Into Multiple States — 24 Comments

  1. From Wikipedia:

    “Some of the [Nathan] Norman campaign’s political stances included splitting California into four states, terraforming Mars for human colonization, and expansion of hydraulic fracturing in Siberia. [20]”

  2. Simply triple the number of Senators in all states and elect two Senators every two years from separate districts. Each district would elect one Senator every six years.
    Enlarge the membership of the House of Representatives which has been frozen by law since 1929 by a factor of at least six to 2610.

  3. Where have I heard this idea before?

    Maybe soon the NYT will come out in favor of the Wyoming Rule, too.

  4. NYT — NEW Age Reform MORONS at work.

    How about ABOLISH low pop States ??? WY, RI, etc. — filled with *provincial* brained extremists.

    Abolish the minority rule gerrymander USA Senate and Electoral College.

    USA regime – a LIMITED regime — mainly for joint national defense

    —- esp against foreign enslaver/killer monarchs/oligarchs.


  5. So you want to get rid of states against their will? You really are a retard. I say get rid of Michigan just because. How does that feel?

  6. MORE/LESS top POWER-MAD HACKS in ALL regimes ???

    Local regimes needed only for very local stuff – seasonal plants / animals — street parking, etc.

    DO NOT need a zillion regimes for major crimes- murder, robbery, etc. and torts (often connected with crimes).

    Mich – like most regimes- multiple local empires with multiple hacks — counties / olde townships / villages / cities — various separate higher/lower educ/skoool regimes.

  7. At first, the idea sounds ridiculous. Then, when you think about it. Why not? Virginia split in half during the Civil War (June 20, 1863) and two states were formed and the sky didn’t fall or ground open up.
    Start with Maryland: the area and culture from Baltimore stretched to Washington DC is totally different from Western Maryland and the Eastern Shore of Maryland.

  8. I just returned from Los Angeles County LP convention where I observed the usual violations of LNC principles and standards; censorship, systemic racism, communist-style elections and gerrymandering (“Regions 62, 63, 64, 65 as single-winner election districts) for the elections of the 16 execs.

    Our team was targeted specifically while attempting to vie and address those 34 delegates in attendance by vying for open seats but our voices were denied equal time and equal treatment.

    I nominated my name for the election of Vice Chair but Chair motioned that I cannot speak to the voters since I had already vied for Chair. I did get a round of applause for my two-minute speech about George Washington’s Article the First, how he had a military mind and that the 6457-party/caucus system has the same affect as Article the First.

    In 2019 Mises Caucus member Joshua Smith ran for State LP Chair and lost. Then he ran for at-large and spoke a second time.

    His three-male Mises Caucus slate then won all three seats knocking off Honorable VP nominee Gail Lightfoot’s seat and lowering female percent from around 28% to 21%.

    Now the LPLAC Chair Angela McArdle who is Mises Caucus member moved that I specifically could not speak a second two-minutes and no one from the floor objected but me. So there was no point for me to remain in attendance nor nominate my own name so I promptly left the convention.

  9. He knows it’s not Will Klatt because he knows it’s himself. And Andy probably knows this because he’s probably “fact checker”.

  10. I wouldn’t be opposed to splitting off everything from Orlando and Tampa and south. Too many Yankees and foreigners have moved down there. My family has been up here near the Georgia line in the real Florida for over 200 years.

  11. I would not mind seeing the Willamette Valley, now increasingly controlled by socialists and communists, amputated from the rest of Oregon.

  12. Commie ghetto cities/suburbs in ALL States from non-commie suburb/rural parts.

    Commies LOVE having tax SLAVES — the New Age form of olde unpaid slaves.

  13. If we eliminate the Senate the rationale for dividing the states comes down to there own decision for self governance. I agree that Texas and California are to large to give citizens an effective voice in the state government, but that is their internal concern.

    But the USA is clearly too large to have a legitimate democracy with an empowered citizenry. Lets give Hawaii, Alaska and offshore territories independence, then divide the continental states into a half dozen or so nations. We may need to create a few additional nations to honor Native American treaties. We could still form a North American Union, similar to the EU… being vigilant against the Union usurping national rights and sovereignty.

  14. Whîte Europeans born in the Americas are just as native as so-called “Native” Americans.

  15. “But the USA is clearly too large to have a legitimate democracy with an empowered citizenry.”

    That’s why we have a federal system. More smaller states would empower citizens. It’s absurd that California has more Reps in Congress than state senators.

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