Texas Legislature Opens Special Session and Hears Testimony About Bill to Make Voting More Difficult

The Texas legislature opened its special session on Thursday, July 8, and on Saturday, July 10, held a lengthy hearing on SB 1-E, the bill to make it more difficult for individuals to cast a ballot. See this story. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.

UPDATE: according to law professor Dan Tokaji, among many new changes and restrictions to the state’s electoral process, the bill would ban 24-hour voting and drive-through voting; prohibit election officials from proactively sending out absentee ballot applications to voters who have not requested them; add new voter identification requirements for voting by mail; limit third-party ballot collection; increase the criminal penalties for election workers who run afoul of regulations; and limit what assistance can be provided to voters.


Texas Legislature Opens Special Session and Hears Testimony About Bill to Make Voting More Difficult — 46 Comments

  1. Place bets on what time the ANTI-Democracy bill gets passed/signed by guv —

    Midnight, 3 AM, 5 AM, etc.

  2. It seems like cutting down on fraud would be a good idea, unless your a Democrat aka communist.

  3. If the bill didn’t make voting more difficult, it would pass unanimously.

  4. The testimony mentioned in the Daily Beast article explains graphically how the bill would make voting more difficult for some kinds of voters, especially people with limited mobility and no internet skills or access.

  5. The people’s daily beast cites a second hand report about a 17 year old kid who allegedly talked to an old man who doesn’t use the internet and doesn’t drive. The poor old guy, who may or may not exist, also doesn’t have any one who can drive him to go vote and doesn’t know who to call to get an absentee ballot. Are we supposed to believe the codger also doesn’t have a phone book or know how to call information? The whole story sounds like total bullshit that some commie kid made up.

  6. A 17 year old kid who grew up with the internet may well not know how to find a phone number without the internet. A senior citizen who still doesn’t have internet would know how to use a phone book or call information, because he’s done it his whole life. So, the most likely explanation is the kid made the story up. He should have been paddled in front of everyone for lying under oath.

    The only other, and far less likely, possibility is that the old man is completely senile, like Biden. If he can’t remember how to dial information or use a phone book, should he really have been allowed to vote? I think not.

    The inescapable conclusion is that the old fellow probably doesn’t exist, and if he does exist, he’s too mentally incompetent to be allowed to vote. Since commies use fraud to steal elections, we shouldn’t be surprised they would make up fraudulent testimony for the legislature as it considers common sense legislation to cut down on that fraud.

  7. There is no communist control over voting in a single neighborhood in this country, let alone a higher jurisdiction. This bill, in fact, plainly makes it harder to vote. Everyone who supports it should just admit they don’t care if it’s harder to vote, as they care more about the fraud cases that don’t matter than the people who should be able to vote and won’t/can’t do so in upcoming elections.

    We need to have automatic voter registration, send ballots by mail to every single voter (unless they unregister), and be done with this draconian laws to fight the ‘fraud’ that just disenfranchises voters with lesser means.

  8. Voting should be fair; but, not too easy. There has to be initiative on the part of the voter to get off the couch and maneuver themself to the polling place or request an absentee ballot. This crap about mailing ballots (except absentee) and drive-in voting is ridiculous. What’s next? Pay them a voter-stimulus check to vote! The states need to stop catering to the voter. The state has one job-make voting fair and accessible. Not slobber and beg the citizen to vote. I would think educating the voter to become s smart voter would be a priority.

  9. It doesn’t make it more difficult, unless you love fraud like the Democrats.

  10. “There is no communist control over voting in a single neighborhood in this country, let alone a higher jurisdiction.”

    That is a communist lie. Communists control many jurisdictions, but call themselves Democrats. All Democrats and rhino Republicans like Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are communists. They use fraud to win elections, and fraudulent testimony about nonexistent geezers being denied the right to vote to try to prevent worthy and good legislation. So it should be no surprise that they use fraudulent labels to disguise the fact that they are communists.

    “This bill, in fact, plainly makes it harder to vote.”,/i>

    The only example presented so far, doesn’t even pass the laugh test. Can you cite one real example of anyone it prevents from voting, that is actually a legitimate voter?

  11. ” fraud cases that don’t matter”

    So you believe fraud cases don’t matter? Thanks for admitting you support fraud, commie!

    “We need to have automatic voter registration, send ballots by mail to every single voter (unless they unregister)”

    Well if you’re going to go all in on fraud…why not just announce a communist dictatorship already? No thanks!

    “ALL mail ballots — OR, etc. survive”

    They’re ruled by commies. That should tell you something.

  12. Republicans are finally starting to take overdue action to contain the fraud, and the communist democrats don’t like it.

  13. The Texas commies are threatening to walk out. Too chicken to even debate or vote. Typical communists.

  14. Ian, Eddie, and Wes: If you would like to learn about Communism from actual members of the Communist Party USA then I suggest you watch the YouTube channel Good Morning Revolution.

    It is hosted by the co-chairs of the CPUSA. You will discover where Communists disagree with the Democratic Party and where Communists do agree with the Democratic Party.

    You will also discover that Communists and Democrats are not the same thing.

  15. Stock is once again trying to convince people he is not a communist when in fact he is. He admits to watching communist YouTube videos.

  16. Good Morning Revolution on YouTube is a very good source of information about what card carrying members of the CPUSA think and are doing. I watch it every Friday and highly recommend it.

    That does not make me a Communist. I have read the Bible from cover to cover, that does not make me a Christian. I have read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover, that doesn’t make me a Mormon. Wanting to learn about something is a very good thing.

  17. Your a communist. Why not just admit it. I know Satan compels u to lie but nobody’s buying.

  18. Cal: I am not a Communist because I believe in private property and reject that workers own the means of production.

    I do not believe in unfettered Capitalism. I think that the mixed economy that the United States has accepted since the 1930s is the best way.

    100% Socialism is bad and 100% Free Market Capitalism is equally bad. Use Pragmatism to mix the best of Socialism and the best of Capitalism.

  19. Whatever commie. You don’t believe in private property as you have stated before. You also believe in election fraud.

  20. Stock character is a dirty commie lying satan worshipper. Get this stockboy outta here.

  21. Also HB3 – more of same.

    Subject of TX Donkey state reps escaping TX to Devil City — quorum machination —

    due to MORON 2/3 quorum stuff in TX Const.

    TX – prime State for division esp East Texas – ex-slave area.

  22. Texas has had what is now known as curbside voting before there was widespread use of cars (see 1905 29th Legislature 1st C.S Chapter 11, Section 85). It was for those physically unable to enter the polling place.

    If a voter appeared at the regular polling place and could not the polling place, the election officials would take a ballot out to the entrance. It was never anticipated that voters would remain in their car and pass the voting device around. If nothing else it violates provisions against multiple persons in a voting booth.

  23. Texas counties administer early voting for the segregated partisan primaries. If they were to send out applications for mail ballots to voters it would influence voters to not attend conventions of minor parties. If a voter was seduced by a government official to vote in a primary and then attended a convention of the Libertarian, Green, Constitution, or SAM party they would be guilty of a criminal offense.

    Ever since American Party of Texas the grifter parties have worked to suppress alternative parties and increase the state subsidy of their operations. The Democratic and Republican parties believe they are stage agencies.

  24. Originally early voting in person was conducted at the courthouse and was intended for voters who would be absent on election DAY. Voters could either get a mail ballot, or vote in person if they would be out of town. Naturally voting was limited to regular hours of the county clerk.

    Later early voting was open to any voter. And still later it was required to be open for at least 12 hours in larger counties. The officials in Harris County abused that by interpreting “at least 12” to be up to 24 hours. By having such disparate hours among counties, you have an equal protection violation. The bill would limit the hours to between 6 AM and 9 PM. A mere 15 hours.

  25. They should go back to the original, voting at the courthouse, thanks for the history. And yes multiple people in a car is NOT OK!

  26. FLOW CHART for Voting — a YES/NO system — for each possible legal step.

    How many States surviving with ALL mail ballots ???

  27. Thomas: Utah is an all mail voting state. They aren’t Communist. And Utah has no widespread voter fraud just like there is no widespread voter fraud in any other state.

  28. Stock is a liar. Don’t believe a word he says. Sinning (such as lying) is part of Satanism.

  29. Egyptian God: Are you saying that Utah is not an all mail ballot state? Because it most certainly is.

  30. Alan: Utah became an all mail ballot state in 2012. They have never experienced any widespread voter fraud.

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