California Court Won’t Order Secretary of State to Print Gavin Newsom’s Party Affiliation on Ballot

On July 12, Sacramento Superior Court Judge James Arguelles ruled that California Governor Gavin Newsom may not have his party affiliation listed on the September 14 recall ballot. See this story.


California Court Won’t Order Secretary of State to Print Gavin Newsom’s Party Affiliation on Ballot — 30 Comments

  1. I’m actually amazed he didn’t get special treatment. Good ruling by Judge Arguelles.

  2. The comment from 7/12/21 at 7:20 PM is not from me, but I pretty much agree with it.

  3. I thought he was an American Independent. Or am I confusing him with someone else?

  4. It’d be odd for him to have been labelled a communist when he’s nowhere close to one, except in the minds of conservatives who erroneously think, due to misunderstandings of a huge nature, that being a Democrat magically means you’re a communist, even though the Democrats have been attacking the actual left for decades, like the liberals they are.

  5. I’m surprised he’s not on television in California crying about it. I wouldn’t label him a Communist; but, he is a DINO.

  6. The Political Compass certainly doesn’t think the Democrats are communist, and neither do I. Just about every single Democratic politician are actually capitalists who still support the so-called free market and only give lip service to unions because they donate to their party and campaign. At most they believe in reforming capitalism, not doing away with it entirely like socialists and communists do. Many Democrats don’t even support Single Payer health care, and that’s a policy which many still capitalist (but less radically so) countries in Europe and elsewhere have enacted decades ago.

    If anyone who still thinks the Democrats are communists want to see what actual communists are like, go do some research on parties like the PSL. The differences between them and the Democrats are obvious.

  7. The difference between them and the democrats is marketing. PSL tells you what their ultimate goals are. Their strategy is not to win elections, it’s to build a revolutionary cadre.

    The democrats have the same goals, but their strategy is to slowly spoon feed the public into accepting total dependence and slavery to the government step by step by step. Their strategy is called Fabianism and involves cultural Marxism. The idea is to penetrate institutions like education and media while slowly getting once free people hooked on government handouts.

    Both the democrats strategy and the psl strategy have their place in the communist toolbox. They work in tandem and different emphasis is put on different strategies as time and place present opportunities. Commies are like termites, slowly eating away at our foundation

  8. Nothing wrong with a government helping people during a crisis. The object is to ease the burden of suffering and misfortune and not cause additional anguish. A stimulus check is no different than FEMA helping hurricane, tornado and flood victims. You don’t worry about who is going to pay for it. You get through the crisis and then worry about it and address it and fix it. All you bullcrappers out there saying, “But what about future generations suffering and have to pay for it?” There won’t be future generations if people are evicted, starving, and homeless. Who wants to have kids living in a car or on the sidewalk?

  9. There’s always a crisis, and always a government program that lives on afterwards.

  10. The 7,000 signatures is not the ballot access petition requirement, it is the petition requirement if one does not want to pay the $4,000 and whatever filing fee.

    Another poster here has pointed out that due to the shortened petition signature gathering for this election, the petition to be exempted from the filing fee should be 700 and something signatures.

    Somebody ought to file a lawsuit over this.

  11. Thanks for the explanation, I was wondering about that. I agree, someone should sue.

  12. If it was a Libertarian or some other minor party candidate, who failed to fill out the paperwork to get one’s party label on the ballot in on time, I bet the court would not grant them any relief, so I am glad to see Gavin Newsom being held to that same standard.

    It is possible that having the Democratic Party label next to his name on the ballot could sway some weak minded people to vote for him who would not otherwise, as some people will votes for anyone with the words Democratic Party next to their name, so if the election is close, not having that label next to his name could cost him the election.

  13. I meant not have the Democratic Party label next to his name on the ballot could cost him the election.

  14. “Communist, liberal, democrat and left are all the same.”

    Republican, Constitution Partyist, theocrat and religious fascist are all the same. (Libertarians are capitalism fascists.) #fify

  15. Republican, Constitution, Libertarian, Tea Party, Patriot, Nationalist, America First, MAGA, Right Wing = LESS government, MORE FREEDOM

    Communist, leftist, socialist, Marxist, progressive, woke, politically correct, democrat, liberal, fascist, Nazi, feminazi, burn loot murder, antifa = LESS FREEDOM, MORE GOVERNMENT

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