California Bill Making Modest Liberalization of Ballot Access for New Parties Advances

On July 12, the California Senate Elections Committee passed AB 446 by 4-1. This is the bill that lowers the petition for a new party from 10% of the last gubernatorial vote, to 3% of the last gubernatorial vote. It also permits a new party to use a party name that had in the past been used by an earlier group.

In California, the petition procedure for new parties is almost never used. Almost every new party instead chooses to use the registration method, which requires a group to persuade apprpximately 70,000 individuals to register into the new group. Therefore the impact of easing the party petition is very minimal.


California Bill Making Modest Liberalization of Ballot Access for New Parties Advances — 8 Comments

  1. Quotas for candidates to appear on a state monopoly ballot is censorship of voter choices and, as unconstitutional, should be abolished.

  2. The ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander regimes continue in full FORCE –

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL = oligarchy —

    ie commies / fascists at the top.

    MORON PARTY HACK senile Biden had his voting speech today —

    ZERO mention of the ANTI-Democracy gerrymander systems in ALL 50 State regimes and the USA regime– since 1776/1789.

  3. INDIVIDUAL persons are on ballots – NOT parties having a zillion members.

    EQUAL nom pets.

    ONE election Day.

    PR and APPV – pending Condorcet = RCV done right.

  4. I’d rather have parties on the ballot. With proportional representation, there’s no need to list candidates on the ballot at all, just parties. Let the voters rank parties (ranked choice). Let the parties pick candidates however they want, even after the election, to fill however many seats they win. The election can take place over a period of several weeks; in fact it pretty much has to if it’s all vote by mail, which it should be. The voters should get a nice thick pamphlet presenting each party’s statement, and statements for and against initiatives. They should then get plenty of time to read and study the pamphlets and either mail them in or drop them off in a drop box or government office.

  5. The garbage comment at 7:24 pm was made by Nathan Norman aka Fact Checker aka Egyptian God etc etc.

  6. As long as California has the “Top Two” system it really doesn’t matter whether ballot access is easier.

  7. It somewhat matters, since currently only the recognized parties can have ballot labels for their candidates, plus there’s presidential access, which is not subject to top two.

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