FiveThirtyEight.Com Analysis Says Changing Primary Systems Doesn’t Help Moderates Get Elected

Geoffrey Skelley, an elections analyst for, has this analysis of whether changing primary systems causes more moderate candidate to get elected. He summarizes the research and says, “no.”


FiveThirtyEight.Com Analysis Says Changing Primary Systems Doesn’t Help Moderates Get Elected — 180 Comments

  1. ALL primaries = ALL extremists 24/7.

    NOOOOO primaries.

    Equal nom pets.

    PR legis and APPV exec/judic

  2. And mixed-member proportional representation – which would cause parties to divide into new parties made of the old parties factions – would actually elect moderates. Repubs would divide into a nationalist party (the “Patriot Party” floated by Trump people would fill this role – although “National Party” would probably be a better name), a Christian Democratic Party, and a moderate party (likely still called the Republican Party). The Democrats would divide into a Social Democratic Party (still likely called the Democratic Party), a socialist party (Working Families Party would probably fill this role), and a democratic social party (an expansion of the Vermont Progressive Party to a national party could fill this role).

  3. Oh look, it’s commie alden back again. After announcing he was leaving in a huff. Dumbass, the Republican Party is the Trump Party now. Republicans who are not completely loyal to Trump will either need to get completely loyal and work extra hard to prove it, or else leave. We are the majority in this country. Soon we will be either a totally dominant party like United Russia, or the only legal party along the lines of the Fatherland Front in Austria before the Anschluss (look it up).

    Most Christians want nothing to do with democrats anymore, except some racial minorities, and even they are becoming Republicans now. There’s no difference between socialist, democratic socialist, social democrat and democrat. They are all Marxist commies, even the so called Christian democrats.

    The moderate party or nevertrumpers will never get anywhere under any voting system. They are a very low single digit percentage and shrinking. Leftist commie media love them as a propaganda talking point but otherwise hate them. Some of them are really rich, but they still can’t buy votes to save their lives. They’re going to have to either choose the Trump side or the Marxist side, or get crushed along with the commies. There’s no middle ground and zero room not to choose one of the two sides.

  4. Look at Bloomberg. He spent, what, a billion, and could not buy votes worth a shit. Americans Elect could not even recruit a candidate they weren’t too embarrassed to run, and then didn’t even try again. Evan mcmuffin probably got more interviews than votes, and then didn’t even try again. These people are losers, and no voting system would change them into a viable party. Well maybe id the MSM, deep state spooks, and billionaires were the only ones allowed to vote. Otherwise no.

  5. “We are the majority in this country”

    Then why Republicans haven’t won the popular vote since 2004?

  6. “Most Christians want nothing to do with democrats anymore, except some racial minorities, and even they are becoming Republicans now.”

    Biden won the majority of Catholics and non-Evangelical Christians.

  7. Vote fraud is the biggest reason. Until Trump ran, not having anyone worth voting for was also a big one.

  8. Although I do like how you admit that Republicans are fascists by comparing them to United Russia and the Fatherland Front. So at least you got one thing correct

  9. Because the Democrats rigged the vote in 2020. They probably rigged the vote in 2016 as well but were too inept.

  10. BTW enjoy now because the future is Democratic. Biden won voters in all age categories below 50.

  11. Biden is failing spectatularly. Forced vaccinations of the youth is not going to help.

  12. Dalton doesn’t know how to do anything except spread lies. United Russia is not, and Fatherland Front was not, anything like Mussolini or Hitler. Ludwig von Mises was in charge of the economy under the Fatherland Front. Russia today has free elections and free media. Fatherland Front and United Russia, and I should add the CSA, put Christ first. None of them were or are genocidal or totalitarian.

    Even writers like Mises and Hayek made a big distinction between totalitarian regimes like Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini versus pragmatic national conservative governments like Pinochet, Franco, Salazar, Fatherland Front and United Russia.

  13. The Fatherland Feont were clerical fascists. United Russia is led by an authoritarian dictator. Russia does not have free elections.

  14. Bruh you idiot. The Confederate States of America was one of the most totalitarian states in history. A state literally created to save slavery and they even had an internal passport system

  15. Dalton used ebonics to make fun of Big Dawg just because he’s African American.

  16. Dalton cites fake polls and fraudulent elections. He totally missed how badly the polls screwed up in 2016 and 2020 when they predicted Femocrat landslides both times. In reality, even after the massive vote fraud by the Dims both times, it wasn’t anything close to that.

    He also seems to have missed how Trump made big gains among black, Hispanic, female, and also college educated voters between two elections. He missed how many people voted for the first time, for Trump, both times. Or voted Republican for the first time ever. Or voted for the first time in decades. More and more people each time, and it will be even more going forward.

    Democrat future? THEY HAVE NO FUTURE.

  17. Republicans have won the popular vote a grand total of once from 1992 to 2020.

    The Republicans’ future has no popular support and instead relies on the undemocratic nature of the electoral college and Senate.

  18. Dalton obviously has no idea what a fascist or a dictator is. Or a racist for that matter. Lincoln was a racist and a dictator. He tried promising to preserve slavery. When that didn’t save the union he made a decree freeing slaves, but only in states he didn’t control. The whole time he promised to send blacks back to Africa. He arrested newspaper people and legislators, and it goes on and on. READ Thomas diLorenzo among many others.

    Like other leftists, Dalton is projecting his own racism and totalitarianism on those of us who aren’t.

  19. Keep lying to yourself Dalton. Racist dinosaurs like you are going extinct.

  20. Democrats failed to steal the popular vote once between 1992 and 2020. GET IT RIGHT. Meanwhile Republicans win more governor elections, more state legislature elections, more Senate elections, more county elections, more school board and sheriff’s elections, many times more House elections. And that’s after the Democrats cheat. A lot. All the time.

  21. Imagine being so delusional that you deny the Fatherland Front was fascist when they were literally backed by Mussolini and they members became Nazis after Germany annexed Austria.

  22. “Meanwhile Republicans win more governor elections, more state legislature elections, more Senate elections, more county elections, more school board and sheriff’s elections, many times more House elections.”

    The vast majority of the population lives in states controlled by Democratic governors and live in counties controlled by Democrats

  23. Democrats control large urban areas and look at how horribly they’ve done.

  24. LMAO at citing an article from 2013.

    How many were shot in Chicago last week?

    Oh yeah. You don’t care about Black people.

  25. Go continue lying to yourself about your failed Grandpa Biden with Xi’s hand so far up his butt it’s the only thing moving his senile catatonic brain and his lying lips. Dalton , u are a failed and very obvious propaganda shill. Your Chinese masters and Soros are not getting a good deal for whatever they pay you.

  26. You guys really need to get a new boogeyman besides Soros. You have been running with him for decades

  27. It is really boring arguing with right-wingers because you guys just parot the same talking points you have used since the Obama years

  28. Dems are the real racists
    Silent majority
    Crime is up
    Soros is evil
    Heritage not hate

    You guys really need to get new material

  29. Dalton, you idiot. Most Jews in Austria supported the Fatherland Front. They lost power only when Mussolini cited against them, and with Hitler, in favor of the Anschluss in return for Hitler supporting Mussolini’s wars in Africa.

    Mussolini worked to secularize Italy, as Hitler did in Germany. Eventually, Mussolini embraced Hitler’s views on Jews and race. Fatherland Front put Christ first. They also showed Christian tolerance towards Jews who found Christ or managed to act as relatively well mannered guests in Christian nations, the opposite of Hitler’s approach, which was to root out anyone with even partial Jewish ancestry, including many patriotic, Christian, conservative Germans.

  30. Wow , did Dalton have a breakthrough? At 740 he finally said some things that were true. Even though he didn’t really mean them.

  31. Even the liberal Washington Post says Dalton is a filthy liar:

    “The United States saw about 25 percent more homicides in 2020 than in 2019, based on preliminary data released by the FBI — the largest single-year increase in the homicide rate since reliable tracking began in 1960. The current rate — 6.2 homicides per 100,000 residents, if the same 25 percent increase is applied to last year’s rate — is the highest recorded in the United States in more than 20 years. In America’s largest cities and, in particular, the most economically disadvantaged neighborhoods within those cities, the rise in violence has been the most pronounced.”

  32. Also thank you Gary for just going on a massive anti-Semitic rant every five seconds

  33. Which part of all other crimes besides homicide are done do you not understand? The article you posted talks about homicides being up not all crime

  34. Dalton probably thinks Hayek was a fascist too. Who else was a fascist, Dalton? REAGAN? THATCHER? tell us some more of your funnies Soros shillboy.

  35. Either way I am done arguing with you idiots, but please comment as much as you want. I love seeing which of you can make the dumbest post possible

  36. Lol. That’s because cities aren’t prosecuting other crimes so they don’t get counted.

  37. Hitler was a pagan, moron. He worked to secularist Germany. He was a vegetarian,animal rights, astrological, environmentalist national SOCIALIST. You Dalton really are a freaking bad liar and need Jesus badly. The German Christian Church was just an attempt to control and twist Christianity to the Nazi tune. In private Hitler and all the top nazis looked down on and derided Christianity and called it a Jew religion for weaklings.

  38. Dalton gave up because he lost so badly. Let’s see how long it takes him to come back with more of bias bogus nonsense and lies.

  39. The Nazi party started out as the German Workers party and then became the national SOCIALIST German WORKERS PARTY. socialist workers party, right wing? Yeah right. What a bunch of malarkey. What would Dalton be telling us if he didn’t take his deflated ball home, that there is no border crisis or maybe that global warming is real? GIVE ME A BREAK.

    MUSSOLINI and Hitler were all about transforming society and a big, huge, massive national centralized government. They were for secularism and decreased power for the church, especially any church they did not control. They were for sidelining tradition and older people, what does that sound like to you? Sounds like a bunch of woke progressive leftists to me.

    Fatherland Front, Pinochet etc , were the opposite. They upheld tradition, Christ, faith and nation above all, cut government and allowed free enterprise to flourish. Contrary to Daltons lies none of them were or are racist or antisemitic and neither am I, but he is and he’s projecting when he throws out accusations. I bet he would accuse Jews like Rothbard, Rand, Gottfried, Block etc of being antisemitic and you can bet he’d say blacks for Trump and conservative Christian Republican blacks are race traitors. He’s actually the fake antiracist racist trying to accuse others to deflect from his own bigotry.

  40. The only thing that’s worse than Nazis or fascists is communists. They have killed at least ten times as many people, over 200 million in over a hundred years now, in dozens of countries on every continent.

    Hitler and Mussolini placed governments thumb on competing social institutions like business and religion, whereas communists just plain ban them out right and try to put government in there place as completely controlling every aspect and part of society.

    Leftists who don’t admit to being Marxist communists are just working to slowly get to the same place on the gradual installment plan . Boiling frogs slowly, or progressive. Progressing to what? An eventual 100 percent totalitarian commie dictatorship. All of their so called progress is toward bigger and bigger government and less freedom. Hitler and Mussolini were leftist progressives like the Fabian democratic socialists , social democrats etc.

    Along the way they hijacked terms like liberal and the Democrat Party, which both started out being nothing like them. But have been coopted for a hundred years plus now.

    They control education, media etc especially so they lie and tell everyone Nazis and fascists are far right conservatives and killed and enslaved more people than commies but in reality^ it’s the other way around.

  41. Who can make the dumbest posts possible? Dalton can find the answer to that by looking on the mirror!

  42. The CSA was one of the most totalitarian countries in history? All they did was defend their life, liberty, property, land, blood, honor, faith and freedom. States had every right to secede under the constitution and the principles set forth in the declaration of independence.

    The little known actual spark of secession was that the original Republicans didn’t want slavery expanded to new Western states and territories. SOUNDS noble right? Well actually they didn’t want free blacks getting a foothold there either, and many of them said so openly. Maybe that’s why many northern workers, Native tribes, Southern Jews and even free blacks were on the side of the South.

    One of the worst tyrannies in history is a pretty high bar given how many regimes have killed millions, tens of millions or more human beings, and tortured, robbed, raped, beat and abused how many more. WHO all did the CSA kill besides soldiers invading their land and seeking to prevent their independence much as the Brits did to the colonies in the American revolution. Guess what, those colonists seeking independence held slaves too, including in most northern states back then. Were they also one of the worst tyrannies in history?

  43. “The Nazi party started out as the German Workers party and then became the national SOCIALIST German WORKERS PARTY. socialist workers party, right wing?”

    Tell me is the Democratic People’s Republic of Korra a democracy or a republic? Also if Hitler was just a big left winger then how come the Social Democratic Party and the Communist Party opposed him. Or why Hitler decided to murder left-wingers and dedicated his life to destroying the Soviet Union.

  44. Biden won age categories up to 50 only through massive vote fraud. That is getting exposed thanks to the Arizona audit, aka the first domino.

    I have total faith through prayer that they will get wiser as they get older and that younger generations coming up behind them will have renewed nationalistic and patriotic fervor and renewed faith in salvation through the blood of Christ almighty. The blood that will cleanse our souls and our land of wickedness, evil and deceivers. Pray harder !

  45. “They also showed Christian tolerance towards Jews who found Christ or managed to act as relatively well mannered guests in Christian nations,”

    Gary this is massively anti-Semitic

  46. Oh look, Dalton came back as Jason . That’s funny. North Korea is democratic like the U.S. Democrat Party.

    Of course different factions of leftists, socialists, totalitarians hate and kill each other, like rival gangs or dictators and tyrants overthrowing each other. That’s not news and it doesn’t make them opposites.

  47. Show me one way that North Korea and the Ddmocratic Party are similar in any way

  48. The Nazis were not left-wing. They bravely fought against the tryanny of the Soviet Union, but the Jewishee controlled Allies attacked Hitler despite having supported him before.

    The oppressed peoples of the Soviet Union like the Ukrainians celebrated their Nazi saviors and fought against the Soviets

  49. It is amazing how you fascists just hang out in Richard’s comment section when he does not share a single view with any of you

  50. Aaand Dalton is already back under his own name again, still twisting the truth and spreading lies. LOLOLOL !

    If that’s antisemitic, most of the Jews in Austria were antisemitic. I don’t think so! Compare the options for Jews in Christian nations. They could live under Christian tolerance or under pagan/atheist intolerance. Nazis couldn’t care less if Jews accepted Christ, intermarried, became loyal patriotic Germans, and or good productive members of society and otherwise like average Germans. They hunted anyone with any Jew ancestry they could identify.

    Not in nearly 20 centuries of Christianity did any Christian nation do that to Jews. Jews were always welcome to accept Christ and be treated like all patriotic Christians, or to remain Jews . They were allowed to remain as guests in Christian countries, sometimes being kicked out for being badly behaved guests, and sometimes being welcomed to remain for being well behaved.

    It’s likely true that sometimes they were wrongly removed, and other times wrongly indulged and allowed to overstay their welcome for too long, but I’m sure you’ve done both to guests in your own home at different times, and have both done to you at different times.

    What are you suggesting instead, allowing guests to take over your house and run it, or stay as long as they want and do whatever they want, which is the same thing? Do you believe all nations belong to all nationalities and religions in common? That is the literal definition of communism.

    Do all houses belong to everyone in common too? Do you have a right to set rules according to your faith and your national traditions in your own home, or can guests claim equal or greater rights through squatting?

    Compare Christian tolerance to Jews with pagan and atheist intolerance. Egyptian pagans enslaved Jews. Babylonian pagans took them into captivity. Roman pagans stole their country, their home, and made them perpetual guests in other people’s countries for 19 centuries. They enslaved, crucified, and fed Jews and Christians alike to beasts or made them fight to the death for their amusement, and more.

    Marxists also gave Jews no path to redemption or acceptance, even though Marx and many early Marxists were Jews. They were stamped as Jews strictly on the basis of ancestry, which was not changeable. Stalin planned to force all Jews to move to a godforsaken gulag in Siberia called birobijan, something he also did to other ethnic groups.

    Starting with Stalin, Marxist, African and Islamic nations formed an alliance, ejected virtually all Jews and many Christians, and killed, dispossessed and imprisoned many others. They have fought relentlessly against Jews being allowed their own independent homeland. They have tried to conquer and terrorize that homeland over and over.

    And you claim it’s antisemitic to prefer Christian tolerance and showing love and acceptance to your guest as long as they follow your rules, along with a path to adoption into your family? In all seriousness, what exactly do you suggest instead? We know what the historical alternatives are, and what Jews preferred in Austria in the 1920s and 30s.

  51. North Korea and USA Democrats are both totalitarian Marxist communists who want total government control of everyone and everything at all times. Show me one way they are different.

  52. ANY primaries in the commie and fascist regimes —

    in picking the robot hacks in their ONE party so-called *elections* ???

  53. Jews are a vile people that ruin any country, but I agree with most of what Gary says. Jews should be forced out of all Christian countries.

  54. I bet William is Dalton showing his true colors. And Fuck off? I thought that’s what you said you would do, Dalton. Predictably and predictedly it did not take you long to go back on your word, showing yet again how you are an untrustworthy, unreliable, lying deceiver. Get thee behind me, Satan.

  55. Richard you should get rid of the comment section so that these racists, anti-Semites, fascists, and overall idiots can fuck off somewhere else.

  56. Gary you are going to hell. You, William, and all of your ilk are the worst in humanity. The day you croak humanity will be for the better

  57. Lol. Crybaby Dalton wants to get rid of the comments section when he loses an argument.

  58. Dalton if you believe in hell maybe you should be concerned since lying is a sin and you’ve done it many times on here.

  59. Gary you are almost there, but you need to remove the last of Hewish influence from yourself.

  60. Jews have always been accepted as Christians any time and place they converted to Christianity. Jesus and his disciples were Jews. Most Christians today have some Jewish ancestry because converted Jews were treated no different than any other Christian.

    If William believes that vileness stems from ancestry, not only is he most likely condemning himself along with most of us, but he is rejecting the gospel of Christ which leaves the door of salvation open to all who accept Him regardless if their ancestry.

    There can be no Christian nation without that gospel of Christ, which is why the Nazi run German Christian Church was a heretical abomination as well as a cynical deception by demonic pagans and atheists to control and twist Christianity.

    It is however true that the Soviet union was even worse. The West should have never allied with the Soviets , but should have fought against both them and the Nazis, or fought the communists first and then the Nazis. Given that the insane and suicidal alliance with the Soviets occurred, no peace with the Soviets should have been allowed after the Nazis were defeated.

    But the best course would have been for America to fight both red Russia and imperial Japan and stay out of Europe. I believe Russia could have been liberated from the east, along with Asia. Europe could have been liberated last, and Britain could have held off the Nazis without U.S. help.

  61. Vileness comes from rejecting Christ, either as a group or individually. That includes Jews and any one else who rejects Christ as well as all who twist His gospel of salvation through His blood and Christian tolerance and acceptance into a sick religion of ethnic hatred He never taught or intended. Why do you think Christ came as a Jew, or do you deny that as well?

  62. I’m disappointed Gary. You made many good points, but you can’t understand the basics.

  63. Jews, like Muslims, pagans, atheists, and everyone else who is not a Christian or twists Christian faith, are vile until they accept the true gospel of Christ. They stop being vile when they accept that love. That’s why Christians are tolerant, sometimes too tolerant, of guests and neighbors, hoping they will accept the light and love of Christ and save their souls, and completely accepting them once they do.

    We are all sinners, worthy of hell, but each of us can be saved by accepting Christ. If you preach the belief that some people are condemned forever simply by their ancestry or that any people should be forever denied a homeland you are going against the gospel of Jesus, and have not accepted His gospel, even if you claim that you have.

  64. You should be disappointed in yourself William. Search your soul and see if you have truly accepted the blood of Christ.

  65. Dalton fails to force himself to stay away after badly losing arguments on all fronts. So he wants comments closed to everyone else. Typical pc commie.

    He condemns me to hell and thus shows he is a Satanist, someone who seeks to rule and judge in the place of God. He says I am like William, but he either is William (and Jason) or they’re far more alike than any of them are alike to me. His words at 10:24 are yet another projection and would be far more accurately directed at himself.

    And yet he too can still save his soul and accept the blood of Jesus and the true gospel. So can William, Jason, any atheist, Mohammetan, Jew, pagan, cynic, false Christian, or anyone else, up until the moment they die. Just get on your knees, pray for forgiveness, and accept the blood sacrifice Jesus made for you and all of us. Accept and pray for that same salvation for each and every other human soul, or accept that you have twisted the gospel of Jesus in your head through the deception of the father of all lies, Satan.

  66. “Jews, like Muslims, pagans, atheists, and everyone else who is not a Christian or twists Christian faith, are vile until they accept the true gospel of Christ.”

    You are literally being an anti-Semite right now. You just called Jews vile

  67. So now you are a Jewish supremacist?

    “Dalton” is starting to sound like Will Klatt.

  68. Constantine the Great was pagan his entire life but had a genuine conversion on his deathbed and now he’s a saint.

  69. Further evidence that Dalton may be William, or that they are far more alike than they think they are, is that Dalton wants the comments here closed to all of us (guests) because some of us disagree with the host in some, or allegedly all, ways.

    Dalton refuses to reply what his alternative is for treating Jews as guests in Christian nations. William tells us forthrightly that Christian nations should all be closed to guests, or at least Jewish guests. Dalton says the comments should be closed to all guests, while hypocritically continuing to return and squat after loudly announcing his eternal departure.

    William likewise hypocritically advocates ejecting all Jews, although it’s likely he also opposes giving them a homeland of any kind, and refuses to accept them even if they accept Christ. This unneighborly and uncharitable attitude rejects Christ and His gospel offering salvation to all, surely as much as any Jew does. By William’s own logic, he himself should be removed from all Christian nations, for he is no true Christian given those views.

    The similarities between the hypocritical attitudes exhibited by William and Dalton in these words should be obvious to all discerning and logical readers.

  70. “Dalton refuses to reply what his alternative is for treating Jews as guests in Christian nations.”

    Nobody is a guest in a nation. All people are equal. Treating Jews like guests is anti-Semitic

  71. Gary just admit that you are a Christian supremacist and want to force everybody to convert so that they follow your magically sky daddy.

  72. “magically sky daddy”

    Wow. That’s incredibly bigoted. I guess that’s what we should expect from Dalton.

  73. As opposed to you guys who want to expel Jews and treat them like second-class citizens

  74. “All people are equal.”

    The correct quote is “all men are created equal.”

    Big difference there.

  75. I called everyone who rejects Christ vile. Regardless of ancestry. I call everyone who truly accepts Christ also to be vile sinners yet saved and spared from damnation and accepted into heaven through the miracle of Christ’s blood sacrifice. That includes Jews and any other kind of Semites, Islamists, Hindus, commies, atheists, Nazis, Satanists, Democrats, socialists, never Trump rhinos, and even Dalton.

    That’s not antisemitic in any way shape or form .

    You can also deduce a great deal from Daltons refusal to say what his preferred alternative to Christian tolerance and treating Jews as guests in Christian nations would be. Perhaps he seeks to make Jews masters of every nation, or perhaps he seeks to destroy all nations and all private property and institute satanic communism by dispossession all religions and ethnic groups of their lands and nations and making them all commonly owned along with everyone’s house, land, business, etc.

    Since either of those would be completely insane and suicidal for Christian, European and European based nations,the practical result in fairly short order would be William’s final solution to the Jewish problem and/or the communist / Satanist preferred solution to the human problem, which is of course not what they claim but instead eternal imprisonment of all human beings and souls in hell under Satan’s unbreakable rule.

  76. “You can also deduce a great deal from Daltons refusal to say what his preferred alternative to Christian tolerance and treating Jews as guests in Christian nations would be. Perhaps he seeks to make Jews masters of every nation, or perhaps he seeks to destroy all nations and all private property and institute satanic communism by dispossession all religions and ethnic groups of their lands and nations and making them all commonly owned along with everyone’s house, land, business, etc.”

    Here is a great idea: Nobody is a guest in their nation because of their religion. Of course an anti-Semite and Christian supremacist like yourself couldn’t comprehend something like this.

  77. Sally Hemings’ first child was born when she was 22. If he was “raping” her as a teenager, as you claim, she probably would’ve had a child much earlier.

  78. Nobody is a guest in a nation = no nation is sovereign. They are all held in common by whoever arrives, and no one can be excluded since there is no owner. By simple logical deduction this extends to every home, business, and even every place of worship. This is literally communism and Satanism and globalism.

    Am I a Christian supremacist? You bet. Dalton is an antichrist supremacist. Guess what? Christ Is Supreme. The only alternative is for the antichrist to be supreme, for they can never be equal. But then we are all doomed to hell forever. I promise you will not enjoy that, even if you think you will.

    Dalton further confirms he is a Satanist and communist by blathering that all people are equal and that God isn’t in charge or doesn’t exist, both of which are standard communist and Satanist lies.

    This is certainly no surprise, since he supports Democrats. Every person who does that is serving Satan and communism whether they realise it or not, and a lot more of them realize it than will admit it.

    Contrary to Daltons lies I do not want to force a single solitary person to convert . Christ can not be truly accepted through force. Even if someone pretends to accept Christ to avoid force that does not make them accept Christ in their heart and soul, and that is the only thing that matters, not what they pretend to be. Communists , democrats, leftists, socialists, Islamic jihadists, Nazis…They want to force everyone to live their way. I preach Christian tolerance of guests and neighbors, showing them the love of Jesus , preaching against sin while understanding all of us are sinners, and trying in our imperfect ways to show the perfect path of salvation and offering to any and all…and understanding that path can ever only be freely chosen, never forced .

  79. Gary you are a complete and utter fucking idiot. Nobody is a guest in their nation because nations shouldn’t have a right to exclude their citizens based on religion, race, gender, or anything else.

  80. If no one is a guest in any nation because of religion, there are no Jewish or Christian or Islamic nations. How’s that going to work? Islamist want to convert everyone to Islam by force. Communists want a global communist atheist, effectively Satanist world totalitarian dictatorship.

    Jewish supremacists don’t want to convert anyone except those who come to them on their own and then prove themselves worthy in their eyes. They just want to govern everyone like goyim, literally meaning like cattle. Satanic pedophile new world order new age illuminati elitists want to molest and drink the blood of children.

    Leftists who don’t admit to being communist or don’t even realize they are commies are just communist on the installment plan. They get to the same communist totalitarian global hell, just more gradually.

    Hindu supremacists seek to destroy the world in the service of one or two of their gods so it can be renewed. They’re not worried that we will all die in the process because they believe in reincarnation and believe all reality is an illusion and the ultimate heaven is literally nothing.

    How are all those people going to hold hands, sing kumbaya and share everything? It’s absurd. It would be total chaos and perpetual war everywhere, or complete totalitarian global dictatorship , or both. Maybe Dalton only wants Christians to unilaterally surrender and is only pretending he wants everyone else to do the same, which of course they will not.

    However you slice it, it’s the same end result. Satan on the throne, ruling everyone forever. I say no. You should too.

  81. Gary you are once again a fucking moron. Learn how to read.

    “shouldn’t have a right” does not mean there are no nations that doesn’t discriminate against their citizens

  82. Globalists want to make everyone live under the same standards. You must understand that not everyone shares these standards. Look at the failure in Afghanistan. Globalists tried to force those people to live under standards they did not share. The result was chaos and ultimate failure.

  83. If nations have no right to exclude, they have no right to be nations. If you have no right to exclude anyone from your home, business, or other property, you have no property and own nothing. If you have no right to exclude anyone from sex with your wife, she is not your wife – you are a fool and she is a prostitute. If you have no right to exclude anyone from raising your children, they are not your children, you are a fool and they are the village idiots in a village of idiots.

    There is no property, nation, marriage, religion, home ownership, business ownership or anything else if there is no right to exclude and thus no owner or hierarchy possible. I’ve told you what I call that ideology. I wonder what Dalton calls it?

    Do not be deceived.

    It’s no wonder he is a Biden supporter. His fake departure announcement and his call to close all comments reveal how truthful and tolerant he REALLY is.

  84. Damn Gary you really are just swinging in with the opinion that discrimination is good

  85. A nation not being able to discriminate against its citizens does not mean that the state cease to exist no matter how much Gary’s dumbass wants it to be. People who love freedom would want the state to not discriminate base on race, gender, religion, etc.

  86. The right to discriminate is a basic one. Otherwise rape and theft would be legal.

  87. “Otherwise rape and theft would be legal.”

    Your personal hero Thomas Jefferson was a rapist

  88. I have a right to fuck your daughter and you have no right to discriminate against me!

  89. “was a rapist”

    You asserted this. I offered countering evidence which you ignored.

  90. DNA study has shown that the descendants of Sally Hemings are also descendants of Thomas Jefferson

  91. You misquoted him and lied about him. I don’t have to idolize someone to correct that.

  92. Yes it does. Jefferson raped his slave and we have his descendants to prove it. Your slaves can’t consent to anything

  93. Dalton has now admitted to being a Satanist. We know he’s a Biden supporter. We can logically deduce he is a communist and globalist whether he admits it or not, as I already proved to any logical reader. He may as well admit it, but the truth is obvious whether he does or not.

    By the way I only want to make nonChristians live under Christian standards if they choose to live in Christian countries. I advocate allowing them all, and yes including jews, to have their own countries and live by their own standards. I don’t advocate forcing them to remain in Christian countries, and I advocate admitting them and allowing them to remain on a limited basis, much as you would with guests in your home if you’re not completely insane.

    If I was a guest in your home, or in someone else’s country, of course I would have to accept their standards, or leave.

    Try going to a Muslim country, fornicating with their wives and daughters, being drunk in public, dressing like you were in a sodomy parade, being a Jew supremacist, preaching Satanism, preaching Christianity to everyone who would listen. What do you think would happen?

    Try to go to Israel and force everyone to accept Islam or preach Christian gospel to everyone passing by or urinate on the wailing wall. See what happens.

    Try going to a Marxist nation and exercise ur freedoms. Or in a quasi Marxist “democrat ” ” socialist ” ” social democrat , democrats socialist etc country. Or a Nazi country. Go ahead, try your luck.

    Go to India and eat a nice juicy steak on a crowded street corner. Holy cow!

    You will be lucky if you get deported. You may be thrown in a dungeon, tortured, killed on sight, fed to hungry animals, whipped or stoned to death, crucified, used for target practice, perhaps raped and torn to pieces by an angry crowd.

    I advocate only the most tolerant and least barbaric of these options and only when it becomes necessary. I don’t advocate forced conversion or making religions or ethnic groups homeless. I do advocate standards, property, and the right to exclude as the basis of all peaceful coexistence and civilization. I contend peace, commerce, civilization etc, are not possible otherwise. If you are a logical person or have any common sense, you will agree.

  94. Nope you don’t. The most tolerant and least barbaric societies are secular ones. The Czech Republic, Austria, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, and many other countries are secular and are the best places to live in the world. All religious states are horrid and nobody would want to live in them.

  95. It isn’t rape if there’s consent. A boss can have sex with his employee if there’s consent.

  96. It is so amazing how somebody jokingly saying Hail Satan scares the shit out you lmao you complete pussy.

    Anyway Hail Satan!


    An employee can say no and will face no punishment. A slave that says no gets beaten.

  98. American slavery, particularly at Monticello, was more like modern employment than traditional slavery. Sally Hemings easily could’ve left if she wanted. In fact, Jefferson helped some of his slaves escape.

  99. No it fucking wasn’t and no he didn’t. He kept all of his slaves until his dying day and then didn’t free them.

  100. Well at least you admit you were wrong and make a semi-correct statement. He freed 10 in total if you count the slaves he helped escape and the slaves freed in his will.

  101. Oh wow congratulations he freed a grand total of 10 slaves. Meanwhile he kept 98.33% of his slaves so he kept his slaves until the day he died and just had them sold to others

  102. Nope. He ENSLAVED 600 people and let 10 have their freedom. Slaves do not fucking have contracts you fucking moron

  103. It was basically employment. Much better than the slavery in Africa, which still exists today.

  104. Slavery is not employment you fucking dissentious fucker. Genuinely go to hell

  105. In exchange for the learning of a trade, housing, and food, labor was provided.

  106. No. They were taught that to do the labor for free. That is not employment and they were given no freedom. OFC some dumbass libertarian is arguing that slavery was good.

    People like you are completely worthless to society and would die in the society you desire

  107. Any libertarian society would be a hellhole of oppression, death, and suffering for anybody that isn’t the glorious rich guy you guys love to polish the knobs of

  108. Giving somebody an education so that they will be more effective at working for you for free IS NOT GOOD

  109. Some used the education to get outside work and were able to purchase their own freedom. I doubt that happened anywhere else.

  110. No. Thomas Jefferson kept the extreme vast majority of his slaves or sold them off. There was no such thing as “purchasing their own freedom” and that outside work was to other slaveholders

  111. Discrimination is not always good and it’s not always bad. If there is no ability to discriminate or exclude, all standards are meaningless, as are all nations, religions, marriages, families, ethnic groups, property, businesses, homes, any club or affinity group of any kind. No peace, civilization, commerce, salvation or anything other than eternity in hell for everyone would be logically possible.

    Regard Jefferson please cite any conclusive proof that he fathered any slave children. I’ve only read that it’s a disputed claim.

    Supposed your assertion is correct, so what? JEFFERSON was not a Christian or a conservative. He was not a communist or fascist either. He was a liberal elitist of his time who wrote and said some great things and did some that were less great. He did show great courage in participating and helping lead a rebellion that was far from assured of success. Some of his 18th century liberal views would be considered far right today, while others are radically liberal even now. He was a sinner and flawed nan like all of us, and a great man in some regards, but not all.

    Regarding the claim that consent between a master and slave is impossible, this is not true. Some people volunteer to be slaves. Some rationally choose it as the least bad option given their circumstances. Many are forced to become or remain slaves, yet would choose to be slaves if they did have a choice, given the alternatives actually available, or their lack of familiarity with any other conditions.

    There have certainly been many children produced by sex between masters and slaves throughout history and all over the world. Contrary to Daltons claims some were completely consenting sex , some were totally rapes, and many were some mix of both of one degree or another. The same could be said of children produced through marriage and extramarital sex alike. Both have always had many aspects of slavery throughout history and all over the world.

    Slavery was universally accepted everywhere throughout most of history, is openly practiced in many places now, and covertly everywhere else. Many types of slavery are not always recognized as such, including leftist and communist slavery, bureaucratic slavery, marriage or union of convenience, shotgun wedding, arranged marriage (historically the most common kind), slavery to fashion, and on and on.

    Slavery remains widespread today both where it is legal and where it isn’t. That includes both sexual and nonsexual slavery, both legal and illegal, and often enslaving and molesting, even murdering children. The elites who run the world enslave, habitually rape, and murder children, and drink their blood. Maybe Jefferson did too, but I don’t know of any proof.

    Christian religion first spread widely among and threw slaves in imperial rome and throughout its provinces, former provinces and adjacent lands. In time it was spread more frequently to other people and places including to slaves by some masters and even to some masters by slaves.

    Everyone reading will end up as a slave to Satan if you don’t voluntarily become a slave to God and Jesus. Contrary to Satan’s lies, Satan is the only one who is not a slave in hell, and even he is a prisoner there, a slave to the consequences of his rebellion against God. The same fate awaits you if you choose slavery to Satan over slavery to Jesus, except you will also have Satan and demons ruling over you , very very harshly, forever, with no chance of escape.

  112. I’m talking about American slavery in general. Monticello was like a paradise for people used to slaving in the jungles of Africa.

  113. Dalton may or may not be joking when he says hail Satan, but it’s no joke . Satan is real whether Dalton believes it or not, and will get the last laugh. By then Dalton will no longer think it’s funny, and it will be too late to do anything about it, escape, or even die. He will be dead, tortured forever, and the joke will be on him.

    Of course I admit I’m a Christian supremacist. I’ve never denied or hid it in any way. The only other thing their is , is a satanic supremacist, regardless of what you think you are. There are endless kinds of satanic supremacist, and most of them think they are some other thing.

    The so called secular countries Dalton names are not totally secular. Many of them have an official government religion and denomination, obligatory church taxes, bans on some competing religious practices, and so on. To the extent they are now secular, it’s a fairly recent and unstable experiment. Already being tested by influxes of radical Islam, revolutionary Marxism etc etc. If they continue on their path, they’re not likely to remain secular for long.

    Marxist nations were and are officially secular. They are far from the best places to live. It’s factually false that no one would want to live in religious countries. Lots of people freely move to them. Many happily remain despite being able to leave.

    Anything and everything Dalton says is proven to be a lie because he keeps saying he’s done and leaving and yet continue to reply. Thus anything he days is dishonest and unreliable.

    It’s not true that slaves who say no to sex are always beaten. That depends on the master , the slave, and the masters mood. Some masters never beat their slaves. Some very rarely. Some often. Some beat some slaves but not others, and so on.

    Some people like being beaten and some even pay for it. Some masters have their slaves beat them.

    It is equally false that Dalton opposes slavery. He may want you to think he does but he doesn’t oppose slavery to government. He supports heavy taxes, Byzantine regulations, crushing debt, intergenerational slavery, and slavery to government in general. This is obvious from his admit support for Biden and democrats.

    Anyone who says no to government slavery can be beaten or worse. Even those who say yes still can be since government is a capricious and moody master . If they continue to resist they are likely to be thrown in prison, where slavery is completely legal even in the US right now. They are likely to be repeatedly beaten, raped and perhaps killed there.

    Dalton also supports slavery to sin, to alien nations and religions, and to child enslaving, molester and blood drinking satanic elites. He supports ultimate slavery to Satan by everyone, the most horrible kind of slavery possible, eternal and inescapable and he thinks or wants you to think it’s funny. It’s not.

  114. Dalton 12:26

    People who live freedom don’t love or like or feel any way ok about dimocrats , Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, Whitmer, Cuomo, newsom, EUR socialists or any kind of leftist, Marxist, globalism, Satanist, Jewish supremacist, …

    Those are all COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE WITH FREEDOM you lying dolt.

  115. Dalton evidence that Jefferson ever had sex or children, much less rape with Jennings? Flat assertion plus big fat goose egg. He is talking out of his ass. Assertions are not evidence, smoothbrain.

  116. Dalton is an ass clown getting clowned by Satan and needs Jesus so so bad. I pray he gets on his knees and finds Jesus along with everyone’s else.

    Dalton obviously lies and contradicts himself constantly. It is comically obvious when he keeps saying over and over he’s leaving and then comes back sometimes immediately.

    Equally obvious when he requests the comments section be closed yet continue to comment his own self. He has zero tolerance, compassion, honesty, truthfulness, logical consistency of any kind. He’s like a breathtakingly constant self contradiction.

    It makes you wonder if he’s a sock puppet created by a rightists to illustrate how ridiculous leftists really are. On the other hand he could just be a typical lying inherently constantly self contradicting leftist.

    Case in point, dolton says conservatives who comment here have nothing in common with the views of the host Richard Winger. At the same time he says nobody can be discriminated against, ejected or excluded anywhere. In the next breathe he claims to love freedom, then praises democrat tyrants including Biden and the rest. Before you can blink or shake your head …he ultra harshly condemns the host’s libertarian ideology …

    And his oh so freedom loving, ultra tolerant, anti exclude anyone fake ass want to close the comments section because some people disagree with the host he claims about everything…but then he disagrees with the host and his libertarian ideology too. But wait we can’t discriminate or exclude anyone.

    It all adds up…to a total confused illogical jumble mess. The chicoms and Soros should demand their money back.

  117. Dylan song….True

    It may be time to catch some Zs. Christ almighty it’s 5 am. Just about time to go to work. Pray to Jesus take the wheel.

  118. According to the article:

    “The rapid decline in competitive elections isn’t because of our primary system, though. It’s due mainly to partisan sorting, whereby Democratic areas are becoming more Democratic and Republican areas more Republican — either because people are changing their attitudes to better match their party or they’re moving to areas where their preferences are already dominant.”

    So, what seems to be happening is that a geographic sorting is taking place: Democrats are moving to Democratic places, making them more so, and the same for Republicans. What we need is to devolve much more power from the federal government to the states, so that each state can become its own distinctive political culture. The federal government ought to be restricted to military defense and foreign affairs. Health, education and welfare issues should never have been taken over by the federal government, and ought to be devolved to the states

    But, the opposite trend has been accelerating, with each party trying to capture the federal government, in general, and the Presidency in particular, to impose its ideology on everyone. A “rule or ruin” mentality motivates both parties, which regard the other party as not merely mistaken, but positively evil.

  119. This is why some people have suggested braking up the union and then devolving power even more locally. Sooner or later it needs 2 be done one way or another.




    1840S liberation of parts of MEJICO and merger with REPUBLIC OF TEJAS which did ILEGALLY secede from MEXXXIKO MUCH AS MAJICO ILLEGAL SECEDED FROM SPAIN..


    1840s liberation of parts of UK/ CANADA/ RUSSIA claim territory

    1860s some states try to secede again . Illegally and UNCONSTITUTIONAL prevention. Forced back in union including some ORIGINAL states that created union and once FREE TEJAS..
    Alaska bought from Russia…


    1930S ON… Feds again ILLEGAL AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL invade and occupy and reconstructed Southern and Western states…





    And the HOME OF THE BRAVES???


    Globalist, Mexico, China etc strike back!!!

    2 failed IMPEACH Hoax!!! Russia Russia Russia 247!!! Plandemic scamdemic fauci gates slave masks evil vaxxx China stole election install senile puppet creepy sleepy dementia Joe and CCP CUMALA HERASS..








    ARE U WIT ME????

  121. New Age — NET tax looters vs NET tax slaves

    I estimate NOW 40-45 pct NET tax looters vs 60-55 pct NET tax slaves.

    ALL extremists in ALL D/R primaries — esp looter gangs in donkey primaries.

    >>> oligarchs elected in rigged gerrymander areas

    >>> monarch *leaders* — wannabee demagogue tyrants.

    de facto Civil WAR II — since 1930-1932 elections.

  122. Monarchy would be better than commie democracy. We should make Trump Emperor! You’re right about tax looters and tax slaves though. That’s what always happens in a democracy because a majority, even a bare majority, or whoever shows up to vote can loot everyone else. It doesn’t even have to be a real majority if they cheat, which is exactly what they are doing, with lots of help from the CHINESE COMMUNISTS!!!

  123. Tax looting is HIGHER and tyranny is WORSE under democracy than it was under even the worst tyrannical monarchs ever in the past!!!

  124. USA — NOT a *democracy* — but a gerrymander oligarchy with monarch bosses / *leaders*.

    ALL States since 1776.
    USA regime since 1789.

  125. Oligarchy? Partially. Government taxes the crap out of successful people. It’s true that some of the very richest of the rich find special loopholes and get out of it. Some, but not all. The same ones who squeeze special favors and corporate welfare to give them a leg up.

    Democracy? Partially. It’s how they get “buy in” to squeeze money for the poor, lazy, bureaucrats and crony capitalists from the blue collar, middle class and wealth creators. “WE ELECTED” THEM is the excuse. 100 million wolves and 50 million sheep voting on what’s for dinner. At least after enough votes are stolen.

    Democracy is worse than monarchy because politicians can loot the public treasury, make themselves rich or even richer, enrich their cronies and contributors, pass out and collect favors, and not worry about the long term consequences because they’re someone else’s problem. Monarchs don’t have to buy, bribe and get bribed to get and keep office, and if they screw up badly enough, it’s their own and their families heads on the chopping block, quite literally. If they don’t screw it up too bad, they get to die of old age and pass on the family company (country) and their family jewels to their kids.

    Perfect system? Far from it. History is full of tyrannical, thieving, and incompetent monarchs, it’s true. But in a much shorter time, DEMOCRACY has caused way more thieving, corruption, genocide, mass murder, and spectacular failure of every kind possible, and some that nobody even imagined possible before…in every part of the world…than monarchy has since before history began.

    That’s the very short version. You really should read that book.

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