Congressional Bill to Require Speaker of House to be a Member of the House

Congressman Brendan Boyle (D-Pennsylvania) has introduced a bill to require that the Speaker of the House be an elected member of the House. The bill doesn’t have a bill number yet. Article II, section two of the U.S. Constitution says “The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Offices” but does not say the House must choose a member. However, all speakers in history have been members of the House.

The presidential succession act says that if the president and vice-president both die, the Speaker shall become president.


Congressional Bill to Require Speaker of House to be a Member of the House — 75 Comments

  1. How many 70 plus GOP USA rep gerrymander dists in 2022 ???

    Trump (and family gang folks) to run in 1 or more of them ???

  2. Better to change the Succession Act than to diminish the prerogatives of either House of Congress.

  3. Succession Act –

    the Rep(s) most approved by ALL the hacks ???

    More Condorcet math ???

  4. Democrats are scared. They know Trump’s path back to the Whîte House starts with the Speakership.

  5. What BAN troll has the most troll fake names —

    to pad its troll posts with added fake support ???

    — like ballot box stuffing – fake illegal ballots.

  6. This idea of choosing a Speaker from outside the House membership has some interesting possibilities, irrespective of whether or not Trump does it. The Democrats themselves ought to consider dumping Pelosi, and putting forward their own celebrity, non-member nominee for Speaker – maybe Michele Obama or Hillary Clinton. It would certainly raise interest in mid-term elections, and boost voter participation.

    The Representative nominees of each party could meet in a mini convention prior to the election and put forward their respective Speaker nominees. The voters would then know beforehand who their vote for Representative would count towards the next Speaker. And, what better way to get voter input to determine who should be next in line for President after the Vice-President?

    It could improve the initiative and influence of Congress against an all too powerful Presidency.

  7. Separate NON-partisan election of Speaker[s] ???

    Appv >>> Condorcet with Appv tiebreaker

  8. I like how Zion-bro is thinking here. Can’t say I disagree with anybody of that.

  9. the dems will fast track that bill through,,, the thought or possibilty of Trump as speaker scares the hell out of them,,just seeing Nancy handing the gavel to Trump would be priceless

  10. Other the other hand, the Democrats might want to re-think this idea, and consider picking someone other than Pelosi to be Speaker, just in case Biden and Harris are no longer P & VP, for whatever reason.

  11. Sorry, but to change the Constitution you must have a Constitutional Amendment, not a House Bill…..

  12. Sounds to me that Walter Ziobro is afraid that Mr. Trump might get the appointment.Does make for some interesting conversation. The fact that a Democrap member of the house would , after nearly 250 years of Congressional Speakers succession , at this time in our countrys history, want to change the rules of succession is suspect and smacks of partisan Democrap terror that Mr. Trump could somehow acquire the Whitehouse without having to run the gauntlet of fraudulent and dirty elections. Talk about wailing and gnashing of teeth. LMAO!!

  13. I am going on 76 with too many medical problems to list, but my prayer is to last long enough to see Donald Trump become President again. The scenario of his being elevated to Speaker of the House and then on to the presidency is an exciting prospect. 6 more years of President Trump would give the nation hope of survival.
    So, all you RINOS, die hard Dems, and just you people who don’t think it matters- Next November, go out and vote Republican. Just look at gas and energy prices today. There’s only person you can blame & that’s Uncle Joe Biden. In a year he has brought America to her knees. I only hope we last until next year. Remember-Vote early and vote often!!!

  14. Jim C: The people to blame for higher gas and energy prices are the owners of the gas and energy companies not President Biden. A future President Trump would not be able to lower prices. We are in the grip of Capitalists who put profits above people.

  15. That’s’s don’t just make up prices on a whim, they respond to conditions. First of all supply and demand. Biden is cutting the supply with his environmental b.s. AND increase demand with his huge spending. Causing huge inflation. Then way overdoing covid restrictions causing supply chain issues. And then on top of all that he’s pushing for war with Russia over Ukraine where we have no business in what is historically a part of Russia.

  16. The nation of Russia actually started in Kiev (not Kyiv as the propagandists tell you). It was called Kievan Rus’. They expanded east and conquered the area all the way to Alaska.

  17. Jason: Owners of businesses increase prices when they think they have consumers over a barrel. Not an anonymous faceless “market” forcing things. But the individuals who own the companies make a conscious decision to profit from the misfortune of others.

    Last year the energy grid in Texas failed and millions froze in the dark because Free Market Capitalism worked exactly the way it is supposed to. The owners of those companies made a “killing” pun intended.

    Yes. Covid has caused supply chain problems. And the worry of war in Ukraine is a factor. But the owners of the companies have decided to exploit this opportunity to raise prices and make more profit. They could easily keep prices the same if they wanted. It is their choice and not something beyond their control.

  18. Mr Libertarian: Fact Checker is correct. Russia began in Kiev between the 7th and 9th centuries. It was founded by Vikings who were later absorbed into the Slavic people. The very word Ukraine comes for the Russian word for the “other place”. Romania and Portugal both descend from Rome but those two countries are not Italy.

    Ukraine and Russia are similar but separate countries and have been for hundreds of years.

  19. Ukraine is a territory that belongs to Russia. The pretenders who claim to be the Ukrainian government are a bunch of corrupt assholes who fund Hunter Biden (10 percent of which goes to the “big guy” Joe Biden) and shoot down Malaysian planes.

  20. Mr Libertarian: Both Russia and Ukraine are run by Fascist thugs who exploit their people. I am opposed to both sides.

  21. Stock really is a fucking retard. He has no clue that when you have to outsource for energy, prices go up. He failed Economics 101, which explains why he is a retarded communist.

  22. Earl: Outsourcing to companies owned by individuals who greedily see the misfortune of others as a golden opportunity to make more money.

    Those outsourced companies could easily agree to cheaper prices but they choose not to. Again this is not a nameless, faceless anonymous thing beyond someone’s control.

    This is still individuals choosing to put profits above people.

  23. These companies have to make money, you fucking retard. Why aren’t you calling for your Motel 6 franchise to give away all of their rooms for free? That’s the communist belief, and you are indeed a communist.

  24. Yes. I am a Socialist. I would be happy if Motel 6 radically changed it’s policies. Unfortunately I don’t own the place. I will have to wait until the Revolution.

  25. Stock doesn’t care about Motel 6 ever since he was fired for watching scat porn in front of children. Sick freak!

  26. Changed it is policies? You can’t even use words properly! This proves once again communists are stupid.

  27. Remember when Stock claimed to be a libertarian and so many people called him a liar because he was posting communist garbage?

  28. Making money is wrong if you put profits above people.

    Once you need to hire at least one employee then your business is no longer your own. The workers and you should have an equal share and an equal say in running the company. Anything less is exploitation and immoral.

  29. If Benny is telling the truth and Stock engaged in his fetish that may explain the smell people complained about online.

    Does Stock also have a vomit fetish?

  30. Uncle Fester: I was a dues paying member of the Libertarian Party from 1992 until 2020. My thinking about what arr rights and what is the role of government changed. Being a Libertarian for so long is something I regret and wish I could change.

    Benny: I have never been fired from Motel 6. I have worked here without interruption since 2008.

    Fred: What word besides policies should I have used?

  31. Stock, you are an idiot and a communist. People froze in Texas because government interfered in the production and distribution of energy with again environmental b.s., making the energy grid rely on unreliable wind turbines that froze up in cold weather.

    Markets respond to many different supply and demand inputs. Those inputs tell real life people when to increase prices. The alternative is long gas lines, or bread lines. In the case of home heating, the alternative to markets is people freezing, like what may be about to happen to a lot of people because of puppet Biden and his Eurotrash allies meddling in Russian affairs. In the case of food, the alternative to markets produces starvation. It turns out that central planners are not as smart as they think they are at allocation of resources.

    In a market companies have to compete against each other. If capitalists get too greedy other capitalists can take their customers and make more profit by making less profit per unit sold but more profit overall due to higher volume.

    I bet stock never ran his own business and doesn’t understand how this works. It’s highly likely he does not understand the price calculation problem in socialism. He really is an actual communist. Not any song and dance “oh I’m not a commie but you can call me that if you want because you are so unfair” but an actual communist. His kind killed hundreds of millions in the 20th century and if they are not stopped will kill billions in the 21st.

    If greedy business just raised prices because they’re so greedy why didn’t they do it before? Why have prices fallen and risen over time? Do greedy people just magically get less greedy sometimes? Come on.

  32. Stock, if motels charged less for their rooms they would get trashed more. There would be more crazy parties, more crazy bums, nasty filthy rooms, more drug overdoses and venereal disease, and more unsanitary and hazardous conditions from lack of proper cleaning and maintenance causing all sorts of death and disease.

    The same is true in every part of the economy. This is why communist countries are such basket cases. They would be even worse if not for capitalist countries subsidizing them and giving their central planners some market clues on prices as well as providing goods that the communist economy can’t manage to provide. If they were more completely communist they would produce even more starvation like Mao great leap forward, north Korea, pol pot Cambodia. That’s what Satanist stock wants for the whole world. A ritual sacrifice of billions to Satan to bust open the gates of hell and annex the world. He covers up this evil agenda in lies about greedy business, compassionate socialism and the devil not being real.

  33. Stock is also lying about the history of Ukraine. It was a part of Russian Empire and USSR. It briefly declared independence after the communist revolution but that did not last long. It’s only been a nation state for 30 years, not centuries. It does not translate as the other place, the name translates as border region or at the edge. Stock is a dedicated Satanist socialist propaganda liar. He distorts everything to bring about a new world war and another mass sacrifice for Satan.

  34. Logan: According to Google the literal translation is, “Separated Land Parcel”. Translating meaning is better than word for word translation. I think “the other place” is a good translation.

  35. The United States State Department posted a meme of 4 Orthodox Churches in Kiev that were built from 996 to 1187. Underneath each picture was a picture of the undeveloped forest that was Moscow during the same years.

  36. Your translation is simply wrong, much like your history and economics. The root word is kray which translates as region or edge. U translates as at. U kraya means at the edge. A good translation would be borderlands. Krainya translates as extreme. The meaning is border region of Russia. It makes no sense otherwise.

  37. Logan: Exactly! I am glad you realize that Putin is wrong. Ukraine has existed for centuries. Russia came into existence a few centuries later. Common roots, but different countries. Like Britain and the United States.

  38. Logan: Arr Turkey, Hungary, and Turkmenistan one country because they are descendants of the same tribe in Central Asia?

  39. No, you are wrong. Ukraine’s been a part of Russia for over a thousand years. It’s been a nation state for 30 years. It’s like saying Massachusetts existed for centuries.

  40. Stock, why are you comparing Ukraine to countries which have actually been separate for many centuries? Ukraine has been a separate country for 30 years and for a couple of years in the 1920s. That’s it.

  41. Logan: Massachusetts has existed for 4 centuries. They used to be British like my native Texas used to be Spanish. Now we are all United States citizens. Acknowledging Spanish and British roots doesn’t mean we still owe allegiance to the Spanish or English monarchy.

    Ukraine has been separate from Russia long enough for separate separate languages to develop.

    Belarus also has common roots with Russia and Ukraine but is not part of Russia. The only difference between Ukraine and Belarus is the President of Belarus doesn’t mind being Putin’s puppet.

  42. Stock still doesn’t realize the difference between its and it’s. The latter is the contraction for it is. What a fucking retard, but what do you expect from a communist?

  43. George: I used to be a stickler about the appropriate use of an apostrophe. But today the vast majority of people don’t care about it. So I have decided to ignore what used to grammatical as well. Over time language and punctuation change.

  44. George: And typing on my phone late at night makes for even more errors.

    For instance my above comment left the word “be”.

    The sentence should read So I have decided to ignore what used to be grammatical as well.

    Typos and grammatical errors are to be expected from everyone.

  45. Everyone in Ukraine speaks Russian.I’ve studied Russian and visited Russia, including Ukraine. I don’t speak Ukrainian, and had no trouble at all talking to anyone in Ukraine in Russian. Out of at least hundreds if not more people there was not one who only spoke Ukrainian but not Russian. Not in Kiev, Yevpatoria, Odessa,Kharkov or even Lvov. Not in small towns, villages or collective farms.

    No one disputes that Massachusetts has existed for over 400 years as an English colony and US state. You can post pictures of New England churches and towns side by side with what was then a swamp and is now DC. None of that makes Massachusetts its own separate country that existed for centuries. That would just be a lie. Same thing with Ukraine.

    Made up countries like Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia have more validity than Ukraine as a nation state. They were nation states for longer than Ukraine has been a nation state in its whole history.

    In the US, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California are known as Border States. Two of them were even briefly nation states themselves. That doesn’t mean they have been a separate country or countries for centuries. And it doesn’t mean you should incorrectly translate border states as “other place.” That’s what stock is trying to do with Ukraine, which is ridiculous.

  46. Russian and Ukrainian are different languages with different pronunciation. The same way that Spanish and Catalan are similar but separate languages.

  47. Logan: It is only a surprise to Americans that people in other countries speak more than one language.

    When I was in High School one of my classmates was from Czechoslovakia. She spoke Russian and English while her native language was Czech.

  48. There are a lot more people in Ukraine who don’t speak Ukrainian than there are who don’t speak Russian, which in my experience was zero. In many parts of Ukraine it’s much more common to hear people talk to each other in Russian than in Ukrainian. Lvov used to be a part of the Austrian empire and then Poland so many of the older people there spoke German and Polish. The only language commonly understood by everyone in every part of Ukraine is Russian.

  49. There are a lot more places in the US where most people don’t speak English than there are places in Ukraine where most people don’t speak Russian, if there even are any such places at all. Especially but not only in the Border States in the US there are large stretches where there are lots of people who speak Spanish or one of the Native languages and no English. I didn’t come across any areas like that in Ukraine.

    If you are going to use language as a basis, the U.S. border states have a better claim to be separate countries than Ukraine does.

  50. There are lots of other places in Russia which have their own languages. Everything from Siberian tribes to Tatars to dozens of different ethnicities in the Caucasus. There would be hundreds of countries carved out of Russia if every place that had a language was made into a country. The same is true in the US, except more so because English is less universally understood here than Russian is there.

  51. Stock is using laziness as an excuse. Another trait of a communist. I bet his house is a mess because he’s too lazy to clean.


  53. Does the Speaker of the House of Representatives have authority to make Deals with Presidents, Leaders of Foreign Countries?

  54. “Trump would be a great speaker and the democrats are running scared.”


  55. “Neither the Constitution (Art. I, Sec. 2, clause 5) nor the Rules of the House require that the Speaker be a Representative.” If memory serves, Colin Powell was once considered for the Speakership by a sitting Rep after Powell left official office (Secy of State). Therefore, as a matter of majority, Trump could become Speaker…again by majority vote.

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