Utah Supporters of Top-Five Will Try to Qualify an Initiative

Utah supporters of “top-five” will try to qualify an initiative for their idea. The initiative requires 138,000 signatures, due in February 2022. See this story.


Utah Supporters of Top-Five Will Try to Qualify an Initiative — 82 Comments

  1. Another gimmick to try and make this ill-conceived idea work.

    Here’s the problem: all parties, big and small, want their own candidates, but non-party voters want to vote for any primary candidates.

    So, we can have separate primaries, or conventions, or whatever, for each party, and all non-party voters get a primary ballot with all candidates listed. Each ballot qualified party picks its own candidates, who advance to the general election, and if anyone wins the non-party primary, who didn’t win a party primary, that non-party choice advances to the general election as well, BUT without any party label.

    Approval or ranked choice voting would be used in the general election to minimize spoilers.

  2. I agree with Demo Rep. If parties aren’t going to have nominees, there is no need for a primary at all.

  3. I am so sick of these type of initiatives. Top 5 is better than Top 4 or Top 2, but I still don’t like it. Let each party chose their nominees, and let independents petition their way onto the general election ballot. The general elections should be held under Ranked Choice Voting.

  4. Each party’s voters, if enough in each legis election area, will do the nom pets for the party’s legis candidates.
    Condorcet = RCV done right.


    The latest release of data from the 2020 US Census shows a steep decline in the percentage of White non-Hispanic people since 2010. The White population fell to 57.8%. For the first time in the history of the census the actual number of White people decreased. The decline coincides with an increase in urban crime, totalitarian government policies, and the demonization of White people in government and media. The trend gives credence to the theory of White Genocide occurring inside the nation.

  6. Fact Checker: There is no organized plot of white genocide. The demographics are changing due to normal human activity. White people are having fewer babies and non white people are having more babies. Because of intermarriage everyone is blending together. That’s a very good thing. It doesn’t matter if you are White, Black, Brown, or Polka Dot.

  7. Hey Stock, do you get paid to come on here and lie, or do you just come on here and lie for free?

  8. Andy: I do it for free. Someone has to talk some sense here. Many of the people commenting are white supremacist, fascist, anti democratic, authoritarian yahoos. Like Fact Checker, Egyptian God, Florida Man, and yourself.

  9. Civil WAR II setting up also between hispanics and blacks – esp in gerrymander districts.

    ie which gang get more taxpayer/borrowed cash – hispanic or black via hispanic or black gerrymander monarchs / oligarchs.
    Voters vote – NOT Census pops

  10. Fact Checker: That there are more Hispanics and Asians is not a bad thing. Ethnic origins are irrelevant. People from all parts of the world are the same as those born in the United States. A person is an American if they support and defend the Constitution of the United States. It is ideas that make an American, not blood and soil.

  11. What percent of the folks *counted* in 2020 Census were/are foreign INVADERS ???

    See END of olde Roman Empire due to all sorts of invasions in 180 – 476 AD – from north/east Europe.

    See book – Outline of History by H. G. Wells.

  12. More gerrymander commie donkey monarchs due to counted INVADERS –
    south CA, south TX, etc.

    Expect near ZERO rigged gerrymander districts with under 55 pct winners.

    >>> only commie/fascist extremist primaries will determine results – esp for USA Rep legis monarchs.

    Even more buildup for Civil WAR II.

  13. Let candidates qualify as individuals with supporters appearing at county courthouses to be counted. 1/20 of 1% of vote at previous gubernatorial election. For California statewide office this would be 6357.

    Voters could organize on a partisan or ad hoc basis to support these candidacies.

    Elections would be a series of trials, where the electorate would try to elect a candidate with a majority.

    If no candidate received a majority, then the candidates with a cumulative 80% of support would advance to the next trial. The last qualified candidate would set a threshold. Lower placed candidates could coalesce their support to qualify additional candidates.

    Candidates other than the initial leader could withdraw.

    As many trials as necessary would be usex.

    Alternate qualification scheme: $15 application fee plus 10 supporters. Fee is waivable for impecunious. If more than 10 candidates qualify, then supplementary period for additional supporters, which is lesser of 10 highest or minimum threshold.

  14. Hispanic isn’t even a race. It’s an ethnicity, which is effectively an arbitrary group of people from a collection of nations. Semitic, for instance, means individuals that traces their historical ancestry back to individuals that are native to middle eastern countries.

    Hispanic is in fact a term only used in the US, used by group think politicians to target policy towards a group of people that so happen to originate from a certain area on the planet. It refers to people that so happen to trace their roots back to South American (and some Caribbean) countries.

    In fact, the race of these individuals is mixed race. They are technically a mix of Asian and Caucasian. Their historical ancestry goes back to Asian groups that crossed the land bridge between Russia and Alaska (this is why nearly all “natives” in the Americas look Asian – because they are), coupled with the evasion by the Spanish (and Portuguese), that led to inter-breeding between the “natives” and the Europeans. So, technically, nearly all hispanics are white (and Asian). So, genetically, there is little difference between someone who is Hispanic, and some who is the result of an Asian-Caucasian inter-racial relationship (like 5 of my cousins).

  15. Fractional *race* stuff —-

    1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, etc.

    Big deal in BADDDE olde evil slave state regimes —

    or even in 1933-1945 nazi regime.
    NATION-state ALLEGIANCE — for 6,000 plus years.

  16. Hispanic is much more diverse than simply Eurasian from a mix of European colonizers and Amerindians. It is true Mongoloid people crossed the Siberian land bridge but that happened many thousands of years ago. Amerindians developed a distinct identity and culture from those in East Asia. Plus, there’s evidence of Polynesian people arriving in South America before or contemporaneous with the Siberian land bridge. Robert Milnes is a proponent of another theory where West Europeans arrived many thousands of years before previously thought. Most Hispanics also have some African ancestry from mixing with slaves during colonial times.

  17. There are white Hispanics, Mestizos (mixed race) Hispanics, Amerindian Hispanics, black Hispanics, and Asian Hispanics.

  18. That means Biden is not an American since he does not support or defend the Constitution.

  19. Rick: Nonsense. President Biden supports and defends the Constitution in contrast to President Trump who thought he was an absolute monarch like Louis XIV.

  20. Even though he intentionally disobeys the US Constitution, i.e. imposing the eviction moratorium despite admitting it was unconstitutional, and was not legitimately elected president; Biden is an American citizen. The same cannot be said for his vice president Kamala Harris. Neither of her parents were US citizens when she was born. Her mother was an Indian citizen and her father was a Jamaican citizen. She grew up in Canada. The only reason some consider her a citizen is because they misinterpret the 14th Amendment to allow for birthright citizenship.

  21. Fact Checker: Everything you just said is a lie. With the possible exception of the eviction moratorium. If it is unconstitutional then the Courts will say so and President Biden will change his policy accordingly.

    I am opposed to the eviction moratorium, but I cannot speak to it’s being constutional. It may be a case like the Heller decision that affirms individual gun ownership. I think the 2nd Amendment is referring to what we now call the National Guard instead of individuals. The Supreme Court says differently than me so I have to accept a decision that I do not agree with.

    Vice President Harris was born in Oakland. The immigration status of her parents means nothing. She was born an American citizen. If what you say is true, then why haven’t the Courts spoken?

  22. Fact Checker: President Biden was legitimately elected. There was no widespread voter fraud. If there were than the Courts would have said so.

    What the Courts have said recently is that Rudi Giuliani and Sidney Powell can be sued for defamation by Dominion. I am looking forward to THAT trial! It will be like the My Pillow guy this last weekend. His own cyber experts said that his claims are a hoax. An exact quote from the computer experts he hired is, “We were handed a turd”.

  23. Why would one need the courts to tell them whether or not the eviction moratorium is unconstitutional? Can’t they figure this out on their own by ready the Constitution?


  24. Biden should have been REMOVED from every ballot because his VP, Kamala Harris IS NOT A NATURAL BORN AMERICAN CITIZEN.

  25. Andy: I am opposed to the eviction moratorium. I think it is wrong. Please show me in the Constitution where it is wrong. Right, wrong, constitutional, and unconstitutional are not the same things.

    Something can be wrong but constitutional or right and unconstitutional.

    Vice President Harris was born in Oakland California. That makes her a natural born American citizen.

  26. Andy: To make an argument that something is Constitutional or not you need to point to Article so and so Section this or that. I can’t do that from my reading of the Constitution regarding eviction moratoriums. Hopefully you can help me by pointing out which Article and Section of the Constitution has you convinced there should not be eviction moratoriums. I am just being guided by my gut that it is wrong.

  27. SCOTUS perversions-

    1870s – inter-state commerce clause
    1936 – General welfare cl

    Result – State legis almost DEAD.

    See US Code, Title 42.

  28. NBC — Nation-State ALLEGIANCE at birth via father’s nation-state status.

    After birth change of ALLEGIANCE = naturalization

    Place of birth means ZERO.

    SCOTUS morons messed up NBC/naturalization in 1896 – as with Separate is NOT equal mess.

  29. Demo Rep: You are overlooking dual citizenship. A person born in the United States whose father is a citizen of another country can, depending on the law of the father’s country, be a United States citizen and a citizen of there father’s country.

    Place of birth is VERY important. If not then why were Conservative radio and Fox News so upset about Anchor Baby Tourism a few years ago?

  30. Demo Rep: Allegiance seems to me to be a deliberate decision of an individual, not something that happens at birth.

    A person can be a natural born citizen but have no Allegiance to their place of birth.

    Allegiance and citizenship is not the same thing.

  31. Stock is a communist who doesn’t understand or care about the Constitution, just like Biden and Harris.

  32. Earl: President Biden and Vice President Harris are in office. President Trump is not. That is all that matters.

    You call me a Communist as if that would be a bad thing. I am a registered Democrat and my political ideology is Liberal in the tradition of FDR, Lyndon Johnson, and Robert Kennedy.

    When it comes to economics I think that the mixed economy of some Capitalism and some Socialism is best. That has been the economic reality of the United States since the 1930s.

    100% Capitalism is bad and 100% Socialism is equally bad. I have read the Constitution several times. When I was in High School in Ventura California in the 1970s one of my government classes contrasted the United States Constitution with the Soviet Union Constitution. An entire semester contrasting the two constitutions, along with contrasting race relations in Brazil and South Africa.

    I certainly do understand and care about the Constitution. It is a shame that you have no real argument so that you have to resort to name calling. What a pitiful pathetic person you are.

  33. Earl: Among the worst names that I can think of to call someone is Conservative Trump supporter. Just the thought of such a thing brings on waves of revulsion and nausea to me.

  34. Earl: Communists believe that private property should be abolished and that the workers should own the means of production. I don’t believe either of those things. Therefore I am not a Communist.

    Back in 1967 I bought a book called The World’s Worst Jokes. It had a section on Communism. One joke was an American and a Russian were in arguing.

    You mean in Russia everyone shares equally?

    That’s right.

    If you had $2000 you would give me $1000?


    If you had two cars then you would give me one?


    If you have two shirts you would give me one?


    Why not?

    I have two shirts!

    That was funny when I was 9 and still funny now that I am 62.

  35. Earl: The same American and Russian were still arguing when the American said

    In the United States I can stand on the steps of the US Capitol and shout,”The American President is a bum!”

    The Russian smiled and said

    In Moscow I too can stand on the Kremlin wall and shout, “The American President is a bum!”

  36. The fact you support being called a communist means you are one. Just admit it. The people you idolized were all communists.

    Trump understands and cares about the Constitution far more than Biden. Biden barely even knows who he is. Biden is also a racist, just like your hero Lyndon Johnson was. You probably loved Robert Byrd too.

  37. Frank: I don’t support being called a Communist. I am just not going to be bothered if people like you call me a Communist.

    Wasn’t Trump supposed to be reinstated as President yesterday? Of course it didn’t happen. What a delusional fantasy land you Conservative Trump supporters live in. Donald Trump America’s Biggest Loser.

  38. I doubt Donald Trump will be reinstated as President even if it was 100% proven in the mainstream media that he got robbed in the election. Why? Because the government is too corrupt. The corruption is so bad that a video cluld surface of Joe Biden personally filling out fraudulent ballots and stuffing them into ballot boxes and he still would not get removed from office or face any punishment.

  39. In a naked conversation with a hooker, Biden’s son Hunter admits he lost another laptop. This time to the Russians. The corrupt mainstream media makes no mention.

  40. Trump won’t be reinstated until 2025, if he chooses to run. People don’t like Harris.

    Stock is a racist Satanic communist. No doubt about it.

  41. *modern* Allegiance stuff to govt regimes — NOT areas.
    Meanwhile – Stone Age barbarians taking over Afghanistan –
    rathole of Asia — see book

    Outline of History by H. G. Wells.

    Mountain idiots raid plains periodically.

  42. Demo Rep: You are missing the point about Allegiance.

    Allegiance is a deliberate choice of an individual. It doesn’t matter if that Allegiance is to a government, an area, another human being, or anything else. Allegiance is something that does not happen at birth. A person must be old enough to think and choose where their Allegiance will be.

  43. Demo Rep: Why is anyone surprised about what is happening in Afghanistan?

    It is the same thing that happened in Vietnam in 1975. A corrupt regime propped up on the bodies of dead Americans will collapse when Americans refuse to die for them anymore. Even if the alternative is Stone Age Barbarians. The result would be the same if the United States left 10 years ago or 10 years from now.

    For good or ill the Afghan people must be in control of their own country without foreign interference. Will atrocities occur? Yes. Will people die? Yes. Can anyone or anything stop it? No.

    If the United States had left Afghanistan in 2003 when Al Qaeda was wiped out the torture and death we are about to see in Afghanistan would have been over by now and a lot of Americans would still be alive.

  44. As I’ve said previously, the Afghans are better off with the Taliban running the country.

    The Taliban ban the common Afghan custom of men sexually abusing young boys (Bacha Bazi), which the US and the corrupt puppet Afghan government allowed. US troops were told to do nothing as they witnessed 13 and 14 year old boys molested and anally raped by friends of the corrupt Afghan government.

    The Taliban takeover – Make Afghanistan Moral Again.

  45. Fact Checker: It seems we agree that removing all American troops from Afghanistan is a good thing.

  46. Ben: My Allegiance is to Liberal Democracy and the Enlightenment. At present that is embodied in the United States Constitution. If President Trump and his nativist, anti democratic, fundamentalist religious fanatic hordes prevail in subverting the Constitution, then I will reassess where my Allegiance belongs. Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand Uruguay, Estonia, and a few others are still beacons of hope.

  47. How soon before China takeover of Afghan land via that east appendix —

    esp with commie Joe B in Devil City ???

    More USA troop foreign regime exits >>> more barbarian ANTI-Democracy takeovers ??? Duh.

  48. Stock supports communism, as he listed authoritarian countries where people have few rights. Look at New South Wales right now.

    Trump cared far more about the Constitution than dementia Joe Biden. That’s obvious. You hate Trump because he isn’t a communist like you and Dementia Joe Biden

  49. 14-1 Amdt *subject to the [ALLEGIANCE] jurisdiction thereof*

    did not apply to Am Indians >>> took 1924 and 1924 USA laws to naturalize the few surviving Am Indians to become naturalized USA Citizens.

    ALL foreign ALLEGIANCE folks born in USA are FOREIGN

    — IE kids with foreign ALLEGIANCE fathers are FOREIGN at birth.

    >>> TOTAL brain damage in SCOTUS since 1868.

  50. Also —

    NOOO such thing as *dual* citizen-ships.

    IF W-A-R between 2 regimes — does alleged dual citizen half shoot/arrest the other half ???

    See also ART III, Sec. 2.

  51. Demo Rep: You added the word Allegiance in brackets because the word does not appear in the 14th Amendment. You added the word Allegiance to change the meaning of the text to fit your faulty argument.

    The Department of State accepts dual citizenship. You can read about dual citizenship on the website of the State Department. Why do you deny it exists?

    In case of war a dual citizen decides which side they are on. The majority of Japanese Americans fought for the United States during WWII while a very few fought for Japan. Same thing among German and Italian Americans during WWI and WWII. Why is this reality such a difficult concept for you to grasp?

  52. Your hero communist Franklin Roosevelt put Americans of Japanese descent in internment camps. Funny how you forgot that part.

  53. Demo Rep: If China does invade Afghanistan then they will be stuck in the same morass that doomed the United States, the Soviet Union, and the British to failure.

  54. I haven’t forgotten about the Japanese Internment camps. I have known people who were imprisoned at one. A couple of my great uncles help build one. FDR was wrong to do that. There is no excuse. I admire a lot of what FDR did, but not everything he did. It is the same with any President.

  55. Roosevelt ruined this country. Prolonged a depression, created a Ponzi scheme called “Social Security”, massively expanded government and raised taxes, put Japanese in camps, devalued the dollar, ordered the ships alligned at Pearl Harbor so they would be easy targets and thus drag the country into an unpopular war, stacked the courts, acted like a dictator, I could go on and on. Retards like Stock love this because they love to mooch off people and not have to think for themselves. A useful idiot, as they say.

  56. I think being a useful idiot is better than being a useless idiot like you.

    If my ideas didn’t resonate or have any validity then you wouldn’t personally attack me every time I comment.

    Thank you for giving me a real ego boost. It is great to know that you are scared of me. I am speaking too much sense for you to be comfortable. I might get people questioning the big lies of Donald Trump America’s Biggest Loser.

  57. Scared of a fucking lazy Sanatic Soros worshiping communist? Hardly. You are just mad because people prove you are an idiot day after day.
    How’s the roach motel going?

  58. 14-1 Amdt *subject to the [ALLEGIANCE] jurisdiction thereof*

    did not apply to Am Indians >>> took 1924 and 1940 USA laws to naturalize the few surviving Am Indians to become naturalized USA Citizens.

    1940 law — due in part to 1933-1940 nazi jewish stuff and early WW II.

  59. Demo Rep: You insist on inserting the word Allegiance into the text where it does not appear.

    American Indians should have been recognized as full citizens long before they were. However, that has nothing to do with your continued attempt to redefine the word Allegiance to something it is not.

  60. TO ALL LAW M-O-R-O-N-S-

    see *** Allegiance *** below.


    We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all >>>>>>> Allegiance <<<<<<< to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
    States PLURAL – as in later 1777 ART Confed, 1783 USA-Brit Peace Treaty and 1787 USA Const esp Art VII.

  61. more for MORONS


    Naturalization Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America


    “I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all >>>>>>> allegiance and fidelity <<<<<>>>>> allegiance <<<<<< to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."
    Subversion of USA Const Art VI, para 3 and 1 Amdt in last 4 words.

  62. did not copy right


    “I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure >>> all allegiance and fidelity <<>> true faith and allegiance <<< to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

  63. did not copy right again

    see allegiance – twice


    “I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”

  64. Demo Rep: You are completely wrong. The oath you have quoted pertains to individuals who are adults born in another country that decide to become American citizens. It DOES NOT apply to people who are born in the United States with parents who are citizens of another country.

    The State Department website says that if an adult takes the oath of allegiance it does not prevent the person’s old country from refusing to accept that oath. The old country can continue to recognize the new American citizen as their citizen still. That is on the Department of State website. It calls this situation dual citizenship and does not say it is illegal, wrong, or prohibited.

    The State Department website informs American citizens of the law of the United States as it is applied in reality. Not as an abstract idea that you wish the law to be. If your argument about allegiance is true, then why does the State Department say that dual citizenship is legal and commonplace?

    You can call me a moron if you choose, but I think the moron is the person who ignores the information published by the United States Department of State.

  65. ” That is on the Department of State website. It calls this situation dual citizenship and does not say it is illegal, wrong, or prohibited.”

    I would be in favor of eliminating dual citizenship, or at the very least, prohibiting dual citizens from holding offices in government.

  66. Demo Rep: That is your faulty interpretation. If there were no dual citizenship then why does the website of the United States Department of State say there is dual citizenship?

  67. If there is no explicit prohibition against dual citizenship, it remains a right reserved to the people to decide for themselves whether to be dual citizens or not.

  68. NON-MORONS can detect that Govt websites often have UN-constitutional stuff on them —
    esp uncon laws and regs.
    14-1 first sentence – *** subject to the jurisdiction thereof ***

    NON-morons can look at the 1866 USA Senate debates which added the such sentence in the Congressional Globe about 6 pages — about 10 sentences by various Sens

    Sentence was added in part to make ex-slaves via 13th Amdt into USA citizens — to over-rule the infamous 1857 Dred Scott opin in SCOTUS.

  69. Demo Rep: What a ridiculous answer. United States Government websites have unconstitutional laws and regs on them? BULLSHIT!!!!

    If any instances of that ever
    actually occurred then lawyers from any number of government watchdog groups would have called it out and challenged it in Court. Why don’t you file suit to remove these things from government websites? Go ahead and get laughed out of Court because your assertions is as false as the “stolen election”.

    Who cares what the Senate debates were in 1866? The rulings of the Court are the true explanation of what the Constitution means. And yes the Supreme Court has made rulings that were overturned by future Supreme Court rulings, but so what? None of us have to agree with the Supreme Court but we damn sure have to live by their decisions.

    What is published by the United States Government as information for the public is correct and lawfull until the government charges it. Your reading of the 14th Amendment means nothing outside of your own fantasy world.

  70. From an Alaskan, it appears that the cancer of the jungle primary, now at five, is spreading as fast as the COVID Delta Variant. I hope that tour courts are better than ours, and will require the voters to vote on each subject separately. Jungle primary, ranked-choice voting, and whatever else is in the initiative are really different concepts and should be voted on separately.

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