Poll Shows Write-in Candidate Leading for Mayor of Buffalo, New York

This story says a poll shows Mayor Byron Brown leading in his re-election campaign in Buffalo, New York, even though he is a write-in candidate and even though his opponent, Democratic nominee India Walton, is the only name on the ballot. Thanks to Political Wire for the link.


Poll Shows Write-in Candidate Leading for Mayor of Buffalo, New York — 4 Comments

  1. According to the article:

    “Those surveyed were asked if their opinion of socialism was favorable or unfavorable. 39.8 percent said they viewed it unfavorably, 30.9 percent said they viewed it favorably and 29.3 percent had no opinion”


  2. Abolish all ballot access laws. They are voter censorship. Return control of the ballot to each voter with all write-in ballots in a format similar to the Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot.

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