U.S. House Passes Bill to Restore the Pre-Clearance Part of the Voting Rights Act

On August 24, the U.S. House passed HR 4, the bill to restore the pre-clearance portion of the federal Voting Rights Act. The vote was 219-212. No Republican voted for the bill. It is known as the “John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021.” Here is the text. Now it goes to the U.S. Senate.

The reason the bill is needed is because the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the old pre-clearance law in Shelby County v Holder, 570 US 529, in 2013.
The old formula for which states needed to have their election laws pre-cleared had not been updated since the 1960’s, which was the basis for the invalidation.


U.S. House Passes Bill to Restore the Pre-Clearance Part of the Voting Rights Act — 86 Comments

  1. And, per John Manchin and probably Kyrsten Sinema, that bill is DOA in the Senate. Well, if it has nationwide preclearance (something I support) Manchin has said he’d be down with that.

  2. Pre-clearance is garbage. States should be able to decide election laws on their own.

  3. Racism is garbage, as is classism. The right to vote should not be infringed.

  4. John Lewis crosses a bridge and suddenly he’s a hero. Lol.

    The only racism in the United States today is racism against White people.

  5. Mr. Libertarian: Turn about is fair play. I think it is perfectly fine to discriminate against White people. I would be in favor of prohibiting all White people from holding elected office for the next 50 years.

    Being beaten by police on that bridge, being bitten by savage police dogs, and knocked down by fire hoses to secure the right to vote, go to school, and be treated as full American citizens makes John Lewis and all the Civil Rights marchers from the 1960s heroes.

  6. Stock is a fucking retarded communist. Hey Stock, you should quit your just and give it to a “minority”, otherwise you are part of the problem. What a joke you are.

    This bill is not needed.

  7. Who knew that a blog operated by an advocate of free and fair elections would somehow attract fascists like Peter and Mr. “Libertarian”? I suspect most actual Libertarians (such as Richard Winger) at least acknowledge there are serious problems with our country’s election/voting system and law enforcement, even if they have somewhat different ideas than Greens like me on how to resolve said problems.

  8. Great, another commie. You and Stock would get along well. The only problems with voting are ballot access and Democrats stuffing ballots.

    Greens (commies) believe in zero freedom and communism. They wouldn’t even have elections in their perfect world.

  9. Peter: Working as a Hotel Night Auditor or any other job has nothing to do with running the country or making laws.

    Systemic racism originates with and is maintained by the elected officials and those running the institutions in America. They are the ones who should be replaced with non White individuals. If given the choice between two qualified individuals, one White one non White, I will always vote for the non White candidate.

    It is my experience that most hotel workers in the United States are non White. I already am part of the minority at my job.

    You have nothing to fear from “minorities”.

  10. Blacks are 13% of the population but commit 50% of the crime. The US becomes Haiti or some African nation with rampant corruption and crime if the governance of the country is turned over to them.

  11. Mr. Libertarian: The crime rate is due to opportunities that have been denied to African Americans and drug prohibition.

  12. Does that mean that you believe every place in the world with an average income purchasing power parity equivalent to African Americans, coupled with drug prohibition, is going to have elevated crime rates? Because that is testable. Just looking at homicide rates, it doesn’t support your position.

    Personally, I don’t buy into the idea that poverty causes violent crime. I think it’s a common cause: stupidity combined with a predisposition for violence. Stupidity combined with a predisposition for violence causes people to be both more likely to be poor and also more likely to engage in violent crime.

    I may be wrong, but I don’t think there is a huge difference in nonviolent crime rates, like marijuana use, between races.

  13. I am saying that every place in the world where a group id not allowed to buy property where another group lives and is denied bank loans while another groups is given bank loans and then it does not have access to the same schools the other group WILL have an increase in crime. Drug prohibition will compound the afore mentioned ills leading to even more crime.

    The amount of income is not important. Being blocked in ways the other groups are not is what is important.

  14. Jim: When I say drug prohibition I do not mean just Marijuana. I mean ALL drugs. Heroin, Meth, Pills, everything you can smoke, drink, snort, shoot, or swallow. Legalize them all and crime will decrease.

  15. Jim: The crime associated with prohibition is the same as during alcohol prohibition. Turf wars between rival illegal drug sellers. Government officials being bribed to look the other way. Law enforcement resources spent on anti drug activity instead of being used to prevent other criminal activity. And of course legalization will greatly lessen the violent crime caused by addicts trying to raise money to buy drugs.

  16. I knew it! Stock is a racist! He admits he votes for candidates solely based on race. He continues to push his racism on others, causing further divide.

    People like you are disgusting.

  17. We will replace you! We will replace you!

    I did not say solely in race. I said if two candidates are equally qualified then I will always vote for the non White.

    You think I’m disgusting? So what. You can’t stop me from commenting. You can’t shut me up. You are impotent.

  18. So-called pre-clearance was NOT in 1787 USA Const.

    NOOO amendment allows pre-clearance stuff — regardless of SCOTUS UN-const opines.

    Minority rule gerrymander Congress — too moron stupid to know how to enforce Const amdts —-

    Any USA or State officer, legislative, executive or judicial, who violates the 13th, 14th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 23rd, 24th or 26th Amendments shall be (a) guilty of a felony with the death penalty [or merely life in jail] and fines only limited by the 8th Amdt and (b) be liable in a civil action for unlimited damages by any person who rights in such Amendments were violated by any such officer.
    POSITIVE definition of Elector/Voter in ALL elections –

    USA Citizen, 18 plus yrs olde on election days, be registered by 28 days before election days. PERIOD.

    Repeal ALL the negative stuff.

  19. Since when is causing division a bad thing? You sound like this is a religious discussion instead of political one.

    The sooner White people are barred from holding elected office for the following 50 years the better.

  20. Shut up racist. I will continue to call you out for your evilness. You obviously don’t believe in MLK’s message.

  21. Now Stock wants to ban people for office solely based on their race. If that isn’t racism I don’t know what is. Yet, he stole a job from a black man. What a hypocrite, just like all communists.

    Go fuck yourself racist sick fuck.

  22. You can’t shut me up

    I won’t go away.

    Ban all Whute people from elected office for 50 years.

  23. You can’t shut me up.

    I won’t go away.

    Ban all White people from elected office for 50 years.

  24. Demo Rep: There is no God and the Bible is just a book of fairy-tales and bad advice.

  25. Demo Rep: I gladly side myself with the late Congressman Lewis. I am happy to be what you call a Commie Looter. I wouldn’t use those words, but if that is how you see it, then I am fine with that description. I hope I get to personally kick down your front door with my jack boots and hold you upside down while shaking the loose change out of your pockets.

  26. Stock, put your money where your mouth is and quit your job for a black man. Give up your right to vote. Otherwise you are just spewing typical commie racist bullshit.

  27. Wait, now Stock is advocating force and violence? This guy claimed to be a libertarian?

    He should be reported to the police and possibly the FBI. He may be responsible for the crime in El Reno, and possibly OKC.

  28. Call the FBI go ahead I welcome their visit. I certainly do advocate that the United States government can and should use force to collect taxes from those who refuse to pay. Pay your taxes or else!

    Yes. There were 29 years where I was a dues paying member of the Libertarian Party. One of the biggest mistakes I have ever made. If I could go back in time I would change that. It is one of my deepest regrets.

  29. I will spew whatever bullshit I want. I don’t care that you don’t like it. You can’t make me stop because you are impotent.

  30. RKS wrote–

    I hope I get to personally kick down your front door with my jack boots and hold you upside down while shaking the loose change out of your pockets.
    FBI agents with an inter-state arrest warrant will be shortly knocking down your door and hopefully will blow your RED commie looter ass away in the process.

    Crimes – threats of home invasion, assault, robbery.

    Other folks – report RKS threats to FBI and your state/local cops.

  31. You can be a racist all you want, but you are now threatening violence. That’s where your free speech ends.

    Are you giving up your right to vote, racist commie Stock?

  32. You are too stupid to comprehend the English language.

    Recognizing the authority of the United States government to enforce paying taxes at the point of a gun is perfectly legal and OK.

    Wishing I was an agent of the Treasury Department and taking down a tax cheat is not threatening violence.

    Why don’t you call the police on me? I am sure they would love to hear from you. I live in El Reno, Oklahoma. Go ahead call.

  33. I forgot about your suggestion to give up my right to vote. Hell no, but I will give up my right to run for elected office for the next 50 years. I give up that right immediately.

  34. Demo Rep: Go ahead and report me to the FBI. Anyone who reads my post will see it is in response to your idiotic looter comment about John Lewis.

    Hoping to do something is not a threat of violence you moron. Wishing I was a Treasury Agent collecting what is owed to the United States government is not a threat of home invasion, assault, and robbery. It is my wishing to be part of team carrying out the lawfull function of the agents of the Treasury Department that you were claiming to be Looters. Have you ever seen a cartoon where the IRS picks up someone holds them upside down and shakes loose change from their pockets?

    Go ahead and call the FBI. I did nothing wrong. I did not threaten you. You are hypersensitive and unable to recognize what you are reading.

    Call the FBI you ignorant moron.

  35. Whats wrong with looking at things racially in life? It is a valid way of looking at things since most of Americas problems has RACE involved in it. The only people that get offended are the one’s who stick their heads in the dirt like there are no problems involving RACE.

  36. A felony threat is a felony threat with or without hope of doing the felony.

    18 U.S. Code § 875 – Interstate communications

    (a) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any demand or request for a ransom or reward for the release of any kidnapped person, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
    (b) Whoever, with intent to extort from any person, firm, association, or corporation, any money or other thing of value, transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
    (c) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to injure the person of another, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
    (d) Whoever, with intent to extort from any person, firm, association, or corporation, any money or other thing of value, transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication containing any threat to injure the property or reputation of the addressee or of another or the reputation of a deceased person or any threat to accuse the addressee or any other person of a crime, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
    (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 741; Pub. L. 99–646, § 63, Nov. 10, 1986, 100 Stat. 3614; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(G), (H), (K), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

  37. Demo Rep:

    You write tons of stuff. Every word is meaningless drivel.

    If you think I am guilty of a felony, then call the FBI. Call the El Reno Police. Call the Canadian County Sheriff. What are you waiting for?

    You talk big, but you are all talk and no action.

  38. The pre-clearance part of the Voting Rights Act helped ballot access in Mississippi in 1966. The legislature increased the statewide independent petition from 1,000 signatures to 10,000, but the Justice Department Voting Rights section rejected that change. So today, Mississippi statewide independent candidates still just need 1,000 signatures.

  39. Is this good for ballot access? Could ballot access bills be subject to pre-clearance? Could a partisan AG obstruct selected ballot access proposals by ruling that they require pre-clearance? Be careful what you wish for.

  40. A U.S. Attorney General does not get to decide which election law changes (in covered jurisdiction) need pre-clearance. All election law changes in covered jurisdictions need pre-clearance, even trivial ones, like moving the location of a polling place. There is nothing ambiguous about which changes need review.

  41. Ever wonder why the whole third world wants to move to White nations but not vice versa?

  42. Walter, it was in effect 1965-2013 and it didn’t do ballot access any harm during those 48 years. Unfortunately it didn’t do much good either. It did prevent Alabama from imposing a severe change in its definition of a qualified political party during 1982, but it was only a temporary help. The Voting Rights Section prevented Alabama from implementing the change for the 1982 election, but allowed it to take effect afterwards.

  43. @RW:

    I hope you are right. But, it seems like the AG office has become very politicized in recent years, and I can imagine pre-clearance being politically used by both major parties.

  44. Mr. Libertarian; I did no such thing. If you think I did why don’t you call the police?

    You are all talk and no action. You are impotent.

  45. Looters take over Roman Empire – it falls – mere 1,000 years of Dark Age.

    Looters take over Russia, China, Brit Empire – they all fall.

    Looters/invaders doing their evil worst to takeover the USA.

  46. The real looters are those who don’t pay their taxes. If they are able to work, they should be put in labor camps after all their accounts and property is seized. If they can’t work, they should be stoned to death in the town square. It’s great family entertainment that’s stood the test of time, and at the same time teaches kids an important lesson : pay your taxes!

  47. People want to move to places which present better economic opportunity, safety, and freedom from ethnic, sectarian, and gender/sexuality based persecution.

    There are a lot of people from third world countries who move to oil sheikdoms like Kuwait, UAE and Brunei. There are lots of people from middle eastern and Central Asian nations experiencing war like Syria and Afghanistan who move, or try to move, to nearby countries like Pakistan, Jordan, Lebanon, etc. There are many people from some South American countries who move or seek to move to other South American countries.

    There are not a lot of people who move or seek to move to poor, majority white countries like Poland or Belarus. Instead, people from countries like Poland tend to look for better opportunity in other countries.

    Centuries of colonialism and imperialism have made many majority white nations a destination for migrants from other countries, but there are exceptions. For example, majority white nations in the former Soviet bloc are not a big destination for migrants, except for those from other former Soviet bloc nations which are even worse off.

    The reasons why people move from one country to another are the same as they were when waves of European immigrants came to the U.S., Canada, Australia, etc. They are no different then the reasons why people move from one neighborhood, city, or state to another. Over the decades, Americans moved from rural areas into cities, and from densely packed city neighborhoods to suburbs. A century ago, a lot of poor black and white Americans moved from the south to big cities up north. More recently, many have been moving from north to south. The whole time many have been moving from east to west, but just recently many have moved out of California, which was always a destination state before.

    It’s a mistake to try to boil this all down to race. Race isn’t why Filipinos move to Dubai, Polish people move to Germany, Russians move to England, Venezuelans move to Colombia, or Salvadorans move to Mexico. And it’s not why people from third world countries move to majority white countries either.

  48. By the way, the same reasons were behind the many Europeans who moved to third world nations while they were being colonized by Europe. That is, they were seeking economic opportunities that didn’t exist in Europe, and in some case escape from the rigid social and class structures and ethnic and sectarian strife that were prevalent all over Europe.

  49. Robert Stock, two wrongs don’t make a right. Government discrimination against whites wouldn’t balance out past discrimination against non whites. It would only serve to perpetuate racial resentment further. Government policy toward race should be that there is no such thing. Take all questions about race off all government forms. Stop listing race on any government paperwork. Prohibit all levels, branches and agencies of government from referring to anyone’s race in any way, shape or form, or treating anyone differently on the basis of race.

  50. Robert Stock

    “We will replace you”

    Please define who “we” and “you” are in the above sentence. What is this we which you are claiming to be a part of? Who is the “you” allegedly being replaced, and what makes you a part of the “we” and not a part of the “you “?

  51. Eric: When it comes to making up for past injustice due to racism two wrongs DO make a right.

    To say that all that should be put in the past and deal with each other as if everyone is color blind ignores the reality of White Supremacist thinking that still infects a huge percentage of White minds in the United States.

  52. That should be addressed, but not by government. It’s a mistake to think government can, or should, solve all our problems. The best thing it can do in this case, and many others, is get out of the way. The only thing government can ever do about racial problems is make them worse, regardless of which side it takes.

  53. Eric: “We will replace you!” Is a parody and rewording of the White Supremacist chant at the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville Virginia.

    “We” that I mentioned refer to anyone who the Conservative Trump Supporters are frightened of. Jews, Illegal Aliens, Transsexuals, Communists, the usual boogeymen of the Right.

  54. Eric: That is why I am not Libertarian. I think it is the right and proper role of government to do whatever the majority of voters want it to do instead of being constrained by a philosophy.

    I disagree with Thomas Jefferson that the best government governs least. I think that the purpose of government is to be as active as possible to solve the problems of the people.

  55. Your fundamental mistake is in thinking that trying to embody their boogeymen is a valid approach to politics. I prefer to honestly point out that their boogeymen have no validity and are just fantasies spun by cynical scumbags who are manipulating them such as Trump, Richard Spencer, etc.

    If you were to actually take their nonsense seriously, you as a white American are part of the “you” getting replaced. You wouldn’t become a “we” unless you converted to Judaism and had your conversion accepted by an orthodox rabbi. I take it you have no interest in converting to Judaism. Luckily, there is no we replacing any you. There’s just people moving from one neighborhood, city, county, state, and country to another, just like there have always been, and chicken little know nothings pretending that it means the sky is falling, just like in all those past migration waves.

  56. Jefferson was right, and you’re wrong. The majority of voters often want stupid and destructive things, and when those policies fail, they get conned into even more stupid ideas to “fix” those screw ups, and so on. At its extreme, Hitler was initially elected in a democratic election. More recently, authoritarian leaders in countries like Poland, Hungary, Turkey, and the Philippines have been democratically elected.

    It seems that you are not a fan of former president Trump. Yet he was elected. You can quibble that it was only because of the electoral college, but he could easily be elected again, or someone with similar views could be.

    If you want majorities to solve all our problems, be careful what you wish for. It may not look anything like what you envision.

  57. Eric: You are taking Ballot Access News blog too seriously.

    The majority of people who post here don’t care about sound arguments. They are here to blindly trumpet their support of President Trump, Fascism, and Xenophobia.

    The majority of people who post here are a joke and I will respond to them with the same over the top hyperbole.

    This blogsite is not a place for honest sincere political discussion.

  58. Eric: It is OK for you to say that I am wrong. I think you are wrong. And neither of us will be able to change the other’s mind. That’s perfectly fine in our Republican Democracy. But the majority of people who post here are sickened by the thought of reasonable people disagreeing.

  59. You’re letting the trolls drag you down. The discussion site is what you help make of it. You can ignore the trolls and respond to honest sincere discussion with the same, or you can respond to hyperbole with hyperbole.

    Unfortunately, in real world politics, it’s all too often a vicious cycle of people responding to hyperbole with hyperbole, which leads to more hyperbole in reply, and so on. It’s the same when it comes to racial strife and resentment. Those are two of the reasons why I don’t think politics and government are a good way to solve social problems in general , and racial problems specifically.

  60. Robert, I don’t think they are a majority. It’s more likely one or two trolls posting under multiple names.

    I also think it’s ok for you to disagree with me. But unlike you, I’m not a big fan of one of us being put in a position to enforce what you or I think is right with government force. If you relish the idea of using government force to have your way, or aren’t frightened at the prospect of someone like me having such powers , consider the non trivial likelihood that those who think like the troll(s) here having and using those powers. I don’t think either of us would like that.

    When Jefferson said that government which governs least governs best, he had studied a considerable history of government governing much more aggressively. It wasn’t a pretty history then, and is even uglier now.

  61. Olde control freak monarch/oligarch looters


    New Age control freak monarch/oligarch looters – with more intell and weapons.

    Always some morons loving the looters in power.

  62. RKS wrote –

    I think it is the right and proper role of government to do whatever the majority of voters want it to do instead of being constrained by a philosophy.
    RKS would love to have been in the 1933-1945 Hitler regime or the 1929-1953 Stalin regime.

    NOOOO *rights* for any body [except the top fascist/commie gangsters] —

    just the *right* to be a slave and die at the hands of the secret police in a slave camp / purge / war.

    Does RKS burn copies of the 4 July 1776 DOI (with its *philosophy*) to keep warm in his local hellhole ???

  63. RKS going to join Taliban killers/enslavers in Afghan land –

    to solve those *problems* of the People ???

    New Stone Age in A land on 1 Sept 2021 after USA/West gets out.

    How many A land folks will be killed – esp on TV — heads chopped off, etc. ???

    USA NOT to do anything if/when Russia/China attack — to loot A land high tech rocks ???

  64. Stock’s Satanism is pure hyperbole. He doesn’t believe there is a god or Satan. He’s an atheist who likes to piss off Christians by calling himself a Satanist. He isn’t serious in his religious or political beliefs. He just gets a thrill out of pissing off Christians and conservatives. He admits as much above, and has any number of times on past threads.

  65. Yes, the USA should absolutely do nothing when the Taliban executes people in soccer stadiums on live tv or if or when Russia or China join the long procession of foreign empires that have tried and failed to conquer,occupy and or change Afghanistan. The USA foolishly joined that long list with its failed occupation of Afghanistan for the past 20 years. It has now left, having won or changed nothing. If the occupation continued another 20 years, or another 200 years, the end result would have been the same.

    If the Chinese are stupid enough to invade Afghanistan, they will learn that same exact lesson. The Russians already learned it back when they were the USSR, but if they are really bad students, they will take the class over and learn it again. The British and many other empires for thousands of years have all learned the hard way why Afghanistan is the graveyard of empires, and why land wars in Asia are generally a losing proposition.

    The United States would be equally stupid to require a remedial lesson. If it chooses to ignore the lessons of history, it will learn them again, as will any other world power which is stupid and arrogant enough to believe it can bomb or occupy Afghanistan out of the stone age.

  66. Stock is just a racist communist who makes threats against others. Ignore him.

  67. Last time I checked, Bill and Hillary Clinton never won a majority of the popular vote, so your argument goes out the window. Then again, you are one of the dumbest posters on this site.

  68. I’ve noticed some arrogant British twits pissing and moaning that the USA has finally mustered the good sense to leave Afghanistan. I should probably be a bit more realistic though and not believe the US has actually left until it actually does leave; it wouldn’t be surprising at this point if some terrorist incident or some action of the Taliban government provided an excuse for Biden to halt the withdrawal.

    But supposing the US actually does go through with it and gets all the way out,what prevents the UK from leading the coalition of foreign invaders/ occupiers? The British are not complete idiots, and remember their own lesson in Afghanistan from the 19th century. That’s why they are happy to let the yanks provide the vast bulk of troops and funds for the latest foreign folly in Afghanistan. It’s also why their reaction to the alleged coming withdrawal is to bitch about it, rather than increase their commitment and take over the operation .

    Much the same can be said of the other “coalition partners” bemoaning the US exit (but not continuing the occupation without the US).

  69. Demo Rep: Why haven’t I heard from law enforcement yet? I’m waiting. Why haven’t you reported me yet? What are you waiting for?

    Of all tbe morons on this site Demo Rep is the most impotent limp dick of them all.

    Your words are meaningless drivel.

    Adam: The Church of Satan founded by Anton LaVey does not believe that Satan is an entity. The Church teaches that Satan is a symbol of man’s carnal nature in opposition to spiritual illusion. Peter Gilmore the High Priest of the Church of Satan has said many times that Satanism is a subset of Atheism. Not all Atheists are Satanists, but every member of the Church of Satan is an Atheist.

  70. I did not threaten anyone. You people have no comprehension of the English language.

    If I did threaten Demo Rep then why has Mr. Winger not prevented my ability to comment? It is because I did not threaten Demo Rep.

  71. Yes, I know. The entire church of Satan is a troll operation. You are atheists who enjoy pissing off Christians for the lulz.

    There are real, non joking Satanist groups, like the order of nine angles


    Most such groups are clandestine and don’t announce their existence, much less membership, publicly.

    Most self proclaimed Satanist groups, including yours, are actually troll operations, and in no way serious.

  72. Adam: We refer to those groups as pseudo Satanists. If someone claims that Satan is real then they are devil worshipping Christian heretics. They accept the Christian world view and choose the Devil. The Church of Satan rejects the Christian world view. Nothing supernatural exists.

  73. Yes, and they refer to you as sham Satanists. I’m not a Satanist, atheist,or Christian, so I don’t care much, but I think they probably have a better case against you than you have against them. It’s not a strongly held belief on my part, though.

  74. Adam: Before Anton LaVey founded the Church of Satan in 1966 no other group of Satanists existed.

    There were some groups like The Order of the Golden Dawn or the followers of Aleister Crowley.
    But those groups called themselves occultists not Satanists.

    Anton LaVey defined what it means to be a Satanist. All of the other groups you refer to are riding on the coat tails of LaVey.

  75. Some of them dispute that, including ONA. Even if Lavey was the first to publicly promote himself as a Satanist, it does not mean clandestine groups of Satanists never existed before him. Lavey probably just took advantage of the then newly permissive social environment of the mid to late 1960s to brag about something that likely would have landed people in a jail, mental asylum or at the end of a lynch mob’s noose at any time prior to then.

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