Article Has a Picture of the Declaration of Candidacy Form that Terry McAuliffe Failed to Sign

This article by Evita Duffy, about the Virginia Republican lawsuit to keep Democratic gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe off the November 2021 ballot, has a picture of the declaration of candidacy form that McAuliffe did not sign. It also shows that two witnesses signed the form, attesting that they observed his signature.


Article Has a Picture of the Declaration of Candidacy Form that Terry McAuliffe Failed to Sign — 24 Comments

  1. If this were a Libertarian Party candidate, or a candidate for some other minor party, or an independent candidate, they’d be off the ballot over this for sure. The same standard should be applied to him.

  2. McAuliffe’s campaign people were on Virginia television news claiming McAuliffe definitely signed the form and it was the evil Donald Trumpians, GOP, and the Jan 6th people making this lie up against the poor do-nothing-wrong McAuliffe and Democrats. lol

  3. They may be correct that he didn’t, sign, but the suit still has the same flaw: it was not filed when it was a ripe issue before the primary. Taking him off the ballot now would likely be an equal protection violation to all the democratic voters that voted in the primary. They would be denied a candidate as someone else may have won or he could have won as a write in.

    As a side note I do agree that these standards get applied unequally, and understand the comeuppance thoughts. This one just doesn’t have a good shot due to timing.

  4. Where is the signature space for him? It says “Print name of candidate” which he did. But at the bottom, it would seem that the witness signatures were not done in front of a notary.

  5. Form in law or mere SOS reg or invented by SOS ???

    VA – colony/State since 1607 – mere 414 years.

  6. Elephant Complaint- link

    Virginia Republican Party Files Lawsuit to Remove Terry McAuliffe from Ballot Because He Didn’t Sign Declaration of Candidacy
    Posted on August 26, 2021 by Richard Winger
    BUT does NOT have the McA form

  7. I lay the fault for this on three sources: McAuliffes people and the State Election Commission of Virginia and the GOP of Virginia. McAuliffes campaign staff should have scrutinized everything. They didn’t. The Virginia State Election Commission should have caught it and alerted McAuliffes campaign staff in time to fix it. The GOP of Virginia should have picked up the mistake earlier than they did. Is everyone sleeping in Virginia? They could remove him from the ballot. It is a major mistake. They won’t (my opinion) because it makes the SYSTEM look incompetent.

  8. @Jeffrey C Becker… Near the top, above the mailing address. Where it has the boxes… it’s the top left box.

  9. @Aiden, yeah, OK, I see it now, but it’s not very clear. It’s a small box. I can easily see how he missed it. The bigger concern, IMO is the lack of any notary at the bottom so there are TWO key signatures missing. In the end, lawyers always eat.

  10. @JeffBecker … interesting additional point on the notary.

    That, in turn, leads to another question: Why did the VA Department of Elections even accept this, if not notarized?

  11. There seems to be carelessness, but no fraud. If Terry McAuliffe had not actually intended to file for the Democratic primary, and someone else forged his name on a candidacy statement, that would be fraud.

  12. Of course Richard Winger does not think this is fraud because he is a communist who always sticks up for the Democrats. Read his past comments. What about the two witnesses who lied? That is fraud. Richard Winger supports fraud.

  13. Richard:
    Why is this issue even being discussed? It’s always been my understanding that the Commonwealth of Virginia followed the CSA & EUM Constitutional rule of ONLY ONE term for Governor(President).

  14. @Deemer…. Virginia only restricts “succeeding one’s self”…. In other words you can’t be governor for two terms in a row… beyond that, there are no term limits. Basically, you can do one term on, one term off, and repeat.

  15. The two witnesses claimed that “the foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn before me this 6th day of March 2021 by Terry McAuliffe”

  16. Of course, Eddie thinks Winger is a communist because he’s a fascist, or a general wingnut.

    #fify Eddie

  17. Winger has never faulted Democrats for any of their crimes and fraud. It’s obviously he is on the side of communists.

  18. Think about this. The witnesses who signed it. What were they witnessing? A blank signature!

  19. Hello Everyone,
    I am a lawyer, Amina Matheny-Willard, and my clients filed their lawsuit on June 2, 2021, BEFORE the democratic primary. Our position is that the Declaration of Candidacy is invalid, therefore, McAuliffe should not have been permitted to appear on the ballot. Our lawsuit is against the Board of Elections who allowed McAuliffe’s name to appear on the ballot. Additionally, the Virginia Constitution only allows Governors to serve one term. They cannot serve either consecutive or non-consecutive terms. In order to be on the ballot, you MUST Declare yourself a candidate. McAuliffe did not do this, because he did not sign the Declaration of Candidacy – therefore, he is not a valid candidate.

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