The Coalition for Free & Open Elections held its annual board meeting on Sunday, August 22, via zoom. The minutes of the meeting will be posted by the end of the day, Sunday, August 29, at The Coalition for Free & Open Elections is a loose coalition of most of the nation’s nationally-organized minor parties, plus some organizations that are allies in the fight for better election laws for voters who want to vote for minor parties. COFOE was founded in 1985.
COFOE able to detect 1954 Brown v Bd of Ed–
There will be no mention of Top Six/PLAS/CounterPLAS.
Clueless COFOE/
Because nobody but you gives a shit.
As long as third party and independent candidates continue to lose, no one can claim to have a winning strategy.
Until Top Six/Level the Playing Field/PLAS has been tried and failed, no one can say I am wrong.
IPR has an interesting article about Hiram Johnson. Richard, why don’t you consider reposting it here at BAN?
Johnson was vp nominee to Teddy Roosevelt on their Progressive party ticket in 1912.
Both were alienated Republicans.
My position has been that if Woodrow Wilson had bolted the Democratic party and joined the ticket, however it worked out, the Progressive Party could very well have won. PLAS.
I am ok after the EF 3 tornado near me in NJ Wednesday. Close call. A tornado warning verified touchdown came on my phone. It specifically mentioned trailers and rvs which I live in.
Yesterday I tried to contact the US attorney in Pittsburgh and Judy Clarke court appointed defense counsel in the Robert Bowers case.
I filed an Amicus Curiae brief favorable to Bowers. Still no disposition after almost three years.
The US needs a water grid. We could harvest water and pump it to where it is needed. Presently that would be from the North and South East to the entire West.
I was impressed by the visuals of the ski resort snow making machines blasting out water against the encroaching wildfire. Can they be made mobile attached to water tankers?
We should use Gatorade to nourish our crops. Imagine the superfoods this would create. It would be like eating the corn equivalent of Lebron James.
Further, the tv meteorologists mentioned “tornado cycling”. That is I believe the tornado cell produces on, then it goes back up as the cell moves on. Then it drops/produces another tornado.
It looked to me like this is what happened in this case in NJ.
The cell went over me and as it did the rain deluge nearly completely stopped. The edge of the cell. Another tornado came down a while later some distance away from that same cell.
Just reporting my observations. For what it is worth.
wow! You guys are a tough audience.
Where is paulie my tormenting troll?
No garbage or gaslight comments paulie?
Maybe he finally gave up and quit after being outed.
“Penny Lover 2000” tried to troll you.
Gatorade to nourish crops is a reference to the movie Idiocracy.
I am at a disadvantage having not seen this movie.
I thought the Penny Love comment seemed sort of gaslight.
Seems like paulie to me.
But why only one gaslight comment?
“Penny Lover” was a Lionel Richie song. You were probably in prison when it came out.
I was a kid in elementary school when that song came out.
What year was Milnes arrested for stalking Deborah Knapp?
Well I looked up Idiocracy on Wikipedia.
Seems like an interesting movie.
Listened to some of the Penny Lover song.
It all points to paulie from my point of view.
paulie is quite the sophisticate, longtime plugged into pop culture.
Again, why only onr gaslighting comment,
In order to gaslight someone you must maintain the pressure.
LOL! Here it comes. The Walrus.
The arrest, by the FBI, was not for stalking.
It was 1985. 18 USC Section 876.
Hi, paulie.
When do you think there will be a disposition in the Bowers case? It has been almost three years.
“When do you think there will be a disposition in the Bowers case?”
Dunno. Too busy getting head from the most beautiful shemale. I swear she looks like Ivanka!
Didn’t the police shoot the right wing nut in the synagogue?
Plenty of time for ballistic tests.
Should be a pretty straight forward slam dunk for the US Attorney.
I know it was in my case.
And Judy Clarke is known for arranging plea bargains.
Now there is a coincidence. The US Attorney in my case was named Judy.
Judy Goldstein Smith.
Federal defender, my “Champion” Edward Weis.
I think one s, not two.
He said you better plea bargain. The jury is going to want to convict you of SOMETHING.
After all, Deborah Knapp was pregnant.
Well she said she was.
Were you the daddy?
I advised the right wing nut to not plea bargain.
In my illegal eviction the court officials were:
Lori Greenberg, landlord’s attorney.
Judge Lee Laskin.
My attorney was David Podell. However he bailed when Legal Aid director Ginsberg emailed me saying they had to drop my case due to lack of funding.
So I appeared by myself.
Anyone sensing a pattern here?
The Acting US Attorney for the Western District of Pennsylvania is Stephen R. Kaufman.
Is that laptop you offered a few years ago still available?
What kind of a fool question is that?
Even if it was it would be antiquated.
With your IT skills somebody should be providing you with top of the line equipment.
I want to use it to store penis porn.
Bowers has an affirmative defense IMO.
Not Guilty by reason of self defense and the defense of others. Justifiable homicide.
Israel is an apartheid by definition, theocratic, counterrevolutionary terroristic state.
Quite comparable to ISIS and Al Qaeda. And the Taliban.
The jews zealously support Israel.
Therefore the jews are international terrorists.
It took the creation of Israel to expose the jews as terrorists.
All theocracies are inherently evil.
That sounds incredible and counterintuitive. But it has been the case historically.
That is why we have separation of church and state in the constitution.
The United Nations should rescind the membership of theocracies like Israel.
Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia was clearly involved in 9/11. In collusion with Israel.
This is the basis of Bowers’ defense,
Israel is correct that it would be madness to allow Iran to have nuclear weapons.
Israel almost certainly has nuclear weapons. Secretly.
Just because it is Israeli policy to not discuss it does not mean it does not have them. How could it not? A lot of America’s nuclear scientists are jews. Particularly during the Manhattan Project and subsequently. e.g. Oppenheimer and Teller et al.
That is madness.
Israel has The Samson Option.
That is to threaten and extort the world with destruction by nuclear winter.
It would take about 100 ground bursts to create a nuclear winter.
It is estimated that Israel has about 200 nuclear devices.
That is madness.
It is approaching three years with this case.
I have filed an Amicus Curiae brief favorable to Bowers.
Received the Return Receipts for Certified Mail.
So SOMEBODY received those letters.
Judy Clarke et al have not returned my voicemails.
It is long past for Mr. Bowers to decide to communicate with me or not.
I have offered my services pro bono.
I am not in a position to take over the defense. However I certainly am able and willing to assist.
And that is what the Constitution calls for “…the assistance of counsel…”.
This case should be for a jury to decide.
Unless the US Attorney files for a dismissal.
A dismissal or not guilty or hung jury in this case would not mean it is ok to just go around shooting jews.
What it would mean is a necessary prompt review of what the UNITED STATES government should do about the jews.
We cannot have about six million people in the USA integrated into society who are zealous supporters of a terrorist state. Any more than we could allow six million ISIS or Taliban to roam our streets.
I filed a proposal with my Brief. The Sinai Proposal.
Let’s make a decision with this case. Bowers has a Constitutional right to a speedy trial. That is long ago out the window. Bowers essentially went on a suicide mission when he went into that synagogue shooting. The cops could just a much shot him dead as wound him. I say he threw away his life but he did not throw away his Constitutional rights.
The sooner a decision is made the better.
Let the jury decide.
If this is the opportunity, we must be rid of Israel asap.
I can only imagine the relief for the Palestinians.
Further, we must be rid of the other theocracies.
Iran, Saudi Arabia, Taliban etc.
The peace of the world is at issue.
World peace cannot be achieved with theocracies.
The US and UN declare Israel a terrorist state. Expulsion from the UN.
The District Court case generates a mandate to do something quickly before there is an outbreak of violence.
The US and Israel should do something quickly.
On the other hand, the other theocratic, terroristic states should be addressed in other ways.
ISIS, having no UN standing is being dealt with in a military way presently. In Iraq and Syria, by the USA
Iran and Saudi Arabia both UN members, to be expelled. Iran already sanctioned.
The newly formed Taliban government, denied membership, recognition, aid, sanctioned.
The USA had been engaging the Taliban militarily longstanding. It had actually achieved a stand off. A status quo.
Very little military action, very few casualties , on both sides.
The USA then foolishly withdraws militarily. Handing a military victory and legitimacy to the undeserving Taliban, leading to the formation of the theocratic, terroristic state, the Emirate of Afghanistan.
One could wonder if this was deliberate. Engineered by Israel to set up a reinvasion of Afghanistan by USA. Another USA-Islamic war. Islam being the mortal enemy of Israel.
The Sinai Proposal would rapidly resolve the problem of Israel. The others more complicated, may take longer.
I may as well make this announcement here assuming Richard does not mind.
It looks like I am probably moving to the Arizona desert, very soon.
Cheap land on which I can live in my rv.
A friend is already doing it and offered me a spot.
My present landlord would nor allow my rv.
I can’t afford to live here anymore anyway.
I probably will not have much of a heat bill!
And will summer in Northern California trying my luck at gold mining.
I have a lot of good political ideas but nobody seems to be listening.
If I get called to participate in the Bowers case, of course I will.
If I get called for any political advisory assignment, I would be interested.
I may continue my Presidential campaign, but so far not much interest.
Maybe a debate. Maybe if invited to a function. We will see.
I will miss NJ to be sure.
But I would rather die in a National Forest than in a subsidized housing project in my Lazy Boy while watching tv.
October 27, 2018. The Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting.
Yes, it is approaching three years ago.
September 11, 2001.
Yes, it is approaching twenty years ago.
With 9/11 began the War on Terror.
Mostly a war of the US v Islamic terrorists. Now, this war is trick, because these soldiers, jihadists, blend in the general population. Come out when the please, guns blazing, bombs blasting, knives swinging.
But wait a minute. This sounds familiar. Sounds more like daily existance in Israel, America not so much.
Wouldn’t it be a Godsend for Israel if it had a superpower protector, kind of like My Bodyguard, to fight for it?
With huge amounts of soldiers and weapons galore?
Think about it, my fellow Americans.
And look objectively at Afghanistan. It is only a matter of time before we have to reinvade it. Only this time we will face an enemy with a huge amount of weaponry that WE LEFT THERE FOR THEM.
Could Israel have that much influence in America?
I say yes.
And if a jury of Robert Bowers’ peers decides that jews are international terrorists and the US government is subsidizing Israel therefore it is legal to defend yourself against these terrorists on your own because your government has brought them here by the millions and protects them, what will you do?
ISIS stands for
BTW, I was wondering if someone could help me out financially.
Not necessarily a handout, although I am open to that.
More like a new campaign website with a movement campaign contributions button. I never had that.
Or a Gofundme.
Something like that.
How about getting a job? That’s a place to get money.
I will take the Presidency, thank you Rick.
I could not do worse than the elite reactionaries in power now.
Probably much better I should think.
Urgent request for help.
My apologies. I have misspent much of my modest inheritance. I am overextended on my budget. I am in danger of eviction.
I was in deep credit card debt. I did slowly pay that down. I now have a good credit rating. But it is a temporary fix because my income cannot sustain such a rating. I would have to use credit soon which will again slowly increase my credit card debt.
So I need some assistance or I need to move. Like I previously said I have an offer to move to AZ with a friend. The rent would be very low there. My other alternative is to move into rent subsidized housing. One problem with that is there is usually a waiting list, sometimes a long time. So I have not pursued that before. Maybe I should have.
My situation is not directly related to Covid. But there are now many people beside myself struggling with eviction now. Eviction is a very terrible remedy. I know because I have been through it before. I became homeless living in an old barely roadworthy rv in alleys and Walmart parking lot. It was awful.
I am open to any suggestions and offers to help.
In a way my failure in third politics is directly related to this situation. If I had succeeded with my candidacy or had obtained an advisory position, I would be in a much better financial situation. But as we all know, “Third parties lose, they just lose.” I am not sure who that quote is from, but it is bitterly true. The democrats and republicans get financial rewards in addition to election victory.
Wow! Tough crowd!
Very little in the way of response to all this stuff.
I do not get it.
Don’t you realize how important the Bowers case is?
Does everyone want me kicked to the curb with all my stuff?
Tough crowd.
And I would wind up at the curb.
Because I do not have my rv here anymore.
My landlord made me get rid of it.
A friend drove it to AZ.
With all my solar panels.
Bowers is not worth defending. He’s a terrorist who killed innocent people. We should find a tall oak tree and hang him high in the street for all the people to see.
Like I said, America needs a water grid.
If every home and business had a water storage tank, we could harvest a lot of water.
Then in anticipation of heavy rain, send the water out to where it is more needed or more able to hold. Including reservoirs. All interconnected.
Storm drains could be retrofitted.
Also fire hydrants. To prevent fire or during fire hydrants could spray up a mist.
Every home should be made fire resistant. Water works. Hydrants around perimeter. Roof spray etc.
And those ice making machines should be made mobile attached to a tanker.
The Angry American = The Angry Zionist.
My daddy served in the army where he lost his right eye but he flew a flag out in our yard until the day that he died. He wanted my mother, my brother, my sister, and me to grow up and live happy in the land of the free.
What is taking the Bowers case so long?
Are they trying to pressure him into a plea bargain/guilty plea?
Like they did with me?
Are they trying to trick him into an insanity defense?
That would delegitimize what he did.
When actually the correct disposition, a dismissal or jury verdict could lead to a solution to the jewish problem which has been a problem throughout history. The jews have no homeland. Yet the Zionists need one.
Give them the Sinai Peninsula. With Egyptian and Palestinian border guards and a UN presence.
Did Bowers read my letter? I recommended he not plea bargain.
Why have I not been able to communicate with him?
Is he being held incommunicado?
Why has court appointed defense counsel Judy Clarke not answered my voicemails?
I just posted two new articles on my website:
America Needs a Water Grid.
Can Someone Help Me Set Up a New Campaign Website?
(With a Movement Campaign Fundraiser Button?)
My Belief Today About 9/11.
New post at The PLAS Place.