Terry McAuliffe Files Brief in His Ballot Access Case

Late on Friday, August 27, Virginia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe filed a brief in Republican Party of Virginia v Piper, in state trial court in Richmond. It argues there is no legal requirement for the declaration of candidacy to be signed. See this story.


Terry McAuliffe Files Brief in His Ballot Access Case — 6 Comments

  1. Any *common law* in VA since 1607 about signing forms when a form is filed about ANY thing ???

    Contracts, etc.

  2. If he does get booted off the ballot, would it be possible to replace him with someone from the primary who did fill out the form properly?

  3. If McAuliffe is right on the first, then legal experts are right on the second: The case will be tossed.

  4. It won’t happen, but McAuliffe got Green candidates tossed off the ballots in numerous states.

  5. McAuliffe will not be tossed off the ballot. He’s a mainstream Democrat, not a DINO. Virginia did not go back to the stone age when he was governor the first time . There is zero reason to believe it will during his second term either.

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