New York Bill to Give Parties More Control Over Nominations Process Passed Almost Three Months Ago, but is Still Unsigned

The New York legislature passed S 7191 on June 10, 2021. It does not permit write-in candidates in partisan primaries unless the write-in candidate is a member of that party. This bill is generally only relevant to small qualified parties, and is supported by them, because they tend to dislike having non-members seize a party nomination against the wishes of the party.

Even though it passed the legislature on June 10, it still hasn’t received any action from the Governor of New York. However, it is not too unusual for their to be a very long time lag in New York between a bill passing the legislature and being acted on by the Governor.


New York Bill to Give Parties More Control Over Nominations Process Passed Almost Three Months Ago, but is Still Unsigned — 1 Comment

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