Briefs Filed in Second Circuit in Lawsuit Against the May Petition Deadline for New York Independent Candidates

On September 10, the voters who support letting Mayor Byron Brown on the November 2021 ballot for Mayor of Buffalo filed two briefs in the Second Circuit. This brief answers the arguments of Democratic nominee India Walton, who hopes to persuade the Second Circuit to remove Brown from the ballot.

This brief responds to the arguments of the Erie County Board of Elections.

Although the two briefs are similar, and sometimes identical, they differ in some places because India Walton’s attorneys made some arguments that the Board of Elections didn’t make, and vice versa.


Briefs Filed in Second Circuit in Lawsuit Against the May Petition Deadline for New York Independent Candidates — 4 Comments

  1. Major mania to have ALL offices/issues on ONE ballot —

    MAJOR computer setup needed.

    Try to avoid office/issue in 2 columns, etc.

    Rotate names.

    — limited number of high tech ballot printers

    >>> *absolute* deadlines for ballot access / printing.

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