On September 24, the Arkansas Libertarian Party filed this brief in U.S. District Court in its ballot access case. The party already won injunctive relief in 2019 in this case, but the issue of declaratory relief still isn’t settled. The issue is the petition requirement of 3% of the last gubernatorial vote. The Arkansas legislature had passed a 3% petition in 1977 and it was declared unconstitutional in 1996 in a Reform Party case, and it was declared unconstitutional again in 2006 in a Green Party case, so in 2007 the legislature lowered it to 10,000. But then the legislature raised it back to 3% in 2019, as though the 1996 and 2006 cases had never occurred.
There really ought to be penalties against legislators for doing stuff like this, and the same with governors if they sign off on it.
What a shame! They call America a DEMOCRACY but then again turn around and do things like this. The walk and the talk don’t match.
@Bigdaddyluvsu…. It’s not a democracy and hasn’t been for close to a hundred years. The US is a corporatocracy, which is a specific incarnation of the corporatism ideology.
It was never meant to be a democracy. I hope this time the courts come to a different conclusion .
SCOTUS hacks ignoring 1954 Brown v Bd of Ed since 1968 Williams v Rhodes for EQUAL ballot access.
RFG 4-4 = indirect Democracy required in each State.
Business as usual [BAU] LP *lawyers* a major part of the ROT.
@Nick…. A Republic is a form of democracy. How are representatives elected? Democratically. How does congress vote on bills? Democratically (Need a majority on top of it).
@Nick… Maybe you favor a totalitarian tyrannical monarchy?
Can someone answer why “Aiden” is using a fake name and an IP anonymizer while making stupid comments to frame libertarians as unintelligent?
ANTI-Democracy election systems for nomination / election of USA Congress, ALL State legis, many/most local legis bodies-
GERRYMANDERS / FPTP-PLURALITY / extremist primaries.
REAL Control – approx 5-12 pct [primaries] / 30-32 pct general >>> AIN’T 50 plus pct.
ALL the extremist laws – esp tax/borrow/spend laws.
NOOO primaries
If Nick knows what he is talking about, then he is NOT a libertarian in the ideological sense. Last I heard, libertarians are for more freedom, not less as would be found in a system that doesn’t feature democratic mechanisms such as free and fair elections. But perhaps he’s of the GOP flavor of “libertarian” that is only so in economic policy and not in social policy.
As for the topic at hand, I’d have to agree with Andy. I think there is a term for what the Arkansas legislature has done here: contempt of court. If an ordinary person does this, there are most certainly consequences. But these days state and federal officials have seemingly rendered themselves immune to such consequences, which is all the more reason to try and get more people to stop voting for the duopoly.
Joshua H, freedom and democracy are NOT the same thing. Under democracy, one’s freedoms can be voted away.
Good point on the Contempt of Court argument in Arkansas. The courts had already ruled against that increase of the petition signature requirement twice before, so by voting in favor of it again, they were clearly guilty of Contempt of Court. They ought to be penalized for this.
First of all who the Fuck said i am a libertarian? Not me. SECOND a republic is NOT!! a form of democracy. There are republics which are not at all democratic and I would prefer one.
Do I want an absolute monarchy instead? Sure, but I’d gladly settle for a strongman, dictatorial republic which is not hereditary. While falling short of the Hoppean ideal, a dictatorial or martial law Republic is still better than a limited constitutional Republic with division of powers, and that in turn is better than democracy, which is basically communist mob rule.
If you stick to only the last two, clearly inferior options, the Founders made it very clear why the system they created is NOT a democracy and why it is better than a democracy, which would be a disaster. It is true that their particular form of republic has a few limited elements of democracy. In my opinion these elements were a flaw in the design, and more fundamentally the revolution was wrong to begin with. But even as imperfect as the result, it was still much different and better than a democracy, and intentionally so.
I am a 200% TRUMP REPUBLICAN and NOT a libertarian of any kind!! In fact I would outlaw the libertarians, all other joke parties, democrats, and all liberal views including the socially liberal libertarians, if it was up to me. That’s . why I said, I hope this time the court com to a different decidion
“TRUMP REPUBLICAN”…. Exactly what I thought…. So a fascist that would favor a totalitarian tyrannical monarchy with Trump as king.
You bet your ass, punk. Btw I see you came crawling back yet again after you stomped you’re feet and yelled you were leaving ….like the bitch I actually are…Again.
Fucking seed of Satan joo goo Google. Arden is the bitch not me!!!
Bitch U actually are Arden. You fucking worthless cock puppet female.
@Hold me closer Tony Danza… If you’re so convinced that my name isn’t Aiden then what do you believe my actual name is? You’re making baseless accusations predicated simply on the fact that you disagree with what I’m saying. You can’t even try to have a discussion on topic, you have to engage in logical fallacies to try to make yourself feel better.
I will admit that I, like most people under the age of 30 (especially those that believe in privacy and freedom), do use a VPN. So ya got me there.
Awww…. I TRIGGERED the troll…. nobody cares about your feelings asshat.
How would Tony do if you do or do not use a vpn or what your name is or isn’t ? And he’s also a hypocrite.
You are the troll Arden and you triggered yourself. That’s why you keep throwing tantrums and saying you are leaving and crawling back over and over. Just like every stupid slit cunt I kick it with and kick on . They keep coming back til I kick them put for good, whining and begging to be taken back. Or just show up and try to pretend they never threw a tantrum and left to begin with. U are no different, bitch.
I don’t have any feelings, bitch. Feelings are for botched bitches and punks like Arden, a a stupid worthless female ass clown puppet.
Her name is Aiden James.
LOL… I’m actually amused…. I said I was leaving once…. A few months ago because I had other shit to focus on…
And somebody doesn’t know what triggered means clearly…I’m done with you dude. And that means you specifically, not posting on this site… since you’re apparently too incompetent to know the difference.
You wish you was done with me, punk. I will tell you when I’m done, not the other way around, just like it is with every other punk bitch.
You said you’re leaving multiple times, not just once, including within the past month. Punk bitch that is a fact and it don’t matter if you like or not that’s still a fact.
I know what triggered means. You are an example . And you wish you was done with me. I’ll stay on your punk bitch ass and we’re just getting started.
So all the previous times…You said you’d leave the site. You can’t count, can’t tell time, and can’t tell the difference. You’re basically an overgrown two year old with a bunch of big words u don’t even use right. You are pathetic and weak. Beta. Inferior.
“Aiden” is actually Robert K Stock.
He’s not the cyberpig?
Is “Aiden” pretending to be a female? I want to make sure I use the correct pronouns.
She is a female. She probably has no Dick and no balls. But even if she has those it’s probably only by accident and temporarily.
I read on wikipedia that “Aiden” is a male name. So who is trying to confuse me? Is “Aiden” the same person as “Arden” and “Alden”? Who are these people? Do you all work for the same organization using fake names and IP anonymizers? What the hell is going on here?
Aiden can be a female name or a male. Someone may have also either accidentally misread or intentionally altered Aiden to Arden and Alden. I think he/she/it/they work for the JOOs. It may also be that Mick was not actually saying that aiden james was born female, but rather that aiden has the mental character of a female or is a feminine man. I’m not sure which.
Basically, I think he is saying that Aiden is a bitch, whether you take that to mean prison punk, willing homosexual bottom, post op or pre op tranny, metrosexual, feminine man, cross dresser, beta male, cuckold, loser, victim, actual female, cunty person of whatever gender, or whatever the case may be.
I could be wrong. But I don’t think he means aiden is an actual female dog. Although, it could reasonable be taken to mean, that Aiden had the physical, mental, and emotional character of a little female poodle or Chihuahua.
Basically, she is a basic bitch.
If anyone is still confused: a bitch is a bitch.
Troll raving outbursts connected to Moon cycles / sunspots / seasons / occult horoscopes / failure to take correct anti-nutcase drugs on time / etc. ???
Dunno. What does kick in your cycle, demo rep?
I’m pretty sure Demo Rep meant Aiden and her cycles.
Ok that explains it. Maybe the moon cycles are why she keeps “leaving” and slinking back, like a bitch is supposed to.
3 more troll raving outbursts.
More to come ???
From you? If anyone knows, that would also be…you.