Andrew Yang Says He Has Left the Democratic Party and is Now an Independent

This news story quotes Andrew Yang as saying that he has left the Democratic Party and is now an independent. The article does not explicitly say he has changed his registration (the New York state term for that is “enrollment”), but presumably he has done that, or will soon.


Andrew Yang Says He Has Left the Democratic Party and is Now an Independent — 8 Comments

  1. If Yang is serious about this, he’d better do what he can to help the Green/Libertarian lawsuit against former (I like saying that…former) governor Cuomo’s harsh ballot access laws, otherwise his efforts to form a new party will run into a nigh-impenetrable barrier of having to collect tens of thousands of signatures in a matter of weeks. My guess is, he has no idea what obstacles third/minor parties face in order to get on the ballot, but he will soon.

  2. According to his posts on Twitter today, he mentions being “politically homeless” for one day only; which probably implies that he will officially establish the Forward Party in coincidence with the launch of his new book.

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