Ralph Nader Article Shows How, Despite Polarization, the Two Major Parties are Similar

Ralph Nader authors a long list of ways in which the Republican Party and the Democratic Party agree with each other on public policy, notwithstanding the common perception that they are poles apart. His article appears in Eurasia Review.


Ralph Nader Article Shows How, Despite Polarization, the Two Major Parties are Similar — 8 Comments

  1. 11. Both Parties hate Third Parties and engage in the political bigotry of obstructing their ballot access (See: Richard Winger’s Ballot Access News), with hurdles, harassing lawsuits, and exclusions from public debates. The goal of both parties is to stop a competitive democracy. How true! How true!

  2. Insightful and illuminating article by Ralph Nader. Thank you for linking to it.

  3. I thought the Eurasia Review stopped publishing? Or was that Eastasia Review? I used to subscribe but now I forget.

  4. 12. Both Parties overwhelmingly rubber-stamp whatever the Israeli government wants in the latest U.S. military weaponry, the suppression of Palestinians and illegal occupation of the remaining Palestinian lands, and the periodic slaughter of Gazans with U.S. weapons. The Duopoly also supports the use of the U.S. veto in the UN Security Council to insulate Israel from UN sanctions. Isn’t this the truth.

  5. Both are control freak STATIST – commie+fascist factions — esp since 1929-1941 Great Depression I.

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