
Evan McMullin Will be an Independent Candidate for U.S. Senate in 2022 — 20 Comments

  1. Too bad. Senator Lee is one of the few folks in the GOP who hasn’t lost his common sense.

  2. Milnes comments even when he has nothing to say. PLAS! PLAS! PLAS! BOWERS! BOWERS! BOWERS!

  3. USA Senate — one of the most ANTI-Democracy minority rule legis bodies in the USA and Western Civilization.

    ex-member- 666 J. Biden.

  4. Napoleon, Kaiser Bill, Lenin, Mussolini, Hirohito, Stalin, Hitler, Mao —-

    Minority rule KILLER/enslaver monarchs loved by minority rule MORONS from Hell.

  5. “Napoleon, Kaiser Bill, Lenin, Mussolini, Hirohito, Stalin, Hitler, Mao —-

    Minority rule KILLER/enslaver monarchs loved by minority rule MORONS from Hell.”

    Many of those were majority rule, MORON.

    Hitler was democratically elected. Lenin and Stalin were Bolsheviks and a literal translation of bolshevik is majoritarian (that would be you, demon raped). You just assume that monarchs were not popular and would not have been democratically elected but how do you know?

    Democracy and communism (same thing) have killed and enslaved more people in 100 years than religion, monarchy, nationalism and other time tested traditions have in 100,000.

  6. @Bob … Maybe somebody else did earlier, but I did about 4 hours before typing this response.

  7. The God Emperor coined the “Egg McMuffin” nickname during a rally in 2016.

  8. Jan 1933 Hitler APPOINTED German prime minister by senile WW I killer/enslaver Prez Hindenburg.

    Various FATAL defects in 1919 Germany Const — due to MORON WW I Allies.

    Too many polisci MORONS on this list to count.

  9. You’re an idiot. Hindenburg did what he felt he had to do to keep the socialists and communists out of power, and he was right. They would have taken over Germany, and from there more and more countries. Communists and internalional socialists have killed and enslaved way more people, in more countries, and for many more decades than nazis. International capitalists/globalists have killed a comparable number.

    As for WWI, the allied victory led to the rise of the Bolsheviks, and thanks to the humiliation of Germany, led to Hitler leading Germany as well. Hindenburg fought the good fight in WWI, and made the right decision with his Fatherland facing two bad choices in 1933. Do you know what happened to the part of Germany that the communists ended up taking over? Read up on it if you don’t. Every woman and girl from age 8 to 80 being raped was just the beginning.

    All this stems from progressive Wilson and his war for “democracy.” Democracy has been a bigger disaster for the world, in a shorter time, than all the tyrants of all nations and centuries put together.

  10. NK-

    Standard fascist apologist response to tyrants in Germany in 1860s to 1945 – esp Bismarck, Kaiser Bill and Hitler.

    Still FATAL defect in Germany – Parl system- top hacks having legis and exec powers.
    Some Anglo-American political history –

    1066 killer Wm conq and his gangsters invade and conquer olde England.

    Monarchs/oligarchs kill each other off in 100 years war in France and later War of Roses.

    Rise of House of Commons in late 1200s.
    King Charles I tries to copy Euro tyrant monarchies in 1600s.
    English Civil War 1642-1649. Charles beheaded.
    King James II tries more tyranny in 1680s – flees England.
    1689 English Bill of Rights Act. Brit HC supreme in making laws.
    King George III tries more tyranny in Brit-Am colonies in 1761-1775.
    Severe minority rule gerrymander in HC.
    1775-1784 Am Rev War – written State consts. – later 1787 USA Const.
    2017-2021 Trump tyrant machinations
    2021- NNNN Biden tyrant machinations

    MORONS LOVE tyrants – left/right versions — endless stupidity in their ZERO IQ skulls.

  11. Demon Turd –

    Standard commie apologist response. Fascism, liberalism, socialism, national socialism, international capitalism/globalism, democracy and communism may seem radically different to you. From my perspective as a traditionalist, they are much the same. They all rely on the idiotic modern conceit than in just a few short decades or centuries, using our intellect alone, we can conceive and implement a better system than what many millenia of trial and error have shown to be workable. The empirical evidence for this modernist notion is scant, and what we’ve seen instead has been one unprecedent disaster after another.

    It’s not sufficient to show that traditional systems – feudalism, monarchy, patriarchy, nationalism, theocracy – are far from perfect, or that one of these modernist conceits or another is terrible. You need to also show that whatever radical reorganization of society you come up with is sustainable and better than what the hard won wisdom of thousands of years of trial and error has produced. The burden of proof is on those who advocate for these new fangled “enlightened” reorganizations of society. Where’s your empirical proof that you have come up with something better?

  12. Minority rule monarchs/oligarchs for 6,000 plus years = nonstop wars and domestic oppressions — NO trial and error needed.

    Political *science* has advanced since the Stone Age.
    New order of the Ages – see back of $ 1 dollar bills.

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