U.S. Supreme Court Sets Conference Date for Ohio Libertarian Case

On October 29, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider whether to hear Libertarian Party of Ohio v Crites, 21-226. This is the lawsuit that challenges the Ohio law that says the state Elections Commission will always consist of three Republicans, three Democrats, and one person who is not a member of any party. Therefore a minor party member may never serve. The Ohio Elections Commission has jurisdiction over general election gubernatorial debates, and the Ohio Elections Commission has never approved letting anyone into an Ohio gubernatorial debate other than the Democratic and Republican nominees.


U.S. Supreme Court Sets Conference Date for Ohio Libertarian Case — 8 Comments

  1. I may not be a supporter of the Libertarian Party, but this seems to be a pretty clear case of unconstitutional discrimination.

    BTW, be sure to check out my webpage.

  2. The new United Coalition Earth will be announcing good progress with the good USA Communist Party within the next few weeks. This is an excellent way to bring competition with the Chinese Communist Party.

    We’re moving ahead now to build stronger bridges with the American and Chinese Communist Parties.


  3. Q: What does jewgle do for a living?

    A: Ad revenue from the spam sites he spends all his time spamming out. So jewgle is not just a nutjob, troll and a moron. He’s also a full time professional commercial spammer.

    If jewgle makes (f)art for free, it’s by definition not an answer to Q. Therefore A still stands.

    News flash; moving doodoo or dirt on paper after a (sh)art is not a profession or job, jewgle.

    Casting your sharts in bronze for free is also not what jewgle does for a living. Getting ad revenue from the fantasy politics sites he spends the vast majority of his waking hours spamming out is his only known source of income. A is correct.

    Lani Guinier is accurately called a quota queen, you commie punk bitch joooogle the turd.

  4. What does jewgle the turd do for a living? Ad revenue from the fantasy politics spam sites he spends almost all his time spamming out. So jewgle the punk bitch commie turd is not just a troll, moron, nutjob piece of shiite. He’s also a full time professional commercial spammer.

    Jewgle the turd punk bitch commie also has a useless hobby where he moves dirty p00p from his sharts across toilet paper or casts it in bronze. But by his own admission he gets no money for this, so it has nothing to do with what he does for a living.

    Like all the incorrect math he has spent decades spreading for pay, the sharts and j1zz he spreads for free mean nothing. He has no case against his fellow California commies at Google and he knows it, which is why he has not sued them. They probably have a good defamation / slander case against him, but he’s too insignificant, and they probably don’t want to give him the unearned publicity.

    This is what it must be like if Jewgle the turd ever comes home to visit family in Alabama:


    James Orlando Ogle Sr. Is probably rolling over in his grave because of this punk commie bitch spammer turd carrying his name.

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