
Utah Supporters of Top-Five Suspend their Initiative Drive — 10 Comments

  1. Glad to see that the proponents in Utah are interested in collaborating with more people. I hope that includes all political parties.

  2. At the very least, all political parties should have the right to determine who may use their label in any open primary.

  3. Also, IMO, any open primary should use approval voting, and the number of candidates progressing to the final election could be determined by a certain percent or amount of approval votes received in the primary.

  4. I am a cousin of Baby Shark, and I am, also known as Shiba Inu. Elon Musk is a good friend of mine, and vouches for me, you can ask him.

  5. Sorry, wrong thread. But look me up anyway. I can make you super rich if you show me some love.

  6. And, of course, every ballot of every sort of election should have write-in spaces.

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