Georgia Secretary of State’s Investigators Find No Evidence of Phony Absentee 2020 Ballots

On Tuesday, October 12, the Georgia Secretary of State presented evidence in state trial court that his investigators had examined all the Fulton County absentee ballots, and found none suspicious. There had been charges that some of them had never been creased, but the investigation found no such ballots. On Wednesday, the state court relied on that evidence to dismiss the case. See this story. Thanks to PoliticalWire for the link.


Georgia Secretary of State’s Investigators Find No Evidence of Phony Absentee 2020 Ballots — 8 Comments

  1. The election was flawless, flawless he says. An example of routine human infallibility.

  2. The fact this claim is made gives credence to the idea they are hiding something.

  3. So long as an individual voter is unable to verify their ballot was tallied accurately all elections are rituals of blind faith. But we know, or are told to believe, government officials are incorruptible and infallible so why worry? Authority shall NOT be questioned is the first commandment of fascism.

  4. BAN’s comments are censored and that protects the one-party white domination of LNC elections top to bottom.

    The United Coalition has been bringing pure proportional representation since 1992, see the links to 1995 filings with FEC below, Google launched off our team in October of 1997 and cemented the one-party system of Approval Voting (AppV).

    Because the LNC has no one counting votes correctly the general membership never got to hear nor consider the winning strategy.

    Now it’s business as usual with systemic racism in LNC and all plurality voting systems including AppV.

  5. The LNC systemic racist voting system shows 82% male 2016 Electors, nine states plus DC were 100% male Electors, NH increased from 75% to 100% male Electors in 2020.

    The LNC voting system uses “one-party thresholds” of 50% plus one vote where the highest vote getter always wins leaving out minorities (those under 50% of the votes).

    One recent example is last month’s California Libertarian Party convention where 51% of the votes elected 100% of the names on the 16-member state LP executive.

    Had pure proportional representation been used, the first 16 names attaining 1/17ths (plus one, Droop) would be elected, with exactly 1/17ths of the voting power plus one vote.

    Under ranked choice voting every name is prioritized in the totals too.

    They winners pick roles starting with #1 vote getter, and #1 may or may not pick Chair, and #2 picks a title next, followed by #3, etc.

    The guaranteed voter satisfaction level of 16/17ths (94% plus 16 votes) would be attained (instead of around 51%) under the Droop Quota.

    Instead we got another year of censorship. In 2012 my name won the only LP State primary of Missouri despite being censored from day one by the LP insider bosses. Gary Johnson was on the Missouri ballot too. As a Republican.

    New effort is going on now in all 50 states. Help bring the three-party system by ranking the top names for Senator in your state on a paper ballot now (signature required).

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