New York State Appeals U.S. District Court Decision That Struck Down Discriminatory Campaign Finance Law

On October 7, the state of New York filed a notice of appeal to the Second Circuit in Upstate Jobs Party v Kosinski, n.d., 6:18cv-459. This is the case over the law letting qualified parties donate more money to their nominees than unqualified parties are permitted to donate. The U.S. District Court had struck the law down on equal protection grounds.


New York State Appeals U.S. District Court Decision That Struck Down Discriminatory Campaign Finance Law — 4 Comments

  1. Another chance for a USA Ct App to detect *equal* in 14-1 Amdt.

    How soon before ALL courts apply *EQUAL* to ballot access for ALL partisan offices ???

  2. Can you write a single cohesive summary of the current state of all the various court cases in New York? There are quite a few different issues and it is hard for the average reader to keep track of them all

  3. It would be nice to see some sort of summary in the October print edition, which tends to carry longer stories than the day to day blog posts.

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