Maine Libertarian State Representative Op-Ed on the Libertarian Approach to Mandatory Vaccine Rules

Maine Representative John Andrews, who switched from the Republican Party to the Libertarian Party in December 2020, has this op-ed explaining the Libertarian approach to mandatory vaccines, in the Lewiston Sun Journal. It ran almost two months ago but only now came to my notice.


Maine Libertarian State Representative Op-Ed on the Libertarian Approach to Mandatory Vaccine Rules — 24 Comments

  1. He makes some objective points. I agree with him on some of them. Am I a Libertarian? Not exactly! However, if it helps them to get or stay on the ballot I would register in my state as one.

  2. Translated:
    1. We don’t believe your kids should get vaxxes to go to school. That’s the bottom line for every Libertarian-tard (or Green Weenie from my POV) who takes this stance.

  3. I think Representative Andrews’ article is well written and reasonable. I agree with his viewpoint. I am glad he is a Libertarian Party elected official. I hope he runs for reelection.

  4. Appeasement is a stupid strategy in the face of satanic tyranny and propaganda driven mass psychosis. Being polite to those who engage in and perpetrate “public health” communist zombie death cult insanity is exactly what you should NOT do.

    The “vaccine” is poison. It’s also an addictive drug, which alters the body and mind and requires an endless (and I’ll guess soon to become more frequent and increasingly stronger) series of “boosters.” If you put this garbage in your body, much less your children’s, you are not just poisoning yourself. You start shedding this toxin, infecting everyone you come in contact with, and helping participate in a massive medical and social control experiment where you play the role of the lab rat.

    Part of this massive experiment in mass hypnosis and social control is precisely to see just how much tyranny how many people, and which people, are willing to comply with. Part of it is to destroy free commerce, freedom of association, freedom of speech, freedom of religion, civic life, neighborliness, social connectivity and connections, in short every freedom and every voluntary alternative to government in every single aspect of life.

    Part of it is to wreck the economy and make everyone completely dependent on an ever more totalitarian global prison state. Part is to help breed superviruses which will accelerate this ongoing process. Part of it is complete, total tracking of everyone’s movements and every single aspect of everyone’s lives. All of those things perpetually feed off each other in a massive knot of vicious cycles.

    Like the vaccines, the face diapers or muzzles are a sign of submission and compliance. You may as well be wearing a burqa, a dog muzzle, a slave collar, or something of that nature.

    Part of this massive sick experiment is not just to see who will passively comply with increasingly totalitarian and absurd bans and mandates, but who will actively promote them, and just how often and actively they will do so.

    The end goal, which has been both secretly and openly discussed by the elitists behind all of this liberty crushing tyranny, is the human sacrifice of over 90% of the world population, followed by a complete global communist dictatorship of the survivors.

    They want you to believe resistance is futile, but even if it is, would you rather die on your feet or live on your knees? And make no mistake, they see you as human cattle, and dying on your knees is far more likely.

    Fight back in every possible way. Refuse to do everything and anything the social control freaks want you to do. Do everything they tell you not to, and urge everyone to do the same. Wake people up from their sheep like slumber. They are being herded and marched to the slaughterhouse and so are you. Do not comply.

    Do everything in your power to fight back in every way you can. Everything you have ever cared about, your life, and the life of everyone you care about, their health, their freedom, everything is on the line here. Fight back with everything you have. This is, quite literally, a battle for survival, a fight to the death.

    Quiet non compliance alone is not enough. Resist loudly, actively, and urge everyone you can to do so with all your might.

    Those who meekly comply and politely discuss differences of opinion about whether they are being rounded up, branded, and herded to the slaughterhouse, when they in fact are, are the worst kind of sheep. They are the furthest thing possible from those who love and fight for liberty. Don’t be one of them, and do everything you can to stop others from joining their ranks.

  5. I guess Demon Raped failed to read the American Thinker article linked above. Demon Raped is really bad at the whole empirical science and evidence stuff anyway, as revealed by some other recent threads here. As a detective, I can tell you he wouldn’t make it at my job.

    I won’t cast pearls before swine, but if you’re willing to look outside of the official corrupt government propaganda and establishment fake news propaganda channels, actual bio science is not hard to find, even with bias tilting search engines and widespread censorship of opposing and more truthful and accurate views on social media.

    Even if you fully buy into the more established vaccine concept, which is really much more of an open question in scientific terms than you might think, mRNA is a very experimental approach to vaccination. Its long term effects are simply not known. If you take it, you’re a lab rat, but you’re also helping to participate in several other kinds of large scale biological and social experiments, as I briefly outlined above.

    I’m not interested in spoon feeding you the data, because you’ve shown no propensity for doing anything beyond skimming and parroting corrupt government, establishment propaganda fake news, and other such lazy search channels. For that matter,you’ve shown little or no ability to even follow, read, and understand something as simple as the doctor’s op ed in the AMERICAN Thinker linked above.

  6. If Demo Cray was actually interested in biological science and data, he has already been given the American Thinker link, a very interesting and intelligent analysis by a medical doctor, replete with links to additional information, which in turn lead to more.

    Demo Cray is far too lazy and close minded to read, analyze, and follow the bread crumbs of this data, and instead has the gall and idiocy to stupidly ask questions that were already answered with the above link and links within it followed by triple question marks and brain dead propaganda links to establishment fake news.

  7. Ahhh yes, the “American Thinker” that all reputable far-right neo-nazi fascist Q-Anon conspiracy theory asskissing internet publication.

    P.S I’m not Vaxxed nor have I worn a mask all these many months… because I simply won’t do what the state tells me to do, and I won’t consume a product from any company that has a market cap above $10 billion. All vaccines do, regardless of how they’re made, is trick your body into thinking it has been infected with a specific virus (using proteins, mRNA, or enzymes from the actual virus) which triggers your bodies natural autoimmune response. The same autoimmune response you have if you were actually infected with the virus. Fun fact, birth control works in a similar way. It tricks your body into thinking your pregnant so you can’t release a matured egg for fertilization.

  8. Is COVID-19 a RED Chinese BIO-W-A-R created virus ??? —

    such that all/most humans have NO/poor/bad ability to counter-attack it in their bodies ???

    See CRISPR — split / merge genes —
    makes WW II bio-war stuff trivial.



  9. @FactChecker … I knocked up your mom and she loved it.

    Aiden has probably unwittingly knocked up somebody if that’s his understanding of the Pill. (Oh, I presume that “I won’t consume a product from any company that has a market cap above $10 billion” means you don’t eat about 98 percent of the food on American grocery shelves? Like shooting fucking fish in a barrel, except that actual fish have big enough brains to know they’ve been shot. Food giant Mondalez No. 100, market cap above $80 billion. Five seconds of Googling, you Dum Fuq. Starbucks, as I already knew, is much higher. Coca-Cola is higher yet.)

    He IS right that @Larry is a paleocon idiot. That starts with the fact that while the mRNA vaxxes are less effective against Delta, it’s a LIE (no other word, Larry), to call them “ineffective.” And, of course J&J isn’t an mRNA vaccine.

    Phil is actually Phil, and that’s pretty sad.

    Liberty, I mean Libertarian-tard, O Libertarian-tard, is either a sad excuse for a troll, or else in need of exorcism if he actually believes in demons, or else a frontal lobotomy + straitjacket.

  10. I’m a Libertarian like Aiden used to be, but I’m not like Aiden on this issue. I’ve been wearing N95 and KN95 masks indoors, and I’ve received the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine. I will probably get the booster after it’s approved. COVID can become a serious matter for people like me and to my knowledge I’ve avoided getting infected so far. I don’t think vaccines should be mandatory for most kinds of workers or students but they do make sense even though they’re not perfect. There will probably be additional vaccine options like Novavax in the future for people worried about the current three vaccines here in the U.S.

  11. @The Truth wouldn’t know the truth and can’t handle it, but probably does know garbage from the mirror.

  12. Fact Checker does know the truth but can’t handle it even more. Better Dead than Redd.

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