Andrew Prokop, Senior Politics Correspondent for Vox, Suggests Virginia Republicans Were Smart to Choose a Gubernatorial Nominee by Convention

Virginia is the only state in which either major party ever chooses gubernatorial or U.S. Senate nominees by convention, and in recent decades only the Republican Party has chosen to use conventions. In this Vox article, senior politics correspondent Andrew Prokop suggests that the Virginia Republican Party was wise to have used a convention in 2021 for its gubernatorial nominee selection process. He says someone chosen in a Virginia Republican primary (which would have been an open primary) probably would have been a less effective nominee. Thanks to FairVote for the link. The Republican convention used ranked choice voting.


Andrew Prokop, Senior Politics Correspondent for Vox, Suggests Virginia Republicans Were Smart to Choose a Gubernatorial Nominee by Convention — 14 Comments

  1. Why does Richard Winger only site far left commie websites? Shows where he falls on the spectrum.

  2. There is nothing “far left” about the idea that parties ought to have the freedom to nominate by convention if they wish. That is consistent with the First Amendment’s freedom of association provision. It is a libertarian idea.

  3. If anyone doesn’t like Mr Winger’s choice of articles, for whatever reason, they are free to start their own website.

  4. The great benefit of conventions is that party leaders get to meet the candidates up close and really see what sort of people they are. People voting in primaries only see candidates in managed presentations on TV, or at a distance at vast rallies, or at a brief encounter in public.

  5. PARTISAN legis via PR

    NONPARTISAN execs/judics via AppV

    EQUAL nom pets / fees

    NO evil rotten party gang bosses / elites picking candidates —

    one reason the USA/States/locals regimes are bankrupt – due to govt deficits since 1929.

  6. McAuliffe did everything he could to lose that election. In a pre-Trump era, Youngkin would have won by 10 or 15 points.

  7. Youngkin did. Probably by more. Democrats cheated to make it look as close as it did, but their attempt to steal the election was thwarted this time. New Jersey was not so lucky. There, the steal worked.

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