Libertarian Party Estimates Approximately 150 Party Members Won Local Office on November 2

The national office of the Libertarian Party estimates that approximately 150 party members were elected to party office on November 2. The office is still working on the complete list. See this press release.


Libertarian Party Estimates Approximately 150 Party Members Won Local Office on November 2 — 30 Comments

  1. Over a hundred of those victories were in Pennsylvania, where a great many local positions are filled by election and just about all of them are partisan. For instance, each precinct elects a Judge of Elections and two Insepctors. These are basically pollworkers, but each one of these won(including by write-in which happens a lot because nobody filed) translates to a partisan elected official for the LPPA.

  2. Pollworkers do not count in my book. Bilyeu is stretching the truth, no surprise because she is corrupt.

  3. The libertarians were marginally useful when they had good leaders like Bob Barr and Wayne Root, while the Republicans ran losers like Romney and McCain. Since then, the GOP got a lot better and the Libertarians have been captured by a chicom fifth column. Bragging about electing a handful of poll workers and some nonpartisan minor offices in small towns should be embarrassing to just about anyone, but not these losers.

  4. My personal interest in the Libertarian Party waned after high school, but I would argue that the Libertarian Party is probably one of the most — if not the most — organized of the third parties in the United States.

  5. The Libertarian Party has been bragging about electing people to low level local offices ever since I joined the party in 1996, and likely well before that. Thousands of local government boards and councils. How many are controlled by Libertarians. Probably ZERO.

  6. I’ve checked them out and they’re actually more of a dysfunctional autistic social club that is run by dishonest, mostly homosexual, doped up commies who lure in some independent conservatives, some failed wannabe politicians, some confused 20something stoners, and a few sad old people with dementia, and use them for money, connections, sex, drugs, and basic attention whoring for however long it takes them to realize that the whole thing is a dysfunctional hamster wheel that goes nowhere. In most cases that doesn’t take long, except for the most extreme autistic losers.

  7. Ableism much, Jason? I’m autistic myself and while I support your right to say that, I still am hurt by that.

  8. “Ableism” lolol

    “Autism” is a fake disorder/excuse for retards to act antisocial.

  9. You mean the pink haired freak who used to go by the name Dee Dee Warren?

  10. Caryn Ann Harlos seems like a good person to me. I think every good Libertarian owes her a debt of running Joe Bishop-Henchman and two other scoundrels off the LNC after exposing their role in the fraud with the attempting hijacking of the LP of NH. It would not surprise me if JBH and his cronies are government plants.

  11. It wouldn’t surprise me if Andy or just about anyone else involved with this retarded freak show circus larp parody of a political party is a goverment plant. There is no such thing as a “good Libertarian.” The only good Libertarian is one who is no longer a Libertarian.

  12. I have never had a blowjob from a woman. Not even a blow up doll, because they’re too expensive. I would pay Karen Harlot as much as $27.58 to be the first. A tittyfuck would be nice too. Hell i’d settle for a motorboat.

  13. A blowjob from her would be like walking on a tightrope. You keep telling yourself: “don’t look down!”

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