Florida Republican Nominee for U.S. House, 20th District, is Eligible, but Florida Officials Don’t Seem to Know That

The Republican nominee for U.S. House, Florida 20th district, special election of January 2022, is an ex-felon. Jason Mariner nevertheless won the Republican nomination in this overwhelmingly Democratic district. Under case law going back over 100 years, his ex-felon status makes no difference; he can run for Congress because the U.S. Constitution sets forth the requirements to be a member of Congress, and states cannot add to them.

Nevertheless, according to this story, some Florida officials don’t know the caselaw and wonder if he is eligible to run. Thanks to Ken Bush for the link.

Mariner defeated his only opponent in the Republican special primary of November 2. He polled 58%.


Florida Republican Nominee for U.S. House, 20th District, is Eligible, but Florida Officials Don’t Seem to Know That — 30 Comments

  1. Sue for $$$ damages – bankrupt conlaw morons

    zillion cases under 1-2-2

    CAN N-O-T superadd to Const qualifications

  2. Richard:
    Over a century ago, didn’t Eugene Debs ran for President while a “guest” of the federal Government?? Wouldn’t that settle the issue for everyone?

  3. This is yet another reason why releasing felons from prison is a mistake. There should be no such thing as a felon out on the streets.

  4. Uncle Larry is very displeased with you, Nick. Jason has received full pardon from my brother our prophet and patriarch Larry and our Lord and Savior Donald John Trump Sr. Thus his full political rights are restored and we will be making a campaign appearance in his district.

  5. No such thing as an “ex-felon” (unless record legally expunged in which case the individual would never have been one in the first place). Ex-con, i.e., ex-convict – no longer serving time, yes. But once a felon, always a felon. End of PSA.

  6. There goes the cyberpig again waddling into Florida politics like the fat Alabama fag he is.

  7. You got me. I am the cyberpig, and I am always talking about myself. I can never get enough attention, and I’ll do anything to get more.

  8. The garbage comments starting on November 6, 2021, at 10:44 pm were all posted by Will Klatt.

  9. Did you know the use of the Chop by Braves fans came from Florida State Seminoles fans who are also Braves fans? Did you know it has been used much longer here in Florida than in Georgia?

    Did you know President Trump lives in Florida, is a Braves fan, and was seen doing the Chop at a Braves game during the World Series, which the Braves won?

    Did you know that my food friends, Deputy Larry and his nephew Deputy Nick, come from a family that has lived here in Florida, near the Georgia line, for over 200 years, and that their family was among the first Anglophone settlers of Florida, who came from Georgia before Florida even became a State?

    Did you know the DAMN Yankee Occupation Government owes them back their stolen property, with 156 years of Compound interest and counting?

    Did you know that the term Crackers as a reference to White Folks came from what they and their fellow Georgians who first created English speaking Florida over 200 years ago were called? DID YOU KNOW WE’RE DAMN PROUD OF THAT?

    Did you know that around here it’s KKK ALL THE WAY, ALL DAY EVERY DAY?

  10. I DID post the comment on 11/7/21 at 7:44 am. I did NOT post the comment on 11/7/21 at 8:08 am.

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