Two Alaska Politicians File Amicus in State Supreme Court on the Side of the Alaskan Independence Party

On November 15, two Alaska politicians filed an amicus curiae brief in Kohlhaas v State, S-18210. The amicus is opposed to the top-four system and in support of the challenge to that system. The individuals who filed the amicus are Mead Treadwell (who was Alaska’s Lieutenant Governor 2010-2014), and Dick Randolph. Randolph was a Libertarian state legislator 1978-1982, and the Libertarian Party nominee for Governor in 1982.

Here is the amicus.


Two Alaska Politicians File Amicus in State Supreme Court on the Side of the Alaskan Independence Party — 6 Comments

  1. Alaska has our tallest American mountains, and the Himalayas have the tallest mountains on Earth.

  2. It appears that there is an error in the brief as it states that the Libertarian candidate for Governor and the co-filer of the brief is Dick Howard. I think it should be Dick Randolf. I hope they correct that quickly.

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