Virginia House of Delegates Switches to Republican Majority

Virginia voters elected a new House of Delegates on November 2, 2021. The new partisan lineup is 52 Republicans, 48 Democrats. The old chamber had a Democratic majority.

This story reveals that Republicans won the two closest races. There will be recounts in those two districts.


Virginia House of Delegates Switches to Republican Majority — 6 Comments

  1. Anti-Democracy minority rule gerrymanders in VA since 1618 — a mere 403 years.

    First gerrymander = plantation districts along the James River.

    ROT copied from olde England – gerrymander House of Commons since 1200s.

  2. Thank God. I live next to Marxist Virginia. Only thing good about GOP in charge is they stop the madness; but don’t have any plan to correct it.

  3. Republicans won Virginia because McAuliffe ran a shitty campaign and Youngkin reached out to the working class by promising to get rid of the sales tax on groceries and raise the standard income tax deduction. If he focused entirely on immigration and Critical Race Theory – as I’m sure many Republicans wanted, it is very possible that the Republicans would have lost, despite how poorly McAuliffe campaigned.

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