News Story on Alaska Supreme Court Filing in Top-Four Lawsuit

Must Read Alaska, an on-line news source, has this story about the recent amicus brief filed in Kohlhaas v State, the case in the Alaska Supreme Court over the top-four system passed by the voters in November 2020. Thanks to Fairvote for the link.


News Story on Alaska Supreme Court Filing in Top-Four Lawsuit — 8 Comments

  1. It appears that the Alaska constitution is similar to the Maine constitution in that it specifically requires plurality voting for certain offices. This means that in Maine, ranked choice voting is only used for offices that don’t specifically require plurality voting. Perhaps the same will pertain to Alaska.

    I understand that there is a movement to amend the constitution in Maine to extend ranked choice voting to all offices.

  2. @WZ,

    It is more ambigious in Alaska. Maine used to require a majority. Since they weren’t using government-printed ballots, this could result in a deadlock. The expedient was to simply switch to “plurality’.

    It appears that the amicus is based on records from the constitutional convention where it was decided not to have a runoff. They are also claiming that gubernatorial elections are not severable. They are trying to pull down the whole initiative.

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