New German Government Includes Three Parties

The new German government has a majority in parliament, after the Social Democratic, Green, and Free Democratic Parties agreed to a coalition. The Free Democratic Party is sometimes referred to as Germany’s version of the Libertarian Party. Thanks to Political Wire for this news.


New German Government Includes Three Parties — 64 Comments

  1. ONE more FATAL German regime –

    top legis hacks having exec powers.

    ZERO learned from 1933-1945 Hitler tyrant regime.

  2. Top Six! Level the Playing Field!
    Top Six! Level the Playing Field!
    Top Six! Level the Playing Field!
    Bowers! Bowers! Bowers!
    Lose! Lose! Lose!
    Everybody Lose!
    Ah! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

  3. Why won’t Biden take a cognitive test?

    I was going to link the Infowars article but aparently Richard Winger banned that too.

  4. That seems an unfair comparison to the FDP, which is much more mainstream and has been in government more often than not in the post-war era. Market liberal, “fiscally conservative and socially liberal,” perhaps even libertarian-ish. But orders of magnitude larger and more effective than the LP, and with no substantial contingent of anarchists and other extreme fringe ideologues. The most moderate members of the LP, your Gary Johnson and Justin Amash types, would be on the hardline flank of the FDP.

  5. They were working on forming the government coalition for quite a while. Not sure if quite two months without checking but it was a while.

  6. @A…. Nailed it, and if the LP wants to be elected that’s what they’ll have to become. Otherwise, they stay relegated to sub 5% vote totals. That of course, however, means purging anarchists (especially the Mises caucus) and maybe even minarchists from the party. I personally believe that a majority of the US population is exactly where the FDP is (predominately capitalist and socially moderate to liberal) and if the US had such a party it would see ruling majorities almost indefinitely. The FDP perfectly sits in between the Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians; kind of pulling some ideas from each party.

  7. The problem is American politics have gotten so radical that you don’t know what you’ll get if you try to compromise.

    Selling out for more support = Joe Miller extremist hacks

  8. LP mini-gov vs commie/fascist statism.

    LP NOOOO govt anarchists — NUTCASE delusional as with 100 pct unam/consensus folks.
    For the many clueless –

    ALL rule – Unanimity – 100 pct — delusional
    Majority rule – Democracy
    Minority rule – oligarchy
    Minority rule – monarchy — fictional – monarchs always require some oligarchs
    NO rule – 0 pct – anarchy — delusional

  9. Demo rep has frequently argued for real democracy, which he has refused to define. However, seems to think the US is supposed to be one. He also seems to define it broadly enough to, for example, support the British and French side during WWI. Above, he quotes the founders regards the dangers of democratic excess. Does he agree with the passages he is quoting? If he doesn’t, what is his purpose in quoting them?

  10. We can see above that demo rep thinks that unanimity, which he erroneously sets up as the opposite of anarchy (he also errs in defining anarchy as no rules) and anarchy are both delusional in his opinion. He frequently rails against monarchy and oligarchy
    And in favor of democracy. Above he quotes founders on the dangers of democracy. For what purpose does he provide these quotes/ cites?

  11. There are many differences between the German and US political systems. Even if it were true that a majority of the US population is “exactly where the FDP is” – predominantly capitalist and liberal to moderate socially (evidence please) that this would translate into becoming a major party, as if having the right ideology is all that would take.

    In reality, major parties in the US are tenuous and changing coalitions. Likewise, FDP has been a coalition partner but not a governing party or coalition leader.

  12. If the FDP is libertarian, it is definitely of the “lite” variety. It is actually a member of the Liberal International, which still includes a few genuinely classical liberal parties, of which the FDP is a good example.

    The Libertarian Party of the US might have the potential to become such a party, but apparently that would make the LPUS too ideologically watered-down for some of its members.

    Perhaps if Rocky de la Fuente had a broader ideological vision, he could transform his Alliance parties into such a force.

  13. Maybe turning the libertarians into a classical liberal party would make them more successful. Maybe not. It could also make them less stable, as some classical liberal parties have veered in other directions ranging from progressive to nationalist to whatever. It’s a long way to claim it would make them a major party much less THE major party.

    Of course, a radical party can also go down the road of schisms, decline, cooption, etc. Plenty of examples of that around.

  14. Probably one of the most successful classical liberal parties is the Liberal Party of Australia.

  15. Ironically, both of the major political parties in the US started out as classical liberal parties. The Democrats had Locofocos and Barnburners who opposed central banking, and supported metallic currency. The Republicans started as a merger of the Liberty and Free Soil Parties to oppose the expansion of slavery into the territories.

  16. Some more interesting information about the results in Germany:

    [46’854’508 votes, 736 seats (+27), MMP with 299 constituencies and 5%|3c threshold]
    SPD (social democrats, S&D) – 25.7% – 206 seats (+53) – 6 ministers
    CDU (christian democrats, EPP) – 18.9% – 152 seats (-48)
    Grüne (greens, EGP) – 14.8% – 118 seats – 6 ministers (+51) – 5 ministers*
    FDP (libertarians, ALDE) – 11.5% – 92 seats (+12) – 4 ministers
    AfD (nationalists, ID) – 10.3% – 83 seats (-11)
    CSU** (christian democrats, EPP) – 5.2% – 45 seats (-1)
    LINKE (far-left, PEL) – 4.9% – 39 seats*** (-30)
    (FW, Tsp, dBs, PARTEI, TT, PPD, Volt, ÖDP, NPD all below 5% and with 0 seats)
    SSW (regional minority) – 0.1% – 1 seat**** (+1)

    This center-left red-green-yellow government is also known as a “Traffic Light Coalition” (“Ampelkoalition”, from the colors of its member parties), it first occurred at the state level in 1990 but the Scholtz cabinet is the first traffic-light coalition to lead Germany at the federal level.

    – * Along with the right of proposing Germany’s European Commissioner (european executive) in 2024 if Ursula Von der Leyen (EPP) is not re-elected.
    – ** CDU and CSU run on a common ticket, with the CSU running exclusively in Bavaria.
    – *** LINKE narrowly won 3 constituencies so they are eligible for list seats despite being below the 5% threshold.
    – **** SSW is not subject to the national threshold due to being an officially-recognized minority party.

  17. IMO, if some alternative voting method were adopted in the US, such as ranked choice voting, the opportunity for the Libertarians to become more classically liberal would be increased, as they could capture more higher ranking votes. Or, if the Libertarians don’t take the opportunity, some newer party like the Alliance Party might see an opening.

  18. The alliance party is not a liberal party. Disco stuck, what are your preferred pronouns? I prefer no pronouns at all. Maybe we could stick to verbs and adjectives?

  19. The USA libertarians aren’t headed in that direction anyway. They are likely to end up as a far right nationalist party after a mises caucus takeover next year. They also appear to be headed for schisms, purges and infighting.


    REAL Democracy = PR in legislative body elections.

    Simple PR –


    EXACT PR –



  21. Loltarians, Faggotarians, Trannytarians – all part of the same idiotic stock.

    Libertaryans on the other hand …

  22. Too bad Demo Rep is so defensive and in such bad need to prove to himself that he’s smarter than other people. Attempts at taking his statements seriously and exploring their implications have not proven particularly fruitful.

  23. Trump delivered a lot more gifts as he made the economy better and gave the people hope, and the imposter Biden just delivers lumps of coal.

  24. All them honkies got all they wanted each and every christmas and us black and brown kids got not a damn thing. Satan you a bitch.

  25. “X marks the Xaulie on November 26, 2021 at 5:33 pm said:
    Vincent is Paul (cyberpig).”

    You sure that is him, and not another one of the trolls?

  26. I asked Santa for a fleshlight modeled after one of my favorite Grooby girls. We have no blacks in Ashgabat so Santa comes here every Christmas. We don’t have the same problem as Vincent.

  27. Turkmenistan would seem to be the proper place for “Satan Clause” since Turkmenistan is home to the so-called “Entrance to Hell.”


    “Accurate records of how the crater ignited have not been discovered, and some facts are disputed. One of the more popular theories is that Soviet geologists intentionally set it on fire in 1971 to prevent the spread of methane gas, and it is thought to have been burning continuously ever since.”

  28. The Mises Caucus isn’t going to take over next year or any other year. They have very little support, what support they did have is dwindling and Steve Bannon has other things to do right now besides paying the Mises Caucus loons.

  29. Where do you get your information from, Brandon? Everything I’ve seen shows their momentum is growing, they’re taking over one state party after another, etc, etc. What are the indicators that their support is allegedly dwindling.

    Please explain the Bannon thing, too. Is that an allegation/rumor or an actual fact? If someone wants to know more about it, what are some good places to start? If it is a fact, are they mainly relying on his money, or other donors? Is their funding going up, down, or holding steady?

    If you or someone else answers, please provide verifiable facts if at all possible, or at least distinguish what you know for a fact from allegations you are repeating which may or may not be true.

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