
Libertarian Party Posts List of Election Winners from Election of November 2, 2021 — 30 Comments





  2. Approval voting tends to bias towards muddled middle election winners, ie establishment choices.

  3. Someone call me when a Libertarian gets elected to an office ABOVE that of a state legislature, or is elected in a state legislature OTHER THEN AK, or NH. 50 years in existence, and not much in “partisan elected officials” to show for their ballot space! Even third party candidates in the 19th Century did better!

  4. SUDCCIV There was a Libertarian elected to state legislature in Wyoming last year. If you were actually a Libertarian, you would have known that. Also, Libertarians have been elected to state legislature with a major party cross endorsement in Vermont, Oregon, and New York in addition to Alaska, New Hampshire, and Wyoming. There was also one US Congressman from New York elected with a Libertarian cross endorsement in 2020. You aren’t important enough to call.

  5. That list includes:

    33 Constables, who are elected law enforcement

    29 Town Auditors, who set the salaries for other elected officials and sometimes have the power to audit town records

    15 Town council type positions

    5 Mayors

    5 Election officials

    4 School board members

    3 other positions (recorder of deeds, soil and water commission)

    Those are only the people elected in November. There were others elected earlier in the year. Off the top of my head, I know at least 3 town council members elected earlier in the year.

  6. According to, there are 357 elected Libertarians now. I am not sure if that number includes the newly elected Libertarians in 2021 or not.

    Regardless, back around 2003, the Libertarian Party had somewhere between 600-650 elected Libertarians. So the party is still behind where it was 18 years ago by this criteria.

  7. Nationally, their “elected libertarians” are mostly nonpartisan minor local offices, usually in small jurisdictions. The few that are partisan are also overwhelmingly minor local offices in small jurisdictions of the type listed by Jim as elected in PA. Constables are in many places an unpaid and largely ceremonial office.

  8. @SUDCCIV: There’s good reason why third parties did better in the 19th century. Ballot access laws were easier or nonexistent back then. Until the later part of the 19th century, each party (or newspapers supporting the party) printed its own ballots for its voters to drop into the voting boxes.

    Even when ballot access laws began, they weren’t as tough as they are now. Ballot Access News in its Dec. 12, 1993 issue had an item about how in 1924, Robert LaFollette of the Progressive Party only needed 50,000 signatures in all to qualify for the presidential ballot in every state — and in the majority of states, the deadline wasn’t until the month before the election.

  9. World WARS I and II had their evil post war effects — smash third parties and independents — as being disloyal.

    A worse cycle now with 2016 and 2020 prez results.
    EQUAL ballot access laws.

  10. As we discussed in other threads, your “equal ” ballot access laws would only further marginalize the already marginalized and concentrate political power even more than it is now.

  11. On behalf of the leadership of the New World Order, I wish to announce that the Libertarian Party has succumbed to our plot to take it over by planting socialists throughout the party. Others commenters on this site have hinted this might be the case, but I am here to confirm it. Good luck trying to resurrect the party that once believed in freedom.

  12. There’s no point in trying to resurrect it. It played a useful role for some time, and now that time is over. We have bigger fish to fry in consolidating control of the GOP, turning out the Trump vote in 2024, beating Biden, the left and the Chicoms, taking back Congress, and then defeating our enemies, foreign and domestic, once Trump, the GOP Congress and Republican led courts, plus pro-Trump Republican majorities in Governorships, legislatures, state courts and all the way down to school boards have overwhelming control.

  13. If Donald Trump was like Ron Paul, I would put on a MAGA hat and I would be supporting him, but he is not.

  14. He’s actually better. For one thing, he’s better on trade and tariffs. For another, he won, and will win again.

  15. Imagine coming to Ballot Access News, a publication that exists for the purpose of educating its readers on the fact that the US has the least democratic electoral system in the western world and criticizing a party for not being more successful at overcoming restrictive ballot access laws. On an article about it winning 79 (actually 156 and counting) elections. That’s an impressive level of stupidity.

  16. Insignificant elections, many of them nonpartisan, out of about 500,000 elected offices nationwide, after 50 years of trying. That’s an impressive level of failure.

  17. There’s a few small errors on the list. Alison Smeltz didn’t win Northumberland ROW/ROD (she lost 12347 to 3002). Beth Ann Rosica wasn’t elected Mayor of West Chester (she finished 3rd, losing 2116-659-543).

    Darryl Perry was elected Selectman of Manchester’s 5th Ward though, finishing 3rd in a 3 winner race, ahead of 4th place finisher former State Rep Richard Komi (who resigned under a bit of a cloud 50 years ago in May 2020). I’m not entirely sure what a Selectman does but he’s going to be a Selectman.

  18. “Richard Komi (who resigned under a bit of a cloud 50 years ago in May 2020)”

    How did he resign 50 years ago in May of 2020 when that was only one year and 7 months ago?

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