California Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Lawsuit that Charged Redistricting Commission with Holding Unpublicized Meetings

On December 15, the California Supreme Court refused to hear Moreno v Citizens Redistricting Commission, S272036. The case had been filed directly in the State Supreme Court. It charged that the Citizens Redistricting Commission had been illegally holding unpublicized meetings. The attorney for the case is a Republican National Committeewoman. Thanks to ElectionLawBlog for this news.


California Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Lawsuit that Charged Redistricting Commission with Holding Unpublicized Meetings — 2 Comments

  1. More ANTI-Democracy machinations behind closed doors

    — to totally RIG the CA gerrymander districts

    — in connection with the CA top 2 primary.
    NOOOO gerrymander comms.
    NOOOO primaries.

  2. Like I have said, these “nonpartisan” commissions get taken over by the folks they are supposed to oversee.

    Looks like that’s what happening in California.

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