New York Assemblymember John Salka Introduces Ballot Access Bill

Assemblymember John J. Salka (R-Brookfield) has introduced a bill to repeal the harsh changes made to ballot access in 2020. The bill doesn’t have a number yet.


New York Assemblymember John Salka Introduces Ballot Access Bill — 6 Comments

  1. Another thing it doesn’t have is any realistic chance to become law. Not having a bill number will change, but having no real chance will not.

  2. That isn’t necessarily so. The Working Families Party has influence in the New York legislature and it will help this effort. Even though it is on the ballot now, the new law makes its future status uncertain. It did not poll as much as 2% of the presidential vote in 2016.

  3. Mr. Winger, do you have a new commenting policy and/or did you hire comment moderators?

  4. Most Democrats prefer the WFP didn’t have influence, and they have a big majority in New York. It’s in their interest to get the WFP decertified as a recognized party.

  5. Nothing has changed relative to comment policy. I certainly didn’t hire any comment moderators. I don’t hire anyone. This is a one-person thing.

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