Election Returns Book for 2020 is Published

America Votes 34, by Rhodes Cook, has just been published. It has election returns for 2019 and 2020, for president, U.S. Senate, and governor, by county. It also has returns for U.S. House elections. It is part of the series that has been published, every two years, starting in 1956.

Most large and medium-size libraries have collections of America Votes.

The Federal Election Commission still hasn’t published its 2020 book of election returns, which will be called “Federal Elections 2020”. The FEC book is free but has no returns for governor, and no county-by-county returns. Both America Votes and Federal Elections 2020 have primary returns as well as general election returns.


Election Returns Book for 2020 is Published — 28 Comments

  1. LOTS of ANTI-Democracy gerrymander stats.

    FEC 2020 allegedly may show up in Jan 2022 – mere 14 months after the 2020 election day.

  2. The book contains the official results. Currently, and in 2020, a majority of states that have a Secretary of state in charge of elections had and have a Republican Secretary of State. For county election administration, about 80% of the elected county officials in charge of elections are Republicans. I don’t know why any rational person thinks that the official returns are inaccurate.

  3. “Currently, and in 2020, a majority of states that have a Secretary of state in charge of elections had and have a Republican Secretary of State. For county election administration, about 80% of the elected county officials in charge of elections are Republicans. I don’t know why any rational person thinks that the official returns are inaccurate.”

    Lots of Republicans are weaselly establishment shills. If the ruling establishment wants them to lie, or engage in election fraud, they will do it. Remember the “Never Trump” Republicans? Being in the same party as somebody does not automatically indicate loyalty.

    Now as for Republicans being in charge of elections in a majority of counties, it is not alleged that there was fraud in a majority of counties. The bulk of the fraud allegations from high population counties, which are controlled by Democrats.

    Also, just because somebody reported some election returns, it does not automatically mean that they were given accurate numbers to report. They may think that the numbers they were given were valid, but who knows if they really were or not.

    I will say that my anecdotal evidence from traveling around the country and talking to lots of people in a lot of places was that there was very little enthusiasm for Joe Biden. Even most self identified Democrats did not want him as a candidate. I saw very few signs or bumper stickers or hats or t-shirts for Biden. Contrast this with Donald Trump, whom I saw way more support and enthusiasm for, and I am not just talking about in Republican stronghold states, I am also talking about in swing states, and even in Democrat strong hold states.

    So it was very suspicious how Joe Biden supposedly won the election and got a record number of votes.

  4. Those of you who are suspicious of the election returns might read the various articles in the Fordham Law Review, Nov. 2021, vol. 90, no. 2. It has detailed information about the many lawsuits alleging Democratic voter fraud and how the evidence for Democratic voter fraud wasn’t there. I have 50 copies and I will postally mail it to anyone who pays the postage, about $6.

    The tiny number of voters caught committing voter fraud in 2020 are just about 100% people who cast two votes for Donald Trump, not any for Joe Biden. And if Democrats committed voter fraud, why didn’t they arrange to increase their US Senate majority to something bigger than a tie? Why didn’t they boost the number of US House seats? Why didn’t they flip even one legislative chamber from Republican to Democratic?

  5. They didn’t have time to also rig the Senate. Citing student run publications is showing just how weak your case is. In other words, FAKE NEWS. I’m sure you still think Trump and Russia rigged 2016 when that has been proven false time and time again by actual sources.

  6. From Liz Harrington:

    “43,907 ballots from Facebook-funded drop boxes are now under investigation because they were counted in DeKalb even though they violated Chain of Custody rules

    “These illegal ballots are nearly 4X the margin in GA alone (11,779)

    “35,000 illegal votes cast in GA from voters in the wrong county, roughly three times the amount necessary to ‘tip the 2020 results’

    “Poll workers were caught scanning ballots multiple times on camera in Fulton County

    “Ballot images obtained through a public records request revealed these duplicate votes, including at least 3,390 extra votes for Joe Biden

    “Tally sheets from the Fulton Co. hand recount also revealed 100-0 and 200-0 vote counts for Joe Biden

    “Also in Fulton, they threw out Trump votes, while spoiled ballots were unlawfully counted for Joe Biden

    “The Wisconsin Legislative Audit Bureau recently found numerous law violations in the 2020 election

    “Including 44,272 people who voted in November 2020 without ever showing Voter ID

    “This alone is more than twice the vote margin in the state

    “The Wisconsin Election Commission ‘shattered’ the law by ordering nursing homes to ignore election laws, leading to widespread voter fraud and ballot harvesting uncovered by the Racine, Wisconsin sheriff’s office

    “In Pennsylvania, there are 49,141 more votes than voters

    “By law, Pennsylvania cannot certify any results from precincts that are out of balance”

  7. Ah yes, the noted, impartial psephologist Liz Harrington 🙄 As long as the checks keep coming in for her she’ll never give up the con.

    Anyone with an ounce of experience in elections or genuine knowledge of the counting and certification process knows how prohibitively impossible the kind of large-scale fraud claimed would be to actually pull off, the tens upon tens of thousands of people from both parties that would need to be involved all the way down to the little old lady Sunday school teacher who work the polls at her local precinct combined with surgically precise awareness of the exact votes one needs to add and where. But the rubes will never stop believing this so long as the ego of the petulant, overgrown man-child that used to occupy the White House refuses to accept his own defeat

  8. Whatever happened in the state votes is beside the point. Congress accepted all the electoral votes as cast and delivered to them.

    Same as in 2016.

    That’s the Constitutional election, right there.

  9. Buying this book is like buying the official results of the 1995 Iraqi presidential election.

  10. Richard Winger has a different opinion than some of us as to whether or not election fraud took place in 2020. Him not thinking fraud took place does NOT necessarily means he supports fraud, he could just hold a sincere belief that there was no fraud. People can have different opinions without having bad intentions.

  11. Where is the gerrymander Congress *investigation* of alleged fraud in elections – Fed/states/locals ???

    6 Jan 2021 Comt a bit late.

  12. If anyone doesn’t like choosing Presidential electors by popular vote, be reminded that the Constitution does NOT require them to be so chosen. If a state wants to choose its Presidential electors in another way, the state may change its law to do so. Other methods have been used in the past.

    This is one of the great features about the Electoral College that is under appreciated. No state is compelled to choose its Presidential electors the same way as any other state. Thia means that states can actually try alternative voting methods without consulting Congress, or any other state. This is why it is possible for Maine to use ranked choice voting.

  13. You know, if the people of a state really think that NPV is a great idea, there is no need for them to wait until a certain number of states adopt it. Any state can jump right in and change its law tomorrow to require that all of their electoral votes be rewarded to the winner of the national popular vote total, however that may be tabulated (there are actually different ways that that can be done: include/not include absentee votes that don’t affect the outcome within a state, include/not include provisional/mail in ballots, include initial/final transferred votes from RCV states, etc) So, a state that wants to use NPV on its own can define which national votes to accept or not accept.

    I actually think some states ought to try this. Then, they might be able to spot deficiencies in this system before it may be inflicted on the entire county.

  14. The EC is 1 of the 3 EVIL rotted ANTI-Democracy FATAL minority rule gerrymander systems in the USA regime.

    1860 minority election of Lincoln >>> 750,000 DEAD in 1861-1866 USA Civil WAR I.

    2020 or a next Prez minority rule election = How many MILLIONS DEAD/enslaved ???

    ABOLISH the ANTI-Democracy EC and ALL the monarch/oligarch ROT with it.

    USA/State Elector Voter — USA Citizen, 18+ years olde – be registered by 28 days before election day.


  15. @ Demo Rep:

    The Electoral College has actually SAVED a number of elections that might have otherwise descending into chaos. IMO, these include 1876, 1912, 1960, 1992, 2000, 2016, and 2020.

  16. WZ –


    THE EC IN 1860 GOT 750,000 DEAD IN 1861-1866. ZERO *SAVED*.




  17. There might not even have been a President elected in 1860 without the Electoral College.

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