Texas Libertarian Party Files Amended Complaint in Lawsuit Against Filing Fees for Candidates Seeking a Convention Nomination

On December 23, 2021, the Texas Libertarian Party filed this amended Complaint against the Texas law that requires individuals seeking a nomination at a convention to pay a filing fee to the government. Bilyeu v Scott, w.d., 1:21cv-1089. This case will move swiftly. It has already had a status conference.


Texas Libertarian Party Files Amended Complaint in Lawsuit Against Filing Fees for Candidates Seeking a Convention Nomination — 3 Comments

  1. Didn’t know they updated; they sent a mass blast when filing the original. I had room for a copy of that in my papers this week, with some comment-flow and backgrounder editing I added.

  2. That said, per what I was talking about last month with the fellow Texan on regular commenters, the “petition in lieu of fee,” on the Green side, pushes me back two decades to signing ballot access petitions for the Greens as a party and being unable to vote in a Dem primary.

  3. The state has filed their response.

    It is typical government boilerplate. They acknowledge that the plaintiffs have numbered their paragraphs consecutively, everything else is either an opinion, the law speaks for itself, the plaintiffs have not stated a claim and do not have standing.

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