President Trump’s Administration Drafted an Executive Order for Secretary of Defense to Seize All Vote-Counting Equipment

The administration of former President Donald J. Trump drafted an executive order, directing the Secretary of Defense to seize the vote-counting equipment used across the nation for the November 3, 2020 election. The order is dated December 16, 2020, but it was never issued. The presidential electors had met on December 14, 2020.

Here is a copy. Thanks to ElectionLawBlog for the link.


President Trump’s Administration Drafted an Executive Order for Secretary of Defense to Seize All Vote-Counting Equipment — 64 Comments

  1. How many Trump gang felonies –

    subverting how many Consts and laws (and even treaties) ???

    Makes olde USA mafia gangs seem trivial ???

  2. You got it backwards, bubba. It was the D gang and their Chinese Communist masters who subverted the laws, stole the election, and installed their senile, bought off and controlled puppet.

  3. Martin, if the Democrats rigged the vote-counting, why didn’t they give themselves more wins for congress and state legislature? There were 2 US Senate seats that the polls showed Democrats would win, yet Republicans actually won (Maine and North Carolina).

  4. The cheating took place in big cities majority black, gay, student and other such areas which already have Democrats representing them in congress and legislatures.

  5. Imagine if Trump had the courage to sign this and then we wouldn’t have this senile old fart Brandon soiling his pants and turning the White House into an assisted living facility.

  6. President Trump and his supporters filed approximately 90 lawsuits over the vote count. In the majority of such cases, his attorneys said they are not claiming there was vote fraud to the extent of changing any outcome. In the minority of cases in which his attorneys did allege vote fraud sufficient to change the outcome, the evidence was not persuasive and all those lawsuits lost.

    The Arizona legislature had an “audit” of the ballots and even though the people doing the audit were Trump supporters, they found no difference in the outcome. In Georgia the ballots were recounted twice under the supervision of the Secretary of State, who is a Republican, and an intelligent person who knows how to determine if there was fraud. He said it was the cleanest election in recent Georgia history.

  7. ANY evidence of Trump gangsters planning a fire, real or fake, in Capitol, White House, Supreme Court, etc. buildings to have more Trump tyrant exec orders ???

    See Germany Reichstag [Parl] bldg fire Feb 1933 >>> 1933 German enabling act >>> Hitler tyranny 1933-1945.

    NOOOO shortage of conspiracies to get POWER in world history.

  8. Considering Winger is a communist and voted for the candidate the Communist Party endorsed (Dementia Joe), he will stand up for him every single time. Winger clearly has an agenda, and it’s not for freedom.

  9. I don’t know why anyone thinks I voted for Joe Biden. I have consistently criticized the Democratic Party for being worse than the Republican Party, in the matter of challenging third party and independent presidential candidates off the ballot. Democrats did it in 1936, 1948, 1952, 1976, 1980, 2004, and 2020. Republicans had never done it until 2008 when they challenged Bob Barr, Libertarian nominee, in Pennsylvania. I also criticize the Democratic voting rights bill in congress for eliminating primary season matching funds, which have helped many third parties with ballot access petitioning costs. And Democrats in New York wiped out the Libertarian, Green, SAM and Independence Parties in 2020. Also the biggest improvements in ballot access by state legislatures in the last few years have been in Oklahoma, North Carolina, and Texas, all states with Republican majorities in both houses of congress. But when it comes to federal judges, generally federal judges appointed by Democratic presidents are better than judges appointed by Republican presidents.

  10. Mr Winger: The poster doesn’t really believe you voted for Biden. To say you did is part of an organized misinformation campaign.

    Unfortunately Ballot Access News has been infected with either one person playing multiple roles or a few people who have the goal of destroying all rational debate.

    It is shame that your once excellent source of information has been ruined by fascist authoritarian antisemitic white supremacists.

    It is now extremely difficult to find helpful information through the morass of nonsense. That is why this is my first post in a very long time. It will probably be a long time before I post here again.

    I have subscribed to the print edition of BAN for over 25 years. It is a useful tool that I will continue to read. I am sorry that Fact Checker, Florida Man, and other alter egos have turned your blog into mostly worthless propaganda.

  11. Richard Winger @435 pm:

    Incompetent attorneys and corrupt rhino judges? Corrupt rhino election officials? Who’d have thought it? Besides, a lot of additional evidence has come out since those court cases. Trump should have signed that order. He’d still be President now, instead of the senile Chinese puppet and the wicked witch, and we’d all be a whole lot better off.

  12. Demo Rep,

    It has more recently come out that the communists really did set the Reichstag fire, just like the Nazis said. That doesn’t make Nazis good guys, or their seizure of dictatorship righteous, but it does go to show that they were fighting extremely evil people, too.

    We’ve been hammered with the relentless communist propaganda that Nazis were history’s greatest villains and also that those evil Nazi monsters were on the extreme right. In reality, the communists were and are much worse, and Nazis are actually very close to communists on the authoritarian/totalitarian far left, just a bit less extreme than the communists.

    The communists burned down the Reichstag. The Nazis used it as an excuse to seize total power. The communists have whitewashed their part of the blame and made you and a lot of other people believe and repeat their lies that the Nazis burned it themselves. Ask yourself what else they have fooled you about, including things like the fedsurrection on J6 and the Chinese orchestrated coup and stolen US Presidential election of 2020, perhaps the Russia hoax, perhaps the plandemic, and who knows what else?

  13. Richard Winger,

    Voting for burn loot murder Jo is no different than voting for Joe CCP Puppet Biden. When our country is being attacked and taken over by Red China, you’re either with President Trump, God, and the USA, or you’re with the enemy. There is no middle ground anymore. It is now all out war, and there are only two sides.

  14. commie/nazi killers/enslavers — 2×2 sides of same statist control freak coin.

  15. It becomes clearer everyday the UK and US either should not have fought or fought for the wrong side in WW2.

    Chamberlain had the right idea. Churchill made a major mistake and soon realized it. The Cold War showed a strong Germany would be much more preferable than a strong Soviet Union.

    It seems FDR had foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attacks and did nothing. He betrayed his country. If only the US remained neutral we’d be much better off with the honorable Japs in charge of Asia rather than the corrupt Chinamen.

  16. Roosevelt wanted Pearl Harbor to occur so the people would support going to war. Remember, much of the country wanted to stay out until then.

    Stock is back posting under his real name, instead of trolling under fake names. People who claim they are leaving forever never actually leave.

    Winger voted for Biden. He defends him at every turn. He had a few posts that has nothing to do with ballot access, just about how great he thinks Dementia Joe is.

  17. FDR betrayed the country in many ways. The communist “New Deal” was contrary to everything he ran on. He tried to pack the Supreme Court. Then he maneuvered the US into fighting on the Soviet side, when they were the biggest threat (which is not yet over – Red China). Stalin would have beat Hitler without the US for the same reason Napoleon failed to hold Russia. The difference would have been that the Soviets would have been exhausted and easy to conquer, and certainly in no position to expand into central Europe.

    Truman continued the betrayal. The US had a monopoly on atomic bombs, and could have destroyed the USSR. Instead, he let the USSR consolidate its hold over half of Europe and let the Red Chinese take over China. Even worse, he started forced desegregation, starting with the military.

    The post-war establishment Republicans played their lapdog role, allowing the “New Deal” and “Great Society” and forced desegregation to continue without putting up any real fight. They didn’t do anything to bring the Democrats to account for all these betrayals. They allowed the UN globalist globaliney just like they had with the League of Nations, Federal Reserve, and votes for women, which were all previous betrayals of our country.

    We have well over a century of “progressive” rot to sweep away in order to Make America Great Again. We better get to work. Starting with reversing the Red Chinese/Democrat puppet coup of 2020.

  18. There’s nothing anti-Semitic in pointing out that the Roosevelt’s are actually Jews who only pretended to be of Dutch descent. There is no doubt that it was the Jews who gave Stalin the atomic bomb. Nobody even disputes that, so it can’t possibly be antisemitic to point it out.

  19. “Robert K Stock on January 21, 2022 at 9:56 pm said:
    Mr Winger: The poster doesn’t really believe you voted for Biden. To say you did is part of an organized misinformation campaign.

    Unfortunately Ballot Access News has been infected with either one person playing multiple roles or a few people who have the goal of destroying all rational debate.

    It is shame that your once excellent source of information has been ruined by fascist authoritarian antisemitic white supremacists.”

    I agree with you about the trolls, however, I doubt that the trolls here are really “antisemitic white supremacists”.

    I would not be overly surprised if you were one of the trolls.

  20. The trolls here are the left wing communist slimeballs. Like everywhere else, they are the ones causing all the problems and pointing their finger at their opponents. Reichstag fire being just one example. The commies did it.

  21. The executive order that was considered would have been in direct violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.

  22. Andy: As I had said many times. I only post under my own name. Not once have I ever used a pseudonym.

  23. If Pearl Harbor was a set-up to lure the Japs into war, well, they took the bait.

    As for Germany, they didn’t have to declare war on the US after Pearl Harbor, but they, themselves, chose to do so.

  24. I recently saw a lecture on WW2. A history prof made the assertion that Hitler made 2 strategic errors that cost him WW2: 1. Invading the Soviet Union when he did, and 2. declaring war on the US after Pearl harbor, when he didn’t have to. The prof argued that, instead of sending his army into the USSR, he should have captured Egypt, closed the Suez Canal, cut the British off from Mideast oil, and their Empire east of Suez, and just starved the British out of the war before he invaded Russia.

    But, in 1941, Hitler, like Napoleon, was euphoric, and full of himself, with having subdued most of Europe (and probably high on amphetamines, as well), that he thought he could accomplish anything.

  25. Richard Winger deleted my comment about Stock trolling and being a lying commie. Winger supports censorship, typical commie.

  26. It’s against the rules here to mention that Robert Stock is a Satanist? Ask him, or search your own archives. He has proudly said he’s a Satanist many times. If you don’t believe that lying to outsiders is ok in the Satanist religion, look it up. This is not a secret. It’s in the official teachings of Satanism. How can it be against the rules here to point out the truth?

    You can see for yourself that at 9:56 pm last night directly above Stock said he would not post again for a long time. You can see that he posted again today. Again, those are just facts. If you need proof that he previously said he won’t be back here, I can find that too. So why is it against your rules to point out provable facts?

  27. Some people here must have difficulty with being able to handle the truth. Are we allowed to say that much here?

  28. He also deleted my comment addressed to Bruce (Jenner?):

    “Listen up Bruce (Jenner?). Robert KKK Stock is a self admitted devil worshiper trying to curse Will by praying for Satan to fuck him. Is that what you agree with him about?”

  29. He also deleted Stock’s comment right above Bruce where Stock said “Fuck you Will”

  30. He called Stock out on being a liar (which is a tenet of his Satanism) for saying he would never comment here again and then commenting. And then saying he wouldn’t comment for a long time and then commenting almost immediately.

  31. Three of his associates have left comments here:

    Rufus Redd (Fact checker),
    Moses Austwin (Mr. Libertarian),
    Kareem Caliente (Pyramid Pile of Penis)

  32. The left is evil and wicked. Sinister is the Latin word for leftist, and it is appropriate. They stole our election and replaced the best President we ever had with the absolute worst. At this point the Constitution has already been subverted with a Chinese orchestrated coup. We the People need Trump back in office by whatever means it takes. Period end of story.

  33. Given that stealing the election was and is a national security emergency, seizing the machines would be justified as a necessary emergency action.

  34. “Egyptian God on January 22, 2022 at 6:26 pm said:
    Three of his associates have left comments here:

    Rufus Redd (Fact checker),
    Moses Austwin (Mr. Libertarian),
    Kareem Caliente (Pyramid Pile of Penis)”

    And all of them also post as “Egyptian God”.

  35. You are wasting your time on who posts as what? Who cares? We have a lot of communists to kill, and time is running short. All of our time and energy needs to be concentrated on killing commie scum , taking our country back, rounding up and deporting the illegal invaders, and making America Great Again!

  36. Again…it doesn’t matter who you are or whose associate you are. What matters is how many commies have you killed today? How many will you kill tomorrow? Killing communists is the only thing that matters. Anything else is a distraction. Kill, kill, kill, kill communists and all kinds of leftist scum, who are really just communists.

  37. We are at war. In war, killing the enemy is what you do. It’s a war for our literal survival. Don’t you people get it? It’s kill or be killed!!!

  38. Good God. Who cares???? Have you even killed your FIRST communist today???

    Everyone here needs to set numerical goals, such as: I will kill at least 666 communists today. Then meet and exceed those goals each and every day.

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