U.S. District Court Enjoins University of Florida’s Restrictions on Professors from Acting as Expert Witnesses in Voting Rights Cases and Other Cases

On January 21, U.S. District Court Judge Mark Walker, an Obama appointee, enjoined the policy of the University of Florida relative to its faculty becoming expert witnesses in voting rights cases, and other cases against state government. The policy requires the faculty to get advance permission before testifying against the state.

The decision starts with a discussion of a renowned university in Hong Kong, and how the Chinese government has persuaded the Hong Kong University to muzzle its faculty. The decision then shows how something similar has happened in Florida. Here is the 76-page decision in Austin v University of Florida Board of Trustees, n.d., 1:21cv-184. Thanks to the Institute for Free Speech for this news.


U.S. District Court Enjoins University of Florida’s Restrictions on Professors from Acting as Expert Witnesses in Voting Rights Cases and Other Cases — 14 Comments

  1. How many Federal/State/Local regimes are commie/nazi TYRANT regimes ???

  2. Florida has no state income tax. I am not sure what their overall tax burden is, but I am pretty sure they are not among the highest tax states. I have heard that Florida has concealed carry of firearms permits. I am not sure what all has to be done to get one, but I don’t think FL is among the most anti-gun rights states. I know Florida passed Medical Marijuana via a citizen’s ballot initiative. I also know that Florida has not been as stringent on COVID mandates as a lot of states.

    I am not saying that Florida is a bastion of liberty. Florida definitely has problems, and I think their current governor, Ron DeSantis, is overrated by a lot of people, but I am just saying I am not sure if it should be classified as the most authoritarian state.

  3. Richard Winger obviously prefers communism and tyranny like his pal Joe Biden over freedom. Florida is one of the most free states in the nation.

  4. Florida just in the last few years has made it illegal for an individual to donate much money to a petition drive for initiatives; has made it illegal for a candidate for non-partisan office to say in a campaign which party the candidate is a member of; and its Governor refused to call a special election to fill the seat of Congressman Hastings (who died April 6, 2021) until January 11, 2022. So the people of that district had no voice in Congress for over 9 months.

  5. Small potatoes. Vax and mask freedom, way way way more important. Guns and taxes also more important.

  6. DeSantis is excellent. Not quite a Trump or Carlson, but as governors go, he is up there with Kristi Noem of SD among the very very best. So much better than disgraceful slimebuckets like Cuomo, Newsom and Whitmore. At least the Cuomosexuals are now back in the closet where they belong. Too bad the CA recall failed and the fed orchestrated plot in MI never even had a real chance.

  7. This may be heresy, but I think DeSantis is even better than Trump. Mr. President Trump has been weak on the “vax” issue recently, whereas Governor DeSantis has stood strong.

  8. Richard, I agree with you that those things are bad. I was talking about comparing the level of liberty in Florida as compared to other states on an overall basis.

    You probably already know this, but an injunction was won against that law which limited donations to ballot initiative campaigns for signature gathering to $3,000 per donor. So this law is not being enforced, and it will likely be thrown out.

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