Wyoming Bill to Move Primary from August to May

Wyoming Representative Chip Neiman (R-Hulett) has introduced HB 74. It moves the primary from August to May, and says if no one gets 50% in the primary, there will be a run-off primary in August. Neiman also introduced a proposed constitutional amendment to legalize this change, which is HJ3.

Wyoming doesn’t have ordinary legislative sessions in even years; it only has a budget session. But non-budget bills can be considered in even years if two-thirds of each house votes to consider the bill. It is not likely that the bill will get that much support. The motivation for the bill is to make it more difficult for Liz Cheney to receive the Republican nomination for another term in the U.S. House, although even if the bill passed, it couldn’t take effect in time for the 2022 election. Thanks to Fairvote for the news about the bill.


Wyoming Bill to Move Primary from August to May — 32 Comments

  1. Wyoming is a one party state. Like Stalin’s USSR but with more backward technology. And people.

  2. I’ve been to Wyoming. It’s the most boring space on the face of the earth. Totally empty, like the heads of the mere 200,000 voters (of 153,000,000 in America) who live there.

  3. 2020 United States presidential election

    Total votes: 155,485,078

    Total votes from Wyoming: 276,765

  4. You’re full of crap about how Wyoming is. Either you are intentionally lying about how it is or you’re lying about having been there.

  5. Wyoming is an open dead dry space with no trees and few people. Its yellow, dusty and empty. Worst place I’ve ever been in all my world travels.

    Zero culture. The population of the entire state is 1/3 of just the borough of Bronx. And all of them are rural dullards slower than a drip of molasses.

  6. Yeah, you’re clearly lying. You don’t have a clue. Some of us have actually spent time there, so we know you are full of crap.

  7. You’ve never actually been to Wyoming. Small population state yes, but it has great people. You hate it because they aren’t communists like you are.

  8. “Fascists are fervently against Marxism, Socialism, Anarchism, Communism, and Environmentalism.”

  9. Wyoming could save itself the cost of a run-off primary with ranked choice voting. Then, there is noneed to change the primary date.

  10. Joe Redifer is “another” hate filled communist sock puppet. Fascists are fervently against Marxism/Socialism/Communism in the same way that bloods are fervently against crips. Normal people are against all psychopathic criminal gangs, against fascists, and against Marxists/Socialists/Communists. The commie troll is trying to imply that anyone who is strongly against Marxism/Socialism/Communism is a fascist, and perhaps that the patriotic conservatives in Wyoming are therefore fascists. This is standard commie trolling. In reality, fascists are much more like commies than either one is like a patriotic conservative.

  11. “Fascism places a very strong emphasis on patriotism and nationalism. Criticism of the nation’s main ideals, especially war, is lambasted as unpatriotic at best, and treason at worst. State propaganda consistently broadcasts threats of attack, while justifying pre-emptive war. Fascism invariably seeks to instill in its people the warrior mentality: to always be vigilant, wary of strangers and suspicous of foreigners.”

  12. CNN is bad, but what about MSNBC (Marxist Socialist Nagging Bolshevik Commies)? They are a bad joke too.

  13. The careful reader will notice that the patriotic posters accusing everyone and everything of being “communists” are displaying the three main features of fascism.

  14. If you feel so strongly about it go to Ukraine and fight the Russians. Go to Canada and deflate some tires. You won’t because you’re a keyboard warrior and cowardly dickless.

  15. “The careful reader will notice that the patriotic posters accusing everyone and everything of being “communists” are displaying the three main features of fascism.”

    Where did anyone here “justify pre-emptive war”? It seems that the Democrats are trying to do that against Russia. You ignored other main elements of fascism, such as a very powerful national government that interferes heavily in the economy, culture, and all areas of public life. That also sounds like the Democrats. Who’s out there calling those of us who want to bring our troops home to guard our own borders rather than interfere in wars halfway around the world where we have no business, whether Iraq, Afghanistan or Ukraine, “unpatriotic” or “traitors”? Democrats and their fake news media.

    Another element of fascism is shutting down any ideas they don’t like. Sounds like pc cancel culture to me. Nowadays it goes by names like deplatforming. When it was done to soapbox speakers and newspapers and radio stations it was called fascism. Fascists love stealing elections. That sounds like Democrats. Fascists love to indoctrinate children and diminish the influence of parents, substituting the authority of the state. Yeah, Democrats again.

    So who is the fascist here? In reality communists and fascists are very similar. They don’t like local and individual autonomy. They don’t like free enterprise. They don’t like parental authority. They seek to have government control religion. They insert the state into every aspect of civic and economic life. They engage in military aggression. They show contempt for tradition and demand rapid reorganization of society based on their arrogant ideas, using government force. Who does that sound like here?

  16. “…dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and the economy…” is part of the definition of fascism. That would be the Democrat Party.

  17. Believe it or, but there are actually people who dislike and distrust both the Republicrats and the Democans. They’re known as the majority of American people.

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