South Carolina Bill to Outlaw Fusion

Fifty-one members of the South Carolina House have introduced HB 4919, which bans the ability of two parties to jointly nominate the same person. The bill also makes changes in absentee voting. The South Carolina House has 124 members.


South Carolina Bill to Outlaw Fusion — 6 Comments

  1. To fuse or not to fuse should be within the scope of the freedom of association of each party. The state should not ban it.

  2. @WZ,

    There should be no party nominations. This would free parties to freely associate in support of a single candidate. And in any event individual citizens should be able to support any candidate. They are not subjects of the parties.

  3. @JR:

    Any private association, whether called a political party or not, should be able to endorse any candidate for office that it prefers, irrespective of whether or not any other association supports that candidate, as a consequence of their first amendment rights of free political speech.

    In the final analysis, the voters will express their own preferences on election day, irrespective of any party endorsement or nomination, as they should.

  4. @WZ,

    Any private association is able to support individual candidates.

    It is not the purpose of the state to promote the activities of these private associations. It is effectively the state holding the bullhorn when certain supposedly private associations speak.

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