Ian Millhiser Explains Clearly Why February 17 Arkansas Redistricting Decision is Wrong

As previously noted, on February 17, a U.S. District Court in Arkansas ruled against the NAACP in a racial gerrymander case, on the grounds that only the federal government can sue states over voting rights, under Section Two of the Voting Rights Act. Ian Millhiser, a journalist who specializes in legal matters, here writes clearly why the Arkansas judge is mistaken.


Ian Millhiser Explains Clearly Why February 17 Arkansas Redistricting Decision is Wrong — 2 Comments

  1. It’s too bad that the Libertarian Party has gone done the road of white homogenization top to bottom and has opted to use the one-party mechanics of the US Constitution’s and out of date math of two votes per Elector.

    Now that the LNC DC communist central Committee has locked up digital voting they never need to show paper ballots that conflict with the insider pretend elections again!

    The whole US court system will be arguing between two bad systems and the LNC picked the same strategy.

    The dictators at the digital ballot preparation and vote count are ready for more legal expenses to stake out their cashing in on the four-year cycles.

    The paper ballots and vote counting by the United Coalition has been pretty much perfect since April 1st 1995 within the microscopic level that one person can influence.

    The One Party is seeking officers in countries and states and we’re expanding on the matching funds reports with the next new person who joins. The 36-member India Senate Chamber starts assigning seats on March 1st and that madness is expected to spill over to everywhere.

    In California there’s still another week to raise 15K for three to five candidates including US Senate in California and in all 50 States.

    Our USA Super-state Senate Chamber is also a 36-member Senate Chamber with three Senators from each of the twelve population balanced Super-state.

    This and all within the invidious elections we see top to bottom in all elections. These result in the systemic racism against women in the LNC which consists of 72% Electors with male names (Source: archives.gov).

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