Alabama Republican Party Bans Three Legislative Candidates from its Primary for Political Reasons

On February 19, the Alabama Republican Party barred three legislative candidates from its May 24 primary. Alabama case law allows parties to bar candidates from running in its primary for reasons having to do with political stances and association.

Tripp Powell was barred from running for State Senate because in 2018, he donated $500 to the Democratic nominee for Governor.

Anson Knowles was barred from running for State House because at some time in the past, he was chair of the Libertarian Party of his county.

It is not known why the Republican Party barred Teresa Rhea from running. See this story.


Alabama Republican Party Bans Three Legislative Candidates from its Primary for Political Reasons — 22 Comments

  1. I guess a candidate cant have a change of heart regarding political ideas. You must be born a Republican to run as a Republican. WTF!

  2. @Bigdadddyluvsu …. the Republican party is seriously slowly killing itself. Especially with people under 35. Social conservatives can keep being delusional, it just means more and more young people will keep moving towards the Libertarians (and other socially liberal parties). Most people under 35 I know are sick of the Democrats too; and are also very fluid on economic policy. They’ll take either the Libs or the Greens, or anybody that’s even remotely socially liberal.

    The senate and house will probably marginally swing Republican in 2022 (each chamber may have a 2-5% Republican majority). 2024 will be the year I expect a major breakthrough for a third-party to split legislative bodies so no party has a unilateral majority.

  3. @Hold me closer Tony Danza… Keep living in your bubble. This is why you’re so angry, when things are changing and becoming more socially liberated. You’re delusional and out of touch with reality, because you’re in a bubble. I know people like this well, I have a grandmother that’s a Trumper.

  4. I hope you are right Alden about third parties breaking out of the shell. It’s about time.

  5. Aiden said the same thing in 2020 and 2018 and 2016… Still zero third party elected to the US legislature (Amash switching does not count since he was elected as a Republican)

  6. Is it “socially liberated” when boys are allowed to play in girl’s sports? What about hiring based on race instead of ability? What about legalized robbery and low bail for violent offenders? What about imprisoning political dissent indefinitely? What about cracking down on peaceful protests and trampling protestors with horses? What about committing genocide against Uyghurs?

    Is that social liberation?

  7. Oh yeah. Is it social liberation to perform cruel experiments on animals, do gain of function research and unleash a deadly virus on the world? Is it social liberation to take advantage of the situation and flood the system with mail-in ballots and fake unchecked ballots to neutralize legitimate votes? Is it social liberation to force people to get an untested vaccination whose long term effects are completely unknown?

  8. My dad voted for barry goldwater and that was once seen as right-wing. Today, Goldwater is to the left of the conservative movement on many issues.

  9. I’m not sure how this country could actually move any further to the right given how weak our social programs are compared to most industrialized nations, how much special treatment and tax breaks major corporations receive, or how far-right our overton window is (Conservatives in Canada and Germany support Single Payer systems, while many Democratic politicians here don’t even support it). I guess there’s always just shutting down government and letting modern economic feudalism take its place, ie, power and opulence for the wealthy and serfdom and theocracy for the poor. Good luck convincing enough people to support such a system though, even in this country; we’re not that far gone in terms of common sense yet.

  10. You suffer from a lack of imagination. It will start this year with things like getting rid of Roe and the Voting Rights Act and get much bigger and better with time.

  11. Returning the subject of the post. When state laws give political parties to power to ban candidates from the ballot those parties are acting “under color of law” as de facto government agencies. The state government should be sued for that violation of the civil rights to vote and seek election to office.
    The Anti-Republican Party acts as public-private fascist partnership. Case in point.
    Can candidates for federal office be disqualified by private actors? The Constitution gives no power to the states to add or subtract from the explicit qualifications in the U. S. Constitution. U. S. Term Limits v. Thornton. Therefore, the state cannot delegate such non-extent power to any other entity.
    U. S. Term Limits is one those cases when the Supreme Court got it right. Which makes their other errors all the more glaring. What do I mean? All ballot access laws set unconstitutional conditions to disqualify candidates.
    There is no such thing as a constitutional modicum support to qualify as a candidate.
    Not an endorsement of any candidate on my part.

  12. They’re not banned from the ballot.They’re banned from the primary. They can petition on as independent.

  13. Is this not beneficial for the party? it seems that a party is choosing its own nominees for once.

  14. A political party has the prerogative to bar anyone from running under its label.

    All candidates are likewise free to run as the candidate of another party that will accept them, or even as an independent.

    Nothing to see here, folks.

  15. Except that it is very difficult for other parties or independent candidates to qualify, or for other parties to retain ballot access. Also, one of the few states that still has a straight ticket vote.

  16. tony, baby…looks like you’ve only done half the work. those issues have more depth than realized. boys in girls’ sports? bet that’s some trans slur (get a grip). legalized robbery? if you’re talking about drug seizure laws then that’s a winner. dk about the low bail, violent offenders, or imprisoning political dissent indefinitely but if it’s about Jan 6 then support t.he latter, condemn the former (Guantánamo has prisoners w/out any classification, going on decades for them) have no idea about the protests against horses used against protesters – but it’s not uncommon. people respect horses, but cops? if it’s unmarked, unauthorized, cops then maybe there’s a point. Uyghurs and Yemenis. more than a finger-wag is needed.

    but the article was about a FREE citizen being able to use money as free speech (citizens united). how can an organization tell a member who they can or can not support?

    freedom? no masks but they can muzzle that? heil yes?

  17. Let me examine this as a neutral fact checker:

    “Dancing in the dark” = BS

    “Trans” is mental illness. It should be treated as such. Sex is in the chromosomes, not in the mind. Promoting the “trans” garbage is a Chinese plot to weaken the west.

    As for everything else, either you are being intentionally ignorant or are so ignorant about what is going on in the world that your opinion carries no weight.

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