Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson Has Never Handled a Case Involving Minor Party or Independent Candidates

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, the Biden choice for U.S. Supreme Court, has never handled a case involving voting rights of minor parties or independent candidates. That is not surprising, because federal judges in the District of Columbia almost never have such cases, except for campaign finance cases.


Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson Has Never Handled a Case Involving Minor Party or Independent Candidates — 36 Comments

  1. We need a law not just eliminating quotas, but eliminating all the quota appointees at all levels of government, education, business, sports, you name it.

  2. It’s entirely possible that she is the most qualified person, but because Biden introduced the idea that he would pick based on race and sex, people are always going to assume she got the job based on those criteria over more qualified people. And then leftists wonder why everyone who doesn’t meet those extraneous criteria becomes resentful and they just accuse the resentful people of being racist when, in fact, it was they who introduced racism into the issue.

    But the Republican party has become so infested with actual racists that they can no longer effectively make that argument.

  3. Of course she is not the most qualified. The most qualified is a White man. That’s why Biden had to eliminate them from consideration. So his puppet masters could bring in a pro-criminal communist. Another puppet like Kooky Kamala, Michael Obama and Oprah. We need to go back to appointing natural born White men.

  4. az: The Democratic Party and the entire United States needs as many quotas as possible. I say do not allow a White person to hold elective or appointed office in the United States for the next 50 years. It won’t make up for 400 years of oppressing people of color, but it would be a start.

  5. Remember that Stock is looking at this from the Satanist perspective so he wishes to unleash hell on Earth.

  6. In actuality, Africans enslaved themselves. When Europeans arrived to trade, the Africans offered nothing but human capital. The slaves sold to Europeans were already enslaved. It was the White Europeans who ultimately ended the practice of slavery in the civilized world. It still exists in Africa, however.

  7. “Remember that Stock is looking at this from the Satanist perspective so he wishes to unleash hell on Earth.”

    Yes, you should always take whatever he says and do the opposite. For example, when he says allow no Whites, we should allow only Whites to hold office.

  8. If affirmative action is racist then I can be happy with that name. Quotas, affirmative action and reparations are a necessity.

    It doesn’t bother you to call for White Supremacy, so you shouldn’t mind my calling for the opposite.

  9. Retard, I didn’t call for that. There is more than one person posting here who thinks you are a racist communist. Please seek mental help, and stop being a racist communist.



  11. az: So far hundreds have died in Ukraine because of Putin. There will probably be thousands of deaths on both sides because of Putin.

    Zelensky put Nazi militia leaders in charge of large portions of the Ukraine military. And those thugs had terrorized the Russian speaking people of eastern Ukraine for many years.

    Fascist thugs run both countries. There are no good guys and there will be no winners in this war. Just suffering and death for ordinary people caught in the middle.

  12. Stock – Stop repeating Putin’s propaganda. Zelensky is Jewish and 3 of his grandfather’s siblings died in the Holocaust. He isn’t a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer. Zelensky’s predecessor, Poroshenko, was aided to power in part with the aid of a Neo Nazi paramilitary group and he rewarded them by incorporating them into the Ukrainian national guard. It’s one small part of the Ukrainian military, not large portions of the military, and Zelensky had nothing to do with it.

  13. Minority rule gerrymander Prez party hack monarch

    + USA Senators minority rule oligarch hacks

    = result – one more SCOTUS judic party HACK.
    NONPARTISAN nomination/election of ALL judges.

    APPV — pending Condorcet.

  14. Jim: Being Jewish didn’t prevent Zelensky from appointing the heads of Nazi militia leaders to top posts in the Ukrainian military. Putin has been lying a great deal, but in this instance he was right.

  15. Jim: I am not saying Zelensky is a Nazi. I am saying he put some Nazis in charge of some of his military.

  16. Yeah stock is an anti white racist , probably self hating white? If not white either way still racist. But he’s not even as crazy as crAZy az about the situation in Europe. Carlson is 100% on the money with that tweet.

  17. Yes zelensky is a Nazi. Being a jew doesn’t get him off the hook.

    Hitler was probably part jew. Not proven but it’s a theory. There were Zionists at the time who not only admired and emulated Hitler ideology and style but praised him for chasing Jews out of Europe into Palestine.

    The head of the American Nazi party was at one time Frank Collins real name Frank Cohn, a jew and far from the only one.

    There is a whole Nazi skinhead movement with concerts, graffiti etc in Israel. Seriously. Mostly immigrated from Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet republics.

    Nazi pornography is a trend in Israel and with Jews in other countries.

    So no being a Jew does not get zelensky off the hook for heading up a gang of drug addicted corrupt Nazi terrorists. Thank God that Putin is staging an intervention to liberate Ukraine from their Satanic yoke. They deserve every bit of what is coming to them.

  18. Yes, and a communist.

    Tucker should have also mentioned Jews who collaborated with Nazis during the holocaust, like stocks hero Soros.

  19. Sam: Over 4,000 Russian dead. Over 700 destroyed Russian armored vehicles, 150 destroyed Russian tanks, and 50 Russian planes and helicopters shot down. While in Russia itself over 3,500 Russians have been arrested for protesting the war and thousands more Russians still in the streets protesting the war. Seems to me 2022 is Putin’s graveyard.

  20. Yes, Stock, not so much. You have no concept of Russian history if you think that amounts to anything, much less a leader’s graveyard.

  21. Overton: There is much more resistance than Putin imagined. Not just from the Ukraine military and people, but also from Russian citizens. Putin miscalculated.

    NATO troops are increasing in Poland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. NATO has mobilized its rapid response soldiers for the first time in history. Germany is sending arms and ammunition to Ukraine.

    It’s not at a level with the losses of WWII, but this is the most significant military debacle that Russian has experienced since then. The unrest inside Russia itself against a Russian military campaign is unprecedented. And this is just the first week.

  22. You don’t know what Putin expected. You’re just regurgitating fake news propaganda. As for what losses Russia experienced in more recent decades, you may be forgetting that they fought wars in Afghanistan and two in Chechnya. All those wars included losses, and only the last one was won, by Putin. Brezhnev and Yeltsin lost theirs, but that’s not what brought them down.

    There have also been much bigger waves of protest before, for example in 2011. Just last year there were a bunch of protesters about Navalny. That did not last long. Lukashenko survived much bigger protests recently as well.

  23. What’s your point about NATO troops in Poland and the Baltics? They’ve already said they’re not going into Ukraine. It would be nuclear war if they did, and I doubt even senile Xiden would go there.

  24. Overton: Putin has already placed his nuclear forces on alert because of NATO reaction to his invasion. This escalating into WW3 is a real possibility.

    During Afghanistan and Chechnya the Russian people did not protest against Russian military action. This is unprecedented.

  25. Yes, people did protest during Chechnya. In fact, these are not even the firsts protests against a war between Russia and Ukrainian breakaway fascists. There were bigger demonstrations in 2014 over Crimea, among many other events where there were bigger protests in Russia, including last year.

    Putin put nuclear forces on alert precisely to prevent escalation. Are you saying xiden will invade Russia, Belarus or Ukraine? That’s the only way this escalates into world war. NATO provocation came first and is not a reaction to an “invasion.” But I don’t think NATO will escalate further by invading Russia, Belarus or Ukraine. As long as they don’t, there will be no nuclear war. The alert is to make then realize the consequences more fully if they are even thinking about it.

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