California Statewide Green and Peace & Freedom Candidates Post Joint Website

California has eight statewide partisan offices up this year. The Green Party and the Peace & Freedom Party, together, have worked out a plan so that the two parties aren’t running a statewide candidate against each other in the June 2022 primary. Each one wants to increase its chances to meet the 2% vote test, which applies in the June primary. The slate has a common website here. All statewide partisan offices except Lieutenant Governor are covered.


California Statewide Green and Peace & Freedom Candidates Post Joint Website — 5 Comments

  1. Lt. Gov. ballot fee is $3300. and the fee has blocked the United Coalition from bringing a the free speech, new ideas, and correct vote counting of the Hagenbach-Bischoff Method.

    Our team has until around March 5th to pay the fees to get James Ogle on the ballot and then we’ll be filing as a write-in despite having our name censored by former CA Secretary of State even for write-in certification when the name as submitted for write-in certification gets censored.

    The company debates have already featured Electors and candidates on weekly Facebook live shows that will continue through first Tuesday of November.

    Look at the 215-member executive, two businesses, two Caucuses and the International Parliament Cabinet, and pick any seat as one of 3900+ Electors, as we continue the debates, expansion on new names and both the insiders and outsiders, the write-ins and ballot qualified, discuss and vote on Unity Platform items through December 31st 2022.

    We’re signing up Electors in all 50 States on the new pure proportional representation (PPR) Electoral College by James O. Ogle “joogle”.

  2. So far no Democratic Party candidates have been listed in contention with Honorable Gavin Newsom [Democratic] on internal CADEM voting and only his name is listed for whom the members will vote.

    They completed all the Assembly and Senate votes, one vote and one winner, as far as we can tell it’s a one-party voting system.

    The new United Coalition USA, the Conservative Liberal 1Libertarian Caucus, we’re conducting conferences with write-in and ballot qualified, insiders and outsiders, three debates this week including a presentation at the Irish Caucus of the Democratic Party where Malia Cohen for Controller, two Insurance Commissioner candidates, mysefd and others will speak via Zoom.

  3. What does jewgle the turd do for a living? Ad revenue from the fantasy politics spam sites he spends almost all his time spamming out. So jewgle the punk bitch commie turd is not just a troll, moron, nutjob piece of shiite. He’s also a full time professional commercial spammer.

    Jewgle the turd punk bitch commie also has a useless hobby where he moves dirty p00p from his sharts across toilet paper or casts it in bronze. But by his own admission he gets no money for this, so it has nothing to do with what he does for a living.

    Like all the incorrect math he has spent decades spreading for pay, the sharts and j1zz he spreads for free mean nothing. He has no case against his fellow California commies at Google and he knows it, which is why he has not sued them. They probably have a good defamation / slander case against him, but he’s too insignificant, and they probably don’t want to give him the unearned publicity.

    He sounds gay when he talks but I heard he had sexual relations with the ugly nigress Tiffany Briscoe and masturbates himself while thinking about Roseanne Barr.

    This is what it must be like if Jewgle the turd ever comes home to visit family in Alabama:

    James Orlando Ogle Sr. Is probably rolling over in his grave because of this punk commie bitch spammer turd carrying his name.

  4. The live video feed in my last comment worked really well. We’ll do that next week too, I’ll try to post the link, after the Facebook Live candidate conference.

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