Missouri Bill to Require Huge Super-Majority for Initiatives to Pass

On February 28, the Missouri House Rules Committee passed HJR 70. It says that initiatives can’t pass unless a majority of all registered voters vote for it. Because in all elections, a large number of registered voters do not vote, this would effectively require initiatives to poll 70% of the vote in midterm years, and 60% in presidential years. Thanks to Ken Bush for this news.


Missouri Bill to Require Huge Super-Majority for Initiatives to Pass — 2 Comments

  1. Proposed MO state const amdt ???

    MO legislature –

    1 of the 50 State ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander oligarchies in the USA.


  2. We are entering an AGE where no opposition and no free speech or assembly is allowed. Unless you are a democrat or republican you will find it impossible to get on the ballot. We went through this in the 1960’s when the SYSTEM wanted all resistance and opposition to it eliminated and did it through assassination and imprisonment, i.e., George Lincoln Rockwell, Malcolm X, Kennedy(s), Black Power groups, SDS, etc.

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