Some Utah Democratic Leaders Want the Democratic Party to Run No One for U.S. Senate in Utah in 2022

According to this story, some high-level Democrats in Utah don’t want the Democratic Party to run its own nominee for U.S. Senate this year. They support independent candidate Evan McMullin.


Some Utah Democratic Leaders Want the Democratic Party to Run No One for U.S. Senate in Utah in 2022 — 20 Comments

  1. What did she do that’s communist? Build a wall with armed guards to keep people from escaping the city? Made thousands of dissenters disappear into a secret prison? Seize all private businesses and make them city property? Shut down all the churches? Any specific allegations?

  2. She is seizing property. She supports commie organizations like the money laundering BLM and lets them freely march the streeys, but conservative groups are not allowed the same. She wants taxes sky high.

  3. I heard she tortures conservatives held in secret prisons until they confess, puts them up on show trials, then stages public executions and sends the bill to their families.

  4. Only troll morons are too moron stupid to detect that Putin is much more EVIl dangerous than Hitler in WW II 1939-1945 since Putin has lots of nukes and other WMD –

    to make threats on all nations not having such nukes / WMD.

    Even Hitler with his nerve gas WMD did NOT use it – esp on the USSR hoards on the Eastern Front — since he was informed in plain German that the USA/UK would use their poison gases as in rainstorms on Germany if Hitler used his nerve gas.

    Too many troll morons to count who love killer tyrants.

  5. How would this work? There’s a Kael Welton running that does not believe in stepping aside for McMullin. Can the Utah Democratic Party put NOTA on the primary ballot?

  6. “She is seizing property.” Republicans do this too. Eminent domain has been used by politicians of all political persuasions for centuries.

    “She supports commie organizations like the money laundering BLM”… BLM the organization is indeed a left-leaning organization that works to elect left politicians. The people that are donating to this organization (unknowingly supporting a leftist organization) and people that support the movement (not the organization – they’re two different things) are not leftists. They see racial inequality in government systems and want it to end. Unfortunately some nefarious people have co-opted the BLM name are using it for advancing leftist goals… so not all people that support BLM support leftists, in fact most have no idea that they’re giving money to a leftist group, they think it’s a civil liberties group.

    But you should ask yourself why the BLM organization selects some candidates in primaries, but not others? Could it be because a lot of people in the Democratic Party aren’t in-line with their preferred worldview? Meaning the entire party isn’t communist? The BLM organization is actually in fact left-nationalist not communist…. But that’s really a matter of some minor economic differences between communism and left-nationalism. SJW’s are left-nationalists…. So is China.

    For example China (and US left-nationalist) do not advocate for a complete abolition of markets with government instead rationing out goods according to their arbitrary decisions. Instead they favor a fairly free voluntarily exchange of goods in markets with collective ownership of the producers, but voluntary purchase of the goods available. Genuine communist don’t have a currency, because there’s no need for one when the government gives everybody the same stuff.

    The economic spectrum is far more nuanced than you think it is. It’s not A or B but a far more organic, subtle gradual shift from capitalism to mixed-markets to socialism to communism.

  7. It’s not as subtle as you think. Commies have never achieved their stated end goals like abolishing money. Even north Korea has money. Instead, they pose as every flavor of liberal and leftist in order to move things along in their direction under the idea that it’s progress. They don’t say progress towards what. It’s progress towards totalitarian communism, but they don’t usually say that part out loud, except when they do

  8. Staging fights among different factions of the left is just a game. In countries which they don’t yet control they try to make their moderate pretenders look reasonable by flanking them with more extreme vanguards which can’t win but expand the conversation as to what ideas to consider next. In countries where they take power they have token controlled opposition parties to maintain the pretense of democratic rule for propaganda purposes. Don’t be fooled, it’s all the same communist crap and all in the service of Satan.

  9. 1st devil commie ??? —
    Cain — evil murderous jealous of Abel and his property ???

    See more property seizing – Biden/west re Russian oligarch [Putin gang] property.

    More excuse for Putin – more property seizure in Ukraine.

  10. Nominal ownership of property isn’t even the real point of communism in practice, absolute dictatorship is. The rhetoric of communism is just a lying sales pitch. Look at China. There is now plenty of capitalism, but the party is still completely in charge. All dissenters are crushed, including any capitalists who get out of line in any way. That’s what communist revolution produces in the end. Everything else is just lies to get people to make their own chains and cages.

  11. The garbage comment on March 9, 2022 at 4:32am is from Robert K Stock.

  12. It was not me. I NEVER use a pseudonym. When I comment I use my real name.

  13. Burn Loot Murder can, should and will go to hell. But they need to be rounded up and burned on earth before that.

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