Some Idaho Republicans Organize a Scheme to Infiltrate Kootenai County Democratic Party

According to this story, some Idaho Republicans have been working on a scheme to have Republicans change their registration to “Democratic”, and run for seats on the Democratic Party County Committee in Kootenai County.


Some Idaho Republicans Organize a Scheme to Infiltrate Kootenai County Democratic Party — 7 Comments

  1. The fact that’s even a threat tells you how bad the weakness is of Democratic Party grassroots organization. The Democratic Party in my county this year, no one registered for precinct committee member slots so if a half dozen or so people wanted to do entryism and hijack the county party they could, and they only had 4 people register to be Delegates at their State Convention, 1 of whom is the Chair. The party has literally died in rural counties. Rural weakness of the party in elections has been noticed but no one covers how nothing the underlying party organization has become.

  2. In reality, all parties are is a ballot line. That being said, these people must be really bored. I’m finding it hard to believe this county D party is much of a threat to begin with, so what is the motivation? These people don’t realize Rs and Ds give each other money all the time in efforts to keep people the likes of Bernie Sanders acolytes out of office. They’re ALREADY ON THE SAME TEAM YOU RIGHT WING MORONS!!! DEMOCRATS ARE NOT COMMUNISTS!!! COMMUNISTS ARE COMMUNISTS!!! That’s why actual communists are spending their time trying to establish their own ballot lines. Do you not read this blog? Waste of your time and breaking the law doing it, way to go idiots.

  3. County parties do matter as far as power, nominating local candidates, interacting with state-level candidates, get out the vote, it’s just those are things that the media never covers. I’d love to get a hand on the info for the Democrats’ organizing conventions and numbers to understand how bad a shape they’re in. A lot of these are organizations that practically only exist on paper and are more synonymous with a third party-level enterprise.

  4. What entryism looks like/leads to:

    The Indianapolis area Libertarian Party 10 or so years ago had 15 or so hard left individuals enter their nominating convention, pay dues to become bona fide members, there were more of them than there were the real Libertarians, then proceeded to nominate all their hard left individuals for local office. After that point, Libertarians changed their bylaws of to vote you had to be a paying dues member about a month prior. That’s a localized example of why open primaries are stupid.

  5. The GOP already has some experience with this; for the past several years they’ve been doing this to the Libertarian Party through the Mises PAC (the call themselves a “caucus” but are in fact a PAC OWNED by someone). This is how there is a Hitler apologist running for NH Governor and their “chairman” nominated a convicted pedophile for PA governor just last week. Luckily he was forced to back out, not because he was a pedophile but because he didn’t meet the residency requirement. They have also pushed for control of internal party national offices.

  6. ^ I heard that about a week ago from a high-level Libertarian individual in-person. When asked to describe the Mises Caucus, they were divided into 3 groups: a group that does not believe in decorum at all and believe you should be an obnoxious asshole, a group that do truly believe in what the Mises Caucus states/Ron Paul adherents, and then some are just Republican operatives that are looking to ensure the Republicans that left the party because they hated Trump have nowhere else to go.

    Probably going too conspiracy here, but wouldn’t surprise me if similar individuals are as Socratic Gadfly puts it “stanning” for the Democrats in the Greens, MPP, etc.

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