Alan Keyes Will Speak at Constitution Party National Committee Meeting in April

The Constitution Party has a national committee meeting in Erie, Pennsylvania, on April 29-30. Alan Keyes is the speaker for the Friday evening session. This is somewhat surprising, because Alan Keyes and the Constitution Party parted ways in 2008. Keyes had sought the party’s presidential nomination in 2008, but after he was defeated at the convention by Chuck Baldwin, his supporters left the meeting and then organized their own party, America’s Independent Party. The new party then nominated Keyes. The California unit of the Constitution Party disaffiliated from the Constitution Party and became the only ballot-qualified party that nominated Keyes.

See the announcement here, at the party’s national website.

The American Independent Party in California had two rival state conventions in 2008, and the faction loyal to the Constitution Party had a bigger attendance of state central committee members than the other faction did. But California Secretary of State Debra Bowen recognized the Keyes faction anyway, and since then the California AIP has never nominated the Constitution Party’s presidential nominee.


Alan Keyes Will Speak at Constitution Party National Committee Meeting in April — 24 Comments

  1. The person who made that site, and recently passed away, claimed that he had a video of Chelene Nightingale doing things to a horse.

  2. The person who made that site is Don Gruntman who is as far as I know still alive and was on the same side as nightingale. Markham Robinson claimed that nightingale starred in plumpers pornography and was on the side of Keyes. He recently passed away. The person who claimed that there was horse porn remained anonymous and may have been Davi Rodrigues,who had earlier been involved in the anti immigration group Save Our State with nightingale.

  3. Interesting that they would have somebody speak at their national meeting who royally screwed them over in 2008.

  4. Alan Keyes rightfully lost the Constitution Party’s presidential nomination because he was bad on a few issues which were not inline with the Constitution Party’s platform, namely he supported the war in Iraq, the Patriot Act, and the United Nations. The Constitution Party rightfully chose Chuck Baldwin over him, but a rogue element in their California affiliate, the American Independent Party, put Keyes on the ballot instead of Baldwin, and this is what led to their California affiliate disaffiliating with the Constitution Party, and the Constitution Party has not had ballot access in California since.

    Chelene Nightengale ran an active campaign as the American Independent Party’s candidate for Governor in 2010, but since then the American Independent Party has turned into a do nothing joke.

  5. That is not true at all. The American Independent Party has existed since 1968, whereas the Us Taxpayers Party later renamed Constitution Party existed since 1992. Between 1992 and 2004 the AIP nominated the presidential candidates of the Constitution Party but since 2008 they have gone their own way again. They remain the third biggest party in California and the 4th biggest is not close.

    A rogue faction of the AIP tried to nominate the Constitution Party presidential candidate on the ballot, but they did not follow California law and the courts ruled against them every step of the way. They also failed to complete a petition or registration drive to qualify either the candidates or party for the ballot. They have failed to qualify their candidates or party in all the years since.

    Charlene nightingale did plumper porn and probably also did the horse porn. However for unknown reasons whoever had the tapes never released them. Not on August 9, 2010 as promised and not in all the years since. If as alleged it was Markham Robinson he probably took the tapes to his grave. If it was Davi Rodriguez maybe he will still release them or maybe not. One thing for sure, a horse is a horse, of course, of course.

  6. The national constitution party appears to finally have realized the mistake they made in 2008, and seem poised to nominate Ambassador Keyes for President in 2024. Maybe the AIP would consider conomination again. Maybe they will conominate with the GOP like in 2016. Maybe they will go their own way like they have in other years.

  7. Correction, the horse porn tapes have not yet been released, but the plumper porn tapes were.

  8. The 2008 lawsuit between the two factions in California turned on the technicality that the plaintiffs (who were loyal to the Constitution Party’s national nominee Chuck Baldwin) failed to serve papers on Alan Keyes to let him know about the lawsuit. The judge ruled that Alan Keyes was a real party in interest and should have been brought into the case. The judge dismissed the case for that reason alone. The merits were never adjudicated.

  9. The law requiring parties to meet in Sacramento County was struck down, along with many other election laws, in the US Supreme Court decision Eu v San Francisco County Democratic Committee, in 1989. That was a unanimous opinion.

  10. Who in CA is attacking the minority rule gerrymanders – esp for CA legis and USA Reps ???

  11. I like Alan Keyes. I look forward to seeing him as the Constitution Party and American Independent Presidential candidate in 2024.

  12. I would prefer to see a Trump-Keyes ticket to be jointly nominated by the Republican, Libertarian, Constitution and AIP parties. Let’s Go Brandon!

  13. She will be cast down in the lake of fire, like all who rebel against God’s plan of one man, one woman, married for life, and all the children God allows them to produce and raise.

  14. Richard Winger,

    The law requiring meetings in Sacramento was not struck down.
    The issue was what was included in Sacramento. It was may view that Sacramento included the County of Sacramento when we held the 2006 Convention of the AIP in Sacramento County and not in the City of Sacramento. That view won out in court in 2008. I was the convention chair in 2008 and overruled Don Grundmann on that point. Grundmann then walked out of the convention.

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